
11:28… 11:29 pm. – 6-12- 20 2

11:28… 11:29 pm.

6-12- 20 20-1


Immediately after I finished my last post, I received a message from Liberty, 10:06 pm, she and Thomas Lang, had decided on a name for their newborn son, on his16th Day and Ardens 18th Birthday.

They had decided on the name Azure, Lee, Finch, Lang.

A.L F L.

A. L F L.

A F: LL =1 24- 25 letter Y

At the same time, I received a gift from Jae Sherman- Wolf Mutt ( a name written downstairs in graffiti at the entrance I noted.
It is called Cake.
Wedding Cake. Indica.

940 MG.

Delta 8. One G R.AM.

S-He had bought it for herself, but it was too strong, so considering my state, offered it to me while I am wearing a T-Shirt she also offered me.

I am appreciative of both gifts, but I took the two more especially for the codes which I suspect he too is aware.

The T-Shirt was too small for her, or so she says, features a Wolf farmed in threshold two Arrows form a Cross X, a wreath of a Garland
*Which also happens to be the meaning of the name Krantz
D Eric Mai-Krantz.

It reads “Arm The Animals:

In Code AT.A.

Cake C A K E, do you recall the play with her Mother’s day gift from Donna Layer Cake. L.C.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr told me he saw the code yesterday L.C.L on a Car.

Those are Liberty C Liscombs initials.

On the Box of the Vape Gift from Jae Sherman
aka Wolf Mutt

C.wriiten like a big little e

W C.
W C I.

I.DO. M G – 13 7.

Delta 8. ONE GR AM.

There is no way I am going to decode this for you.

At the same time, I received a Facebook request.

Helene Ratzinger Semmelrogge

H R S.

So for the 3rd Time, we are 1631 Facebook Friends. C.

Let us Cee.

Helene means *Meaning of Helene. Helene means “torch” (from ancient Greek “helán?/?????”) and “beautiful”, “light”, “bright” and “shining” (from ancient Greek “h?lios/?????”

Yes, as the Statue of Liberty.
Lady Liberty, L L

L. IB Ert Y.

Ert means *”Recorded in many different spellings from Ort, Imort, and Delort, to Horta, Huerta and Hurtic, this is a surname of French, Spanish, Portuguese and German derivation. … In some case the surname may have been descriptive for a soldier who carried an ‘ort’, this being a spear or lance.

A Solder “Troy- Helen of Troy with Paris”
Spear or Lance-Alot.
Spear of Destiny.
S O D./ D O S.

Ardens Tel No last 4 Digits 12 91.

16 days old Azure- see sacred Portal 16 The Beautiful Youth behind.

Sacred Portal 116. AE.

Today was Ardens 18th Birthday code AH – A.I.

See my play proving that the Statue Of Liberty is a Male
A Beautiful Youth,
Life And Death ( L A D= 17 L D= 16.
Donald Liscomb line AND as A- 17) AG -Q.

*** I can’t believe this play enders game, its insane.

LAD Y Chromosome.
L IB E.RT. Y- Chromosome
E is RT.
The Reincarnation Papers.
The River Phoenix.
16 is Letter P. RT Right.

12:18 pm.
Left Right.
Center C.O. M.E.

Who or what is pulling my Right To Left and buttocks.

*”7 days ago — Sometimes the name of the muscle includes it’s function—such as extensor, flexor, … The powerful deltoid muscle wraps around the shoulder, and connects 3 … other muscles, the gluteus maximus muscles form the buttocks.”

Deltoid a Trinity and One.

Triceps Brachi.

Code: S.T D.T.B
/BT. D – T S.
B T Beautiful Truth Delta. The Source -CI.

Off Center.

L R- I was at 16 30 Facebook Friends.
16 is P Sacred Portal 16.
A F. Azure Finch “Blue Bird’

See the play with the Finch in my Emmanal, At my special place outside the shelter between Tyler Lawrence Ave where I found the two male dolls, one with Double VV and the other a Tiger on its chests.
Tiger Woods Agusta Georgia. A G.
The Story of Pi.

There was a Finch who was so unusual in it recognition of me that I wrote about it, and its startling behaviour each time I sat on the Bench
Tyler and Lawrence.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr brought up Atticus Finch when I told him the names of the child mostly names by Thomas Lang.
Liberty added the name Lee.
In my personal blueprint Jon Lee.
(Jon Jason Lee J J L – 32.
J L Jeron Lang.
10:12pm play Haris Babic.
Jeron Lang 10-12-2020 last time I saw him.

She named him Lee after her sister.

Helene Greek and Athenian, Marathon -S.Mile
Maze Runner.
A Beautiful Male Youth

Running for Freedom Liberty.
AFL For A.LL- Y Chromosomes.

A Light House
A Beacon.

*”Origin:Greek. Popularity:7629. Meaning:shining light. Helene as a girl’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Helene is “shining light”.

Shining Light. S L 19 12= 31.add T 51.
Area 51.
51 +16 age code.
67 13
/ 76 13.

1 26 A-MM.
A.H.8 Delta
Delta 8 ONE G.R AM
Golden Ratio Greek Roman.
G Ram- April to June- Spring.


