
2:19 pm. – 2:20 pm right now. – 5

2:19 pm.
2:20 pm right now.


Poverty & Hollow.
P H.

16 8= 88 8= 24 E.M.F.
P I.= 16 9= 25. Y

Horseshoe Hill.
II. 99= 9.
II= I.

900 South Road.
576 Horseshoe Hill.

900+576 = 1476 Sacred Portal 14- Sacred Portal 76. AD-GF Arden Delta David- Guide Father.

1+4=5. E 7+6= 13. M.
Elon Musk.
E M- M.E. / SP 55 “EMME”
5+13= 18 R. Robert. Reflection.
1+8 A.H.!
Delta 8 THC. E.
@ I at 900 South Road is the merging of Past to Present. I went to the correct Portal and Arden I was already there and still IS.

The numeric codes above of the Time of this post and the date speak for themselves.
And confirm why my body ( Muscle Memory) and my Thoughts ( Same thing) would not allow me to Rest and Repose as being what I truly crave.

The words “END and ENDS” were literally projected like an engraving in my Thoughts.

And then I felt myself being moved to my annoyance to summarize my experience here with Kim and Jae.

I was irritated because my Being grumbled that the END of this had been promised over and over again.
But despite myself, I found myself making an honest evaluation of my Time here with that which Kim represents and Jae.
220 Is V.
And that last money code is given to me by Stephan Esteban Miguel Filgueria before Jae moved here.
It was in the middle room with the words “Magical Portal” written on the side door which faces the living room which no one uses.

5:19 is of course my first bed at Delta Manor.

Delta 8 THC.
D.I.T. H.C.

Its 2:30 pm right now.
Susanta Nayak sent me a message yesterday from India.

It arrived to me yesterday at 1:45 am. A: DE.
of course, it did not take a genius to figure out the time code is A R D E N.
Ade means “Crowned” in Yoruba.
as does the name Esteban- Stephan.

He sent it with an image of the Human evolution from its animal nature as black dreadlocked figures from crouching to standing up and moving to a portal. There are 3 Figures C.

I then checked a moment ago and to see that the Time Stamp was 5-1- 6:12.
Yes Arden and the and I = E-A.
At the top of my page the code 1 19. A S.
It has now moved to 20 T.

Susanta means “Boy. Origin: Indian. Susanta Meaning: “Peace; Clever; Seeker of God; Peaceful”.

Nayak means *”user from India says the name Nayak is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin and means “Literally a Hero”.
as well as Chief, Leader… The Guide”

For the past few days- I keep on hearing the Expressions from Arden kept coming back to me, how my muscles would often go insane when he was around and he looking at me over his shoulder, indicating that he was fully aware.
The other was what he had said to me, so often- I can literally not only read what you are thinking, I know you so well, he actually would say with laughter and exasperation.
Did he know me that well?
And so he set out to prove it to me in a private play which took place in the house, which no one was aware of.
And did I Understand him that well?
It was a dance of sophistication- Clever- not even of Human Intelligence much less that of a 16 or 17-year-old.

I did not like his general play, it assumed that I would swallow, accept his rules.
It did not take my own Independent Existence into consideration.
But the private play- Dance was exceptional, beautiful, elegant, and not of any realm known to Man.
At times I was not sure any longer who was the elder- but then I was playing his son and he dispelled any notions of Age very quickly and frowned when I played that card- which I had to for the sake of the environment and setting we were in.

It kept on coming back to me that Arden IS muscle Memory. he is Thought and ESP and there not an iota of doubt in me about that.

But this play was his play.
I was literally the one still playing in his field.
And yes, I rebelled against it, and he knew it and I would often catch a slow smile on his face at my discomfort- but there was no malice, just that Blue Satan charcter- and he made his reasons and motives clear while keeping me in his play and realm.

It was hard, very hard for me, nor was he averse to lashing me- Flagellate.
Which you can imagine, how I wanted to respond- and to a play in which his Higher Self and Arden himself were in perfect. Harmony.

