
7:19 pm. – Well, The Internet s

7:19 pm.

Well, The Internet shut off again.

So yes, again an entire post was lost.

And yes Jae Sherman is here.
But as I said, I am aware that it is not here.

But I felt the threat, I am not saying it is her with intention/

7:21 pm.


But Arden line is here.

I saved it having that feeling as S-he walked by again in and out, I would say that it’s more a frequency one carries around.
And Power.
Arden Nnamdi.

I was just about to post it, after saving it twice, then I took a risk to copy something, and in that space Gap- it was lost.

Oh, it is easy to rewrite.

It simply traced the Youth Movement from the twenties from the Jazz Age. J A.
In the west with all these writers following the music of the age.

And my own codes of symmetry.

It began basically with
ARDEN= 42.

GEMINO = 63.

Meaning of Existence as Being Doing.

Room 4B, I was there twice.
And numerically it equates to
I was on Bed 4-016- 4-16 D P.

* David Powers whom I met and recognized.

And David Dawn was on bed 4-017 4 17.

In 2016-2017.
And then again in End same room 4 B and bed 4-018/4:019.

And 63 is the year that William Brad Pitt was born.
age code 57.

* Justice League 5-7-2021.

Year of Birth. Y.O B/ B O Y.

Angelina Jolie A.J/ J A. E.

Basically The meaning of Existence.
is 4-016. 4-017.
4-20/19 was Francis Fritz Bed.

So, that is Room 4B twice.
which is 84
And the year of birth of my latest Facebook Friend, as well as Stephen’s -Esteban Miquiel Filgueria EMF=24 Numerically.
He took me from that room 4B bed 4-019/18 and I was brought here.

42/42 Meaning of Existence Forwards Backwards.
or as One. 42.42= 1 + 84- 85.

ARDEN= 42. Yes- Meaning of Existence

*meaning:” Ikemefuna is an Igbo name for boys meaning My strength is not in vain.”

Awakening in strength is not in Vain.

So Being and Doing twice for two different purposes.
D-P D-17.
And D18.19… 4-20. Mary Jane.
Mae West.

so 42 42 is 85
But also Being Doing x 2= 42=6 42=6.
6/6=1. 66.

NZ 46 46 67 B * My British Social Security Card.
/ B 76 64 64 Z N.

64th Move.
Liberty C Liscomb was born in 1976. Year of Birth. YOB/BOY.

So 42 4th being at Delta 4 and 2 is 2=B=Being= 2 Beings in One.

42+ Gemino- Genini Two Bengs in one.

F C. First Contact, Fill Circle Fact Consciousness. “Ferrell CEE”
Sixth Sense – Fact ( 4+2= 6- Letter F).
C Speed of Light, 3rd Planet from the Sun. Earth.

* David Powers Tag is Earth.

42+63= 105.

* 105 WILT. Shire Bay,
tel 24 7 25 39.
Winnipeg Canada,
Winsdor Park.
Winnipeg Manitoba ( Man I TO.BA BA is 21. 2020= 1. 20 in 1,)
1975 when I wrote the story of the destruction of this reality age 7-8 going by Birth code 8pm 11-28: Year of Birth. BOY.
Age 7-8.


Gemino= 63.

= 130.

Sacred Portal 147 A B with twice the code 17, 17 on it.

147- 130= 17.

Arden’s age when I left on that date above of the starting of this Post again.

7:33 pm right now- and you can see why.

Nnamdi left age 13 On literally the time he had been born.

8:00 pm.

Making that a Full Circle and a Day.

My story was a book with Illustrations and I handed it to my 4th Grade substitute teacher and my Aunt Theresa “Ijeoma Aiesha” who took it back to the States.
It wrote as I have often stated about the Destruction via Death and Devastation of this realm and it is replaced with the Beautiful Truth- the original blueprint restored.

8:04 pm.
8O4 “HOD”

Oh yes, My first bed was room 5B which I arrived at the first day I entered Delta Manor, Mental Health Shelter.
Bed 5-019.
Which was the telephone first telephone number Liberty arranged for me. 860 804 5019.

* And yes, I had 107.00 uSd and then 117.00 USD in my Perry Ellis Wallet, then 93.00 USD and right now there is 86.00 USD.

See sacred Portal 86.

I knew as far back as an 8-year BOY, that there was only one way that this planet would ever come into Harmony Perfection by their own free will and choice.
And that was by they themselves attaining the Frequency Conscious F C of the Twins
Gemino- Gemini
42= 6.
63= 9.
15 15. E A-EA.
Meme Chose.

O O=1= A.
66=1 A.

Arden Victor.
Aurelia Victoria.
Emeka -A Victious Light.

And Finally
Alexa Vertefeuille.


It is not Age.
It is AG. E. K. E=A.

Quatum E.

Only by Seeing and Ceeing- rising to that frequency and Seeing Ceeing for them selves as theey rose and so Instant Manifestaion, how would anything really change.