Helene * Helene (French: Hélène) is a female given name, a variant of Helen, using the French spelling. Helen is ultimately from Greek ?????.[1]”


***”Jul 26, 2020 — Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger chose one of a number of papal names of holy origin. Benedict comes from the Latin for “blessing.” The last pope to …”

July 26, 2020.
G A Z. G A Z /Zig Zag.

Rat Zinger. R.Z.

Rat R = 18 AT 3 16 33 Chevre olet 900 South Road.

*A submission from Maryland, U.S. says the name Rat means “A gift from god” and is of American origin. According to a user from New York, U.S., the name Rat means “Gift from the Gods”.

** “The surname Rat was first found in Nairnshire, where they were recorded as a family of great antiquity. They took their name from the Castle of Rait near Geddes which was in ruins by the 1400s. [1] Today Rait is a small village in Perth and Kinross. The Wraith variant is a Scottish Gaelic word for “ghost” or “spirit.”

Ghost- Holy Ghost
Spirit- Spirit E.

Rat *”In Old Norse, Ratatoskr means “drill-tooth” or “bore-tooth”. It is the name of a mythical creature, a squirrel that runs up and down the tree of life called Yggdrasil, …”

Intel from Jason Williams sent two days ago of a Squirrel aligned to Albert Santana

*This surname is derived from a nickname. ‘the rat,’ possibly intended as a complimentary sobriquet.”

*”The surname Zinger was first found in Saxony, where this family name became a prominent contributor to the development of the district from ancient times. … In Old German the name meant “lively” and “spritely,” or more literally, “a biting, sharp taste.”

**”a rodent of some of the larger species of the genus Mus,” late Old English ræt “rat,” a word of uncertain origin. Similar words are found in Celtic (Gaelic radan), Romanic (Medieval Latin ratus, Italian ratto, Spanish rata, Old French rat) and Germanic (Old Saxon ratta; Middle Dutch ratte, Dutch rat; German Ratte, dialectal Ratz; Swedish råtta, Danish rotte) languages, but their connection to one another and the ultimate source of the word are unknown. In its range and uncertain origin, it is much like cat.

Perhaps from Vulgar Latin *rattus, but Weekley thinks this is of Germanic origin, “the animal having come from the East with the race-migrations” and the word passing thence to the Romanic languages. American Heritage and Tucker connect Old English ræt to Latin rodere and thus to PIE root *red- “to scrape, scratch, gnaw,” source of rodent (q.v.).”

*Zinger Name Meaning. Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Singer.”

* Dutch: from Dutch zanger ‘singer’, hence an occupational name for a singer or chorister, or nickname for someone who was always singing. ”

Rat Singer R S “A Gift of God or the Gods”

Not a rodent in this case more a RAT -S.I NG ER… R.E -NG I- Star.
A Gift of God or The Gods- One who sings the Truth- not matter the cost?
Holy Ghost.
Spirit E Awareness.

Semmel *”German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a baker of white bread rolls (see Semler). The German surname may also be a metonymic occupational name for a dealer in fine wheat flour.”

*”Sem(m)el, one of the names given to bakers, is the German for a “roll”. It could also be a form of Samuel/Shmuel. Simmel/Semmel can also be a diminutive of Simon/Shimon, the second son of Jacob and Leah.

Some variants of names like Becker/Baker based on bread baking are derived from acronyms (a name created from the initial letters of a Hebrew phrase, and which refers to a relative, lineage or occupation) of the Hebrew ‘Bnei Kedoshim’ (“sons of the martyrs”) or ‘Bnei Kedoshim Rabanim’ (“sons of martyrs and rabbis”). Others are linked to Baruch, which means “blessed” in Hebrew. The biblical Baruch, son of Neriah, was the companion and chronicler of the prophet Jeremiah.”

*’Etymology — EtymologyEdit. From Middle High German semele, Old High German semala, ultimately from Latin simila (“wheat flour”). ”


*”North German and Dutch: metonymic occupational name for a grower of rye or a baker of rye bread, from Low German, Dutch rogge ‘rye’. .”

*** This name derives from Old High German name “Hrodger or Hrotger”, composed of two elements “*hr?þiz” (praise, fame, glory, renown, honour) plus “*gaizaz” (spear, pike, javelin). It can be translated as “glorious spearman” or “famous with the spear”. The Normans brought the name to England, where it replaced the name “Hroðgar” (Old Norse: Hróarr). The name of a legendary Danish king, living in the early 6th century mentioned in Beowulf, Widsith, and also in Norse sagas.”
Helene Ratzinger Semmelrogge
H R-S, S-R.

Did you understand the Riddle and Play – R P?

The Reincarnation Papers.


The play od Sacred Portal 16 to 17 and to AH.

Rat Zinger.
Rat Singer
Star E
South Road S.R S R.
RS RS. H Helene Harmony Lights

Its is still the 6-12 2020-1 for me.
That is for Arden I, Birthday.

But this goes too far.

1:55 am
1:56 am
To code this and resolve it to its True.

Agusta Georgia and 4-2- 2005 Pope John to Pope Benedict.

J B.

I am done.

1:57 am

A E.G.

1:58 am,

PS it resolves to Shining Light a Ray of Shining light as a Spear and a Torch Bearer- Statue of Liberty embodied not in a Statue of a Man and a Youth/
Scared Portal 5.00.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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