I knew that he did not like the play I was in, it was not his, but he was correcting it and aligning it back to his meaning and reasoning – which is where we aligned perfectly…

3:16 pm.
3 16 33.
Except for the role which every fibre of my being rebelled against.
No because I was not aware of his reasons but because I was the one playing the 51 years old (34-year-old) in a setting of this reality.
And doing what I was aware of as the work to Awaken him.
He did work too- nor was it easy for him either.
But my role of being the one playing the E-A was switched to “The Being the A-E and E-A.
Cleaning up the mess of ages to reach him…
3:22 pm.
C V.
Fahad Hassen.
It was too much of an insult to my being- the work, the confinement, it was so unfair, so wrong but in truth, there was nothing he could do- he too was being moved by the sum total of his past and he knew, I could resolve it, even in the confines of this role.
But I did not know that it would go this far, or that I would spend 8 almost 9 months still fighting to complete his own play so he would rise then, and only then would he rise.
And he is such a clever, sophisticated, and intelligent actor and Being.

Thought is Muscle- Muscle is Memory.
Frequency Light.
Silver Surfer.
No one in this reality could or would suspect that he was, is the candidate- The One.
And I the One Two. The One who is Two.

Or the sheer enormity of the task I was being compelled, forced into a narrow passage fro 20 years to compute, decode and make quietly manifest in a setup, and play- plan which had been so corrupted that the Characters in the play thought they were real.

And so, I knew who was invading my thoughts, moving through me and my Muscles.
He was not twisting them, it was the only way to untwist them was by his entering my Thoughts, which created the Stimuli to solve the next riddle.
All via a play of 6th Sense, ESP, and Memory.
And that is what has been waking me up for the last 32 years, that is what brought me to the USA- that only I had the mastery of Expression Communication which could find the Language Conscious words which could build common ground, a bridge, and a portal out of this Play Theater.
Find the words, organize them into a correct sequence to activate the collective and individual syntax which 7.9 Billion people could digest and absorb.

3:42 pm.

But there was one thing which had not been taken into consideration with the role thrust on me, it was not a question as to whether I could not it.
But rather the reason why I refused.

My Beautiful Pride was not taken into consideration and in that play with Arden, I had done that, especially taken into consideration his Beautiful pride, as well as the that Jeron to Leander.
I was also making a point- offering a mirror to remind him, them of that which is their own center of Existence- was also mine and that it originated from me.

I understood as I lay in bed, that I have been in a prison cell for the last 20 years. A large prison cell which seemed to others like I was Free and Freedom Liberty personifed- but I wasn’t each place I lived, was set up from the moment I was born into this world.
Every country I had lived or moved to had been set up in advance, right to 264 Brompton where Jay had recognized me instantly and treated me like…. well Father Guide Joy.
And to our being fired and my working in London Soho with Victor where I met Basil Isaacs who had just seen me from the street window and had come in and asked if I would be interested in going to Istanbul.

Tomorrow he had responded.

Basil Issacs.
B I ATE 001 Square waves.
I left to Istambul in late 1996- and then 1997
Liberty gave me that Square Waves Gift in 2020.
That was 24… 23 years ago.

10 usd bill * 8 29 88 007 from
Sharia Aallah.

It is on my desk and it is 2021.
that is 24-25 years ago.
Generation X Gardens 8-28-2006 @ 268 East 4th Street.
To Stephen Johnson at Arkansas. 25th State. Y.

Jae just gave me three Delta 8 THC. On a Golden sticker with a Lotus Flower. F L.
and the words 3 CHI.Com on it in Black.

Yesterday, S-HE had told me that she had a Vision of a Dark Green Truck and it had manifested and S-He was going to get it.
Then she told me that she had a vision of her and I in the Dark Green pick up going, Apple Picking.

I had paused.
First of all, I had made clear that after I got her Home that I would never see him again.
The job I had made clear was to make sure that she got home.
I had a vision that I came down to this dimension and from far away I had seen her on stage performing at the true festival of sharing ( Paylasmak)
I asked her again, what was the color of the truck.
“Dark Green”
D G. 4 7. +x = 11 28= 39 C I.

