
9:13 pm – I M / M.I 5… M I 6 –

9:13 pm

I M / M.I 5… M I 6

I welcome my 15 41 Facebook Friend
John Smith.

J S.

Stephen Johnson S J.

Two men.

John Smith who loved and was befriended and saved Pochauntis.

*”Interactions with the colonists
John Smith

Pocahontas saves the life of John Smith in this chromolithograph, credited to the New England Chromo. Lith. Company around 1870. The scene is idealized; there are no mountains in Tidewater Virginia, for example, and the Powhatans lived in thatched houses rather than tipis.
Pocahontas is most famously linked to colonist Captain John Smith, who arrived in Virginia with 100 other settlers in April 1607 where they built a fort on a marshy peninsula on the James River. The colonists had numerous encounters over the next several months with the people of Tsenacommacah—some of them friendly, some hostile. A hunting party led by Powhatan’s close relative Opechancanough then captured Smith in December 1607 while he was exploring on the Chickahominy River and brought him to Powhatan’s capital at Werowocomoco. In his 1608 account, Smith describes a great feast followed by a long talk with Powhatan. He does not mention Pocahontas in relation to his capture, and claims that they first met some months later.[22] [23] Margaret Huber suggests that Powhatan was attempting to bring Smith and the other colonists under his own authority. He offered Smith rule of the town of Capahosic, which was close to his capital at Werowocomoco, as he hoped to keep Smith and his men “nearby and better under control”.[24]

In 1616, Smith wrote a letter to Queen Anne of Denmark in anticipation of Pocahontas’s visit to England. In this new account, his capture included the threat of his own death: “at the minute of my execution, she hazarded the beating out of her own brains to save mine; and not only that but so prevailed with her father, that I was safely conducted to Jamestown.”[9] He expanded on this in his 1624 Generall Historie, published long after the death of Pocahontas. He explained that he was captured and taken to the paramount chief where “two great stones were brought before Powhatan: then as many as could layd hands on him [Smith], dragged him to them, and thereon laid his head, and being ready with their clubs, to beate out his braines, Pocahontas the Kings dearest daughter, when no intreaty could prevaile, got his head in her armes, and laid her owne upon his to save him from death.”[25]

Karen Ordahl Kupperman suggests that Smith used such details to embroider his first account, thus producing a more dramatic second account of his encounter with Pocahontas as a heroine worthy of Queen Anne’s audience. She argues that its later revision and publication was Smith’s attempt to raise his own stock and reputation, as he had fallen from favor with the London Company which had funded the Jamestown enterprise.[26] Anthropologist Frederic W. Gleach suggests that Smith’s second account was substantially accurate but represents his misunderstanding of a three-stage ritual intended to adopt him into the confederacy,[27][28] but not all writers are convinced, some suggesting the absence of certain corroborating evidence.[6]

Early histories did establish that Pocahontas befriended Smith and the Jamestown colony. She often went to the settlement and played games with the boys there.[16] When the colonists were starving, “every once in four or five days, Pocahontas with her attendants brought him [Smith] so much provision that saved many of their lives that else for all this had starved with hunger.”[29] As the colonists expanded their settlement, the Powhatans felt that their lands were threatened, and conflicts arose again. In late 1609, an injury from a gunpowder explosion forced Smith to return to England for medical care, and the colonists told the Powhatans that he was dead. Pocahontas believed that account and stopped visiting Jamestown, but she learned that he was living in England when she traveled there with her husband John Rolfe.[30]”

I thought we might get that out of the way considering Liberty C Liscombs’ connection with the True American Indian Spirit World.
and Alica Norris.

She marries John Rolf. J R.

But saved John Smith

Now leaving Human stories out of this,

John means *”The name John is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan, meaning “graced by God.” Origin: John is a biblical name, first appearing in its Hebrew form in the Old Testament. The New Testament, which was written in Greek, adapted the Hebrew name Yohanan as Ioannes, later Johannes in Late Latin, which then became John in English.”

Smith means *”Derived from the Anglo-Saxon smitan, meaning “to smite or strike,” Smith and its derivations are an occupational name for a man who works with metal (smith or blacksmith), one of the earliest jobs for which specialist skills were required”

Woden Thor Amadioha… Thunder Lightening… Imagine Dragons.
Game of thrones.

The Fellowship of The Ring.

J R R Tolkien.

Unified Field O-Of the Full Circle.

Now that makes more sense.

As for John Rolfe.

Rolfe/ E.FL.O R FL-OO R .E.

*”The uncommon English surname Rolfe derives ultimately from the Old Scandinavian and Germanic pre 5th century personal name “Hrodwulf”. This was composed of the elements “hrod”, meaning “renown”, and “wulf”, a wolf.”

3 wolves in the table place by Jae Sherman.

Wolf coverings from here from Benjamin C Kra-jew-ski
Two Wolves undercover and one added called M-Ritz,

And of course, my birthday aligned in the Celtic Book of Magic from Michelle Lobsiger at 57th street and 33rd street- showing me that I was born on the day of the Wolf.
And my Sister day of the Winner.

11-28- 67-8-9 etc

7-11 11 – 66- 74 8 9 ETC..I

15 41 Facebook Friends.

Sacred Portal 41 “Elegguah and Elu- The Child of two Male Twins
A Story Ellegua as Energy and its Expression Elu. “The one Elected Chosen”
Eluwa Amara
By Eternal Law as A being E.

9:35 pm.

I C E.

N- I C E.

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