If they could see themselves more and more as C.GI.Animated characters- and that thier reality is a Machine a Dieu- “Microsoft- Stephen Johnson.

“Confirmed This world is a Universal Simulation.
We should have listened to Elon!” Musk – E.M.- M Y.

EM F- My Youth.

Intel from Laura Walsh.

The Music- Saint Cecilia.

Youth Movement.

Jazz Age.

*”Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was an American novelist, essayist, screenwriter, and short story writer. He was best known for his novels depicting the flamboyance and excess of the Jazz Age—a term which he popularized. Wikipedia
Born: September 24, 1896, Saint Paul, MN
Died: December 21, 1940, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Spouse: Zelda Fitzgerald (m. 1920–1940)
Short stories”

Jazz Movement
Afro Black Musicians.

James Dean.

Rebell with a Cause.

*”James Byron Dean (February 8, 1931 – September 30, 1955) was an American actor. He is remembered as a cultural icon of teenage disillusionment and social estrangement, as expressed in the title of his most celebrated film, Rebel Without a Cause (1955), in which he starred as troubled teenager Jim Stark.”

9-30-1955 died. I C.O.. S E E.

J D -played Jim Stark.
J S.

Iron Man.
Tony Stark. T S- 20 19= 39 C.I.

Chukwemeka Ikemefuna.

*”A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead, he builds an armored suit and upends his captors. Returning to America, Stark refines the suit and uses it to combat crime and terrorism.
Release date: May 2, 2008 (USA)
Director: Jon Favreau
Produced by: Avi Arad; Kevin Feige
Production company: Marvel Studios”

Robert Downey Jr.
R D.
900 South Road.

*Daniel Jacob Radcliffe is an English actor, best known for playing Harry Potter in the Harry Potter film series during his adolescence and early adulthood. Wikipedia
Born: July 23, 1989 (age 31 years), Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Height: 5? 5?

Harry Potter.
Poverty Hollow -900 South RD.
Perfection Harmony.
8-16-1984 * Stephan Esteban Miguel Filgueria. S-EMF.

* of there is a scene in the last and I would conclude the completion of the Ages of Man in the west as Beautiful Youth moving Evlution as the Music of the Age and the Writers – Beaut Poets.

So yes, next is Dr Albert Hoffman.

AH, The Element of surprise.
“123 Ah!”
E-Kim- A.H!


Doctor Love,
Professor of Beauty-
Luke Simons Internet Article about me which caught the attention of my aunt Pricisllia in Chicago “Cecelia Theresa Priscilla- Queen of the Dessert
Guy Pearce in DR.AG.-ON.E”

Luke Simon.
Me in the 4th dimension astral plane spirit realm of Mind Thought- Human Imagination Thought, since 25 Green street Soho “The Green House with Sue. Susan Train*
Green is the 4th Color,
The note of FA!
Delta- Dawn the song.

L S D.
Delic Spencer arrived when I was there.

I am at 15 43 Facebook Friends.

Dr. AH. A.I. K A.I.

*” Hofmann first synthesized LSD on 16 November 1938.[8] The main intention of the synthesis was to obtain a respiratory and circulatory stimulant (analeptic) with no effects on the uterus in analogy to nikethamide (which is also a diethylamide) by introducing this functional group to lysergic acid. It was set aside for five years, until 16 April 1943, when Hofmann decided to reexamine it. While re-synthesizing LSD, he accidentally absorbed a small amount of the drug through his fingertips and discovered its powerful effects.[9] ”

And he describes the effects.

*”… affected by a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated[-]like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away.[10]

Three days later, on 19 April 1943, Hofmann intentionally ingested 250 micrograms of LSD. This day is now known as “Bicycle Day”, because he began to feel the effects of the drug as he rode home on a bike. This was the first intentional LSD trip”

Breaking out of the Dr.ag-On Fly reality-

And then we have the Beat Generation

Beat Poets.
Beat Generation.

*”The Beat Generation was a literary movement started by a group of authors whose work explored and influenced American culture and politics in the post-war era. The bulk of their work was published and popularized throughout the 1950s. The central elements of Beat culture are the rejection of standard narrative values, making a spiritual quest, the exploration of American and Eastern religions, the rejection of economic materialism, explicit portrayals of the human condition, experimentation with psychedelic drugs, and sexual liberation and exploration.[1][2]

Allen Ginsberg’s Howl (1956), William S. Burroughs’ Naked Lunch (1959), and Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (1957) are among the best-known examples of Beat literature.[3] Both Howl and Naked Lunch were the focus of obscenity trials that ultimately helped to liberalize publishing in the United States.[4][5] The members of the Beat Generation developed a reputation as new bohemian hedonists, who celebrated non-conformity and spontaneous creativity.

The core group of Beat Generation authors — Herbert Huncke, Ginsberg, Burroughs, Lucien Carr, and Kerouac — met in 1944 in and around the Columbia University campus in New York City. Later, in the mid-1950s, the central figures, with the exception of Burroughs and Carr, ended up together in San Francisco, where they met and became friends of figures associated with the San Francisco Renaissance.