4:03 pm.
Ardens Telephone number 403…

Liberty and the Liscomb- Gemino-Lang family of 5 Youths Children and one Parent had invited me to the Orchard ( John Scott – Elf Prince- and Fritz Campell Vennieiq. John Scott was Loves Truth lived at Orchard Street and Fritz was Mowgli Jungle Book- my sister when on Facebook had taken his Facebook request. My sister had given Charles Toichukwu Umeano, my first cousin now living in New York the Jungle Book when he was born in 1986.
Fritz’s color was Dark Green.
He said that of all the people in the world he recognized everyone as having seen their aspect before but not mine.
His color was Dark Green- Rich Life. Natures Transformation.

I remembered that I had not gone apple picking with them- not with this body.
But I recalled that the apples and Golden Delicious.
GD as being a Favorite of Liberty – Arden…
And it was a Red Truck which is yes Fritz line of the first man as Arden but the red and light rose were John Scott who was with Kirsten Dunst ( K D/ D K. 4-11 Nathaniel Thomas Bywater) who had just played Mary Jane in the movie Spider-Man- Peter Parker.

I recall being momentarily angry with Jae- then pausing to take in the implication of what had taken place not only with something other than me, or the meddling of facebook of this Simulation editing my post-J A.Julian Assange- I was too tired to be shocked, perhaps awe- because I realized that Jae was just as I had started being used.
And that s-he had been hollowed out and that now as I had solved the riddles non stop, for over 5 months of an Innocent Nariccists as the cause of Evil, that by solving them, and making a choice from beginning to completion of bringing him home that the role given to her to represent, as the Hollow- had been transformed day by day for 5 months back from that one line of Purity back to a Soul refilling the entire body.

That it was a test… not really but a riddle that I was being challenged to solve once again 5 months of this…

The message in a Bottle.
Police Sting.
18 Mountain View.
Jonn Delguidce Blackwell.
Donna O Sullivan…
DUNE – Jessica- Jessica Knight
Jessica Johnson.
*”Lady Jessica of the Atreides (*10154 AG-10256 AG) was the official concubine of Duke Leto Atreides I, and the mother of his son, Emperor Paul Atreides, and”

Jessica A JA.
Paul.Atreides P A.

J P. The Wine Glass. Jules Palmer.

There is something about William Brad Pitt and Jaren Leto… BP and J L. a sort of Love at First Sight – a recognition from… and yet when I first saw them I could not tell you why that love rose in me so overwhelming that it was obvious Recognition more than Muscle Memory- by as if I had Memorized them- the same with Charlize Theron- it had no reason or thought the feeling.

Do you notice the numeric code JA P A.
“Attained Perfection” Stephen Johnson.

J A P A- N.
Natures Truth.
True Nature.
Way of Tao.

I realized that Kim was occupying my space by playing Tree Sage Chiefy T C so that I could prove the role he was made to play as Poverty. Meanwhile transforming him to his name meaning in full right to the initials which represent “initialization” the Initla Sound made followed by the rest of the letters, creating Word MeaningWorld poverty was actually Rich filled with Wealth.
And that wealth aligned to Jae and Kim/ Hines and Sharman was actually set up.
To be filled with Gold.
Golden Apples of Immortality. G A.I
Golden Delicious. G D.
*”1.1 Atalanta; 1.2 Golden Apple of Trojan War Fable; 1.3 Hera · 2 Irish mythology. 2.1 Apple branch; 2.2 Oidheadh Chloinne Tuireann.”

The Cells, transformation every 7 years returning to Nothingness – The Source rejuvenating from nothingness which Arden knew of-despite the world matrix and internet suddenly years later, now refuting that statement made and brought into the public awareness.

That is the share I posted earlier.
Jae back to Purity of the Glass Bottle like an old-fashioned coca cola bottle ( Yes the woman who was homeless who had offered me her Celtic watch when I discretely bought her a coke knowing it was my sister’s Avatar on the bench at Univerity place 2003?)
Look at the numebers. 10154 AG- 10156 AG.

The first thing I said when I got here was to inform Kim- Tree Sage that we were now in the play of B-Lack.
Lack and Dependency on others-
The West, the system, the community, the family, and with Jae Sherman of being an Empty vessel- a Vacum to be filled by an energy expression- used as a message by the Dead – until someone could prove the truth of 0 Zero as Non-Existent- Evil… A Bad Idea. ( ABI- Gail- but which served a purpose and function – to Flush out of Existence)
And proved that Nature abhors a Vacum “Eureka!” is the name of the Vacum Jae brought- so who is really vacuuming whom? Who is really sending whom out… that which believed that Space was empty and that since Zero had not been proven through Logic and Reason L A R- SON – not ARSON. ‘ARSE ON… E.K”
Johnny Larson.
Delois Larson.
Donald Liscomb.
4 12= 16.
444( 3) +the 1 4.
4 women
3 at CVS “A Gaggle of Gossiping women”

Until Zero had been proven Non-Existent and O as the Circle proved into existence and manifest being as not a Viscious Cycle but a literal Tunnel of Love,
Lota George Odabi
The True Story of Lot.
Isreal Cotto.
Peter, a friend of Al Santana.
Then that Other called the Dead- Memories- Riddles of Humanity unresolved.
Questions unanswered.
Mysteries are unresolved.
The conflict would remain in the world for people would die with those questions still in them when they died- when they slept- when they woke up, resurrected.

The Immortality 0-7.
Had to transform into O 7.
O G.
G O O G. L.E= Q.
7:17 Time code play.
Steven Colbert on the cover in 2016.

Jae Sherman came back and told me that s-he saw the Truck and that it wasn’t for her.
Then she presented me with the gift of rose color Delta 8 THC. On a Golden Lotus.
Inked in Black.

I had solved it- my mind thoughts coocupied with that question of knowing that I was set up to solve that riddle and see the irregularity- That they went Apple picking- I had even escorted them but had not gone myself.
I knew that- and thus the suggestion that he saw us in a vision going in that truck to pick apples was a test of vision.
The contest between my sister self 7-28- 64?.
Or my own vision as 2020= 1.
By the translation of the truth of what I see- how I see.

The Gap.
Perfect Vision is Perfect Symmetry. Truth Manifests.
Dark Green 4 7… I was resolved to inform Jae that she was safe but that she and I could no longer communicate because she would be dragging me backward- I mean I was born 11- 28 and am at C I over and over again. ICI. Here. Present.
Obviously. E M F. 24 X On my Desk Top with my Door always Open when I am not inside.
It was a provocation.
Attacked Tested Doubted yet again- or was that simply the result of using such tactics and the obvious rational logical conclusion especially with these invasions done to a body made to live like a Monk for 21 years straight- not even Sex only Unseen Rape and Penetration forced upon me to enact- and allow my imagination to allow its possibility to be real by an enactment with a screen which then actually comes alive all to clean up Sexual Perversions of Humanity through the ages, Bigotry and then to the Story of Lot and the Two – Twins.

My own being fighting the necessity of such a play over and over again.

Sacred Portal 51 Sex God of Creation.
16 P Perfect.
Alien Father.
Angela Fors
Sacred Portal 57 and 75.

6:03 pm.
63 USD in my Wallet right now
64 with silver coins,

This is not how we have Sex, Play, nor how we make Love…?
Hell Beyond Imagination.

From the Biggest Cell in the Body.
Ferrell back to Arden to Aurelia.
A F A.
To the smallest room in this apartment by the end of the play.
6:07 pm.
NZ 67 67 46 B.
E K.
F G. Ferrell Gemino Lord of Silence and Perfect Timing.
You have to hear him Sing… and Laugh.
Byt Arden has Awareness Intelligence Expression- Communicates it so clearly- I often am in arguments with him in that small cell.
Well I am the one pissed off- he just makes it clear that I understood his point and that I am okay.
Not with it- that he does anyway.
But if I am okay.

Am I dreaming this?
I never wonder about that, it simply is.

6:11 pm.
F K.
17. Q H. I.
66 1.A
There is no Question- just an immediate recognition and reaction response by me.