In the 1960s, elements of the expanding Beat movement were incorporated into the hippie and larger counterculture movements. Neal Cassady, as the driver for Ken Kesey’s bus Furthur, was the primary bridge between these two generations. Ginsberg’s work also became an integral element of early 1960s hippie culture.”

** Yes, a lot to read perhaps, but if I can align, weave and research it and then post it for your enlightenment, you can make the little effort to at least read it.

I gain nothing, I already know all these.

Arden is 17 and he is E.
E.K.= 5 11= 16.
I met him at age 16 and my code age 51.
51+16= 67.
NZ 67 67 46 B

Aurelia 2 Autumn = Arden.
Ferrel Gimino. F G.

Gregory Frank the two I first met at West Virginia, 35th state when we went to see Sabrina Erabella Dylan. S E.D.

Gregory “Peck” Frank “Incensed”
G F. 76.

And so, I then moved to
Generation X Gardens.
while still in the Beat Generation.
Generate the Beat.
Generate the X-Factor.

268 East 4th Street.
A Garden decorated with Super Heroes.
And a Brown Tall slim made of clay, on top of a world Globe blowing a Counch of the Awakening.
Blue Rhino Horn of Africa.

I arrived, to Alberts fear and question as to me ( sly bastard) as to why two days or a day before it had fallen and broken)
He had replaced it with his own Face.
Just as Joseph Carey is the one I was led to give hold my wooden mask of what I knew was Nnamdi’s Face, I had placed over the Fireplace in Kew Gardens- Go Antiques.
Where I had the Clear Vision of seeing the Demon Rising and their Demon Lord rising from Human C.G.I Anime.

Then we move from there 26-8-2006. 26 Z.

To a New movement.
A new VOI “Voi” ( Way- YA Way!)
Village Voice.
Beat Generation to Evolution
Images, Imagine” John Lennon.
to Justice League
8 Episodes – the Last is called The End.

And it completes in my watching the story, I did not even realize existed of Allan Ginsberg who I met in Paris 1993.

* And yes, I spent the 93.00 usd last night bought some papers and toilet roll x 2 for the house
its the raw papers which made me have to go out.
leaving me with 86.00 USD.


9:01 pm Right now.


There is a scene, 1;28:28 mins into the film of Kill Your Darlings/ D.Y K.
when the confirmation of Stephen Johnson as line of the Chief Justice is confirmed.

R.J Spencer.
District Attorney.
O R. J S.
D A.
Devils Advocate.

AG Attorney General.

Robert F Kennedy.”

Angela Fors.

Angela means *”The origin of the name is Latin and its background is Christian. It is derived from the Greek word ángelos (???????), meaning angel or “messenger of God”.

Messenger of God,
M G. 13 17 * yes the two boys with Jerseys 13 and 7 at the Fair.

M O G.

M F.G./

G F M… Band.
Gregory Frank.
See meaning.
Alert Watchers Observers- Free Man- Free Persons.

Fors means *Fors Name Meaning. Swedish: ornamental name from Swedish fors ‘waterfall”

Sacred Portal 5.
Brooke Shields. B S. 2 19 South Whitney.

*The Ford surname is generally believed to have originated as a name bestowed on someone who lived near a ford or river crossing, from the Old English ford, meaning “pass or crossing.”

Yes, Arden and his 4 direction smoke gift- coded here as the Crossing, and less than a month later my Mother crosses over.


It is Ford Perfection F 111 F C.
not Ford Prefect in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

DR Daniel Radliff Death Ray SP 49.

DR OF. DR AH Ozone Flyer.
F O-=6O… J S S Lang. 900 South Road.

9:17 pm,

Beat Poets.

* Yes, me organizing with Joe Carey’s help at the Bowrey Poetry Cafe.

Beat Poets.
B P.

Beat Generation.A.H.. A.I. X Y Z

9:19 pm.

I S.

There is one more definition of that name Fors which has been perverted from the story folklore of the little Dutch Boy ( D B) who puts his finger into the dam to stop it from bursting and causing a great flood.

To the meaning of a Butch woman lesbian.

*”The ancient and distinguished surname Fors is of Old English origin. It is derived from “fosseg,” meaning “dweller by the low-lying land near a dyke.”

It actually means Valley.
See Psalm 23.
And the meaning of the name Arden.

So in conlcusion, one can see what the E Beautiful Youth.
I B Y. want, yearn for.

It is obvious Justice Equality.

J E. 105 Wiltshire Bay.
And Vegeance.
A V.

And now add Eternal Revenge.


I represent the Beautiful Devils as the Head of the Family of Beautiful Youth.

B R I E. F

C A S E… E.K. I K. / 911.

WAR the Adult Usurpers are no more.

9:28 pm.

I B H.
I B I.

Year of Birth.
8 pm 6.

Infinite Harmony.
of 6th Sense

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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