6:12 pm.

Perfect Timing

I was more astounded that this is happening to me- and this way to this point.
A Tiny Prison Cell.
Mitochondria Bean Shaped Energy Power House of the entire Universal Body- Creation Existence Fueled by Constant Expression day and night non stop in a space of Lack where there is no lack just bad habits forgetfulness but no, not greed.
But it could create that meaning- After all, how would you behave if you recognize that the Source of all existence is in your house.
Would you not make sure that he has all he requires and that there is Toilet Roll and toothpaste always present?

So here I am in the smallest room
A Prison Cell- like a convict unable to move but to two places straight up to the CVS and to the Right 527 and 519 Bodega and Fuel Station for 6 months +

6:18 pm.
F R.
Ferrell Reilly

To Kim and Jae they are in a play and perhaps enjoy the benefits of my presence here.
To me, it is Hell’s Kitchen. John Paul Satre. *”“Hell is other people” is a famous line from No Exit (1944), a philosophical play by the French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). No Exit ” J P.S.
6 months + 20 years +
a Life Time +
Red Rooster +

I D,
I O D H O D GO- D.E C K.

But It had bothered me enough to make me enter thought- it did not require thought to solve it- it required thought- my having to ponder why, why would they go this far…?

Poverty represented Universally by Kim A Hines.
and Hollow by universally by Jae Sherman. Hell of 5 months of reminding Her that this is a Play of Evolution and like a clockwork Reset- Her grasping it and a moment later she is back in 3D and that way of interaction which negates the others person expression- Living in the Heads and no amount of reminders work and yet messages streaming through Him- No Its Enough. It’s my Hells Kitchen which not only is she seemingly indifferent about but by refuting the charge by The Source E and E that She did nothing wrong the whole time here. Thus making True True -Satya-Veritas Ezi Okwu- Ofo “Staff of Truth: The Liar? 10:49 pm If done one more time I do not care about the message S-HE remains in # D and as the Queen of Hearts states in Alice in Wonderland- Off with their Heads! Let them go out of their minds until they Q Hearts attacks and they leave this 3D realm they are so attached to. What does it say on the door to my room again” Understand that the Soul is not Bound by this 3D Earthy Existence” E E= 55 Sacred Portal 5. So in the script with the door facing her room- I am well within my rights. 10:55 pm. So Be It. S B I.

64 USD yesterday and now 63.00 USD with Silver coins
64 + USD.
Silver And Gold – Cock Rooster.
Weather Vane.
W V.
Not Vain.

/ E N A V. I G. A T E S.

Sacred Portal 7.

*Eros-e:/Erebus “And where do you think you are going with the illusion of a Broken Heart?” instead H B. IB?

Nnamdi and The Preacher and his story of how the coffin which they had transported Nnamdi’s Body from Jos in the North to the South ( Susanta Nayak S N Weather Vane) to Amawbia my father Hometown had shattered on the way all the glass in the window as Obumneme was placed in the Van to ride with the coffin while my Bio Father and brother trailed behind in a separate car.

“I agreed to bring his body back in my Van because I was curious to see the family and people who would treat such a beautiful youth obviously an Angel of God with such cruelty and then even place the living younger brother left behind in the Van.” The Preacher later told me.

He only told me, he sought me out, showed me the van. Because my Brothers had told him to find me and talk to me.

Do you recall Stephans Van- it belonged to his Grandmother and was intended for Chris Filgueira.
I coded it over and over again.
That white Van.
I VAN was the name of Alberts First Cousin whom he loved but respected and feared.

Poverty Hollow.
transformed back to
Perfect Harmony.
24. E M F= X.
PI = 25. Y.
Y B.E./

5:12 pm,


Horseshoe Hill.
Lucky Horse Shoe?
No such thing as Luck.
Jae is Lucky- perhaps but as LUC- KEY.
Luc Besson.
Aurelia 11-05-2005.
11 5- 25.
Connecticut Pennsylvania. Moved through Him- Her “Privileged” is the correct term. Now it’s on Her to decide. All the hard work has already been done for her, at my expense. It is now up to her to take a stance and stay there Constant. TH.C.E or not, I just become polite and code you out based on your Consciousness adopted and your Expression Words and See. E W S? E W A S. 11:04 pm Edit.

Sacred Portal 7?
Obiekwe Obiekwe.

My Bio Father and Brothers Middle names.

5:17 pm.
E Q.
E A G.

Horses wear Shoes. Iron Shoes shaped like a U.
Shod Feet.
Well Shod Feet by the Smith.

Black Smith.
John Smith
Inventor Ingenius.
Hephaestus Father of Invention.
Leto Played Heaphustus to Brad Bitts “Alexander The Great”. A.T.S
Angelina Olympia- *Hera in that film.
Eye Of Horus.
H O E.
The Farmer.

I watched a movie yesterday while contemplating that Arden I Nnamdi had used Kim and Jae and all Humanity to solve the riddles of Human Existence and led me to these Chosen ones trusting me to an impossible place, to solve them and discern that which had to be riddled out of Existence and that which had to be cut out while retaining the Treasure- The Human Being- Avatar Descendant.

It did not surprise me, I had known all along and I had had 29 years to Seethe, Stew Boil, and Fester with anger and then distill that truth to Satya Perfume.


Stephen Estebam M.Filgueria was born 8-16-1984.
He is not left in the play because I the original took over.
Merited Earned through War and Peace and Light of Clarity- K.E.Y.

U is the Shoeing of the Horse, not a Cobbler “Adam Sandler”
Jesus worse Sandals?.
I wear Flip Flops- Evolution Up Grade I am here and now.
I wear expressive and elegant footwear.
well, Shod.

U is Universe.
Horses rep Waves, (Words Breath) Wind Spirit and Oh Yes, Liberty- Link Jeron “Horses” are wonderfully Vain.
What moves the Weather Vane?
What creates the weather- Space. Atmosphere.

And Horses Nostrils.
King of the Hill.
which by the way also means “King of the Hill”
“Enu” ( ENU/ UNE) really means the Highest point.
The Apex.
E I.
Si Hello.
First Contact
Mirror and Reflection.
Open See Same Me.
Sacred Portal 93.
I C.
I See.
I S-S I?
IS IS. Throne of Existence “T.O E” Sacred Portal 45. D E= 9=I.

H H.

576. 57-6.
5;76 Liberty’s Dream Home- House?.
she was born in 1976.
I am the rep of 5. E.
My Dream.
5 76. = 18. R. A.H! I.

900 . I O O.
1OO. 10x 10
100 USD.
2 1

I watched a film with Jason Stratham last night.

Wrath of Man. W O M- B.E.

*”Mysterious and wild-eyed, a new security guard for a cash truck surprises his co-workers when he unleashes precision skills during a heist. The crew is left wondering who he is and where he came from. Soon, the marksman’s ultimate motive becomes clear as he takes dramatic and irrevocable steps to settle a score.
Release date: May 7, 2021 (USA) Trending
Director: Guy Ritchie
Production companies: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Miramax
Based on: Cash Truck; by Nicolas Boukhrief
Music by: Christopher Benstead”

That was more like this End Game.
E G 5-7-2021.
Guy Ritchie. * Madonna’s Ex.
G R.
Golden Ratio.

I love the Rap Poetic- Shakespearian Modern East London boy dialogue and rapid editing of his films.
I find my true but serious nature in Jason Stratham’s personas.
That Lucifer Iron John.
John Smith
Smite of Iron John. I Grace.

Will, I AM in Human Form.

Human Spirit

6:29 pm.
6:30 pm right now.

63.00 usd.

Do you see?
Freedom Liberty A.G.

6:31 pm.

But I have had enough despite understanding that He had no choice but to move me even forcibly through the completion which HE, He did not create but which when he did arise and awaken to perceive what was going on, assumed responsibility of to move it to completion despite the harm it was doing to me my core my Beautiful Pride and by Body and true manner of Being E.K.

Power and Strength.

6:35 pm.


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