
6:47 pm. – 12:33 pm. – 6-15-2021

6:47 pm.

12:33 pm.



@ 16 31 FaceBook Friends.


I found myself with 45 USD in my wallet yesterday.

And it took me a moment, to realize that it aligned with my post yesterday.
Stephen Johnson was the only one who appeared to like it, and that is fine.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr posted an image of the female darkness snarling.
That made perfect sense.

The Body.
I have always honored my body, and in a way, I suppose looking back at my life, that it incredible strain, tension and my being forced to ignore the basic human needs that a Human Body requires to stay healthy and vibrant were tested and challenged, denied me not matter how much I yearned to celebrate it and my life, that it was a test of Mind Heart over Matter as the Body, meaning could “Being” sustain the Body, denied of it reason for coming into existence.
Could Being and Expression sustain the Body.

I noted that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and I have 33 Facebook friends and that this long arduous journey has completed here at 219 South Whitney.
The Body is represented by this code number 33 as the Body, with 33 Vertebra.
And of course, we must include 55 as the past, since the bodies we carry around is the sum total of the past so in order to retrieve the truth of the body as M A S S and evolve it meant going backward in time to align it back to what it was designed to become, before it began eroding.
We are told in ancient books, such as the Bible and other historical records of how humans lived for a longer time, how the body was hardier, and then at some point in time, after the end of what my research has called the Golden Age of man, how it began to erode.
Illness and Disease came into the world, birth was no longer an explosive joyous orgasmic experience, it became labour and pain filled and so the children in the world began to be born through pain, for they were no longer entering a world of some version or copy of Eden Paradise but a world where that truth began to fade from memory. Humanity to experience suffering and thus entering into a world nature where their own True Nature began to fade from view.
Until Pain and suffering became the truth of people and they began to embrace it.
It became their Truth, it and as they expressed that subjective truth and their way of being de-evolved from that Joy of being alive to survival.
Survival took precedent over the natural way of being.
The Golden Ages, the Beautiful Truth of how people once lived was almost entirely forgotten or treated with resentment. Paradise Lost.
And with this growing acceptance so was the true way of being.
Everything became about survival and self preservation.
Paradise was lost and they were left with only this body which had to sustained, nourished feed.
And with this new understandin, a new concept of survival at any cost grew. The understanding that those who controlled the Supply and Demand, the natural resources could literally control the masses, the people.
Become as Gods.
Competition for the Earth’s resources became the norm and hence War.
Power, control and Dominace. The Power to create Fear to control and subjugate, to create pain suffering and at the same time this great battle with ones ego, and the terror of Nature and the unepexted. Religions were created, ideolgies, everything became about Life and Death, the power to command life and death- but worse of all the imposition of suffering on others.
Cruelty came into the world. A fear of living and being dominated, enslaved, and a fear and terror of Death.
The Body to be sustained and provide for your family and the fear of death, what lay behind that great mystery.
They claimed that the world people had lost thier innocence, despite still having children who embodies that innocence and that so called Paradise Lost.
The children were suddenly fed upon, that innocence and purity that Joy of life in them became fed upon as if those who had once been children were so filled with malice and resentment at thier own loss of inncocence that they took it out on thier past present in thier children.

There are so many many books and films depicting this.
The moment the Darkness came, the evil and cruel nature of Man- Humanity. The Cosmic struggle between good and evil.

1:33 pm
133 is the numeric code for Extinction.

The rage of humanity at the lost if innocence and the darkness which took over the world spread like a plague. Warrior and heroes rose, prophets saints, mercernaries and the entire world people became infected.

The Black Death.

*The Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic plague, a disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that circulates among wild rodents where they live in great numbers and density.”

Rats- Rodents, but these creatures had always existed, why is it that at this point- 1620 in the west that it had reached a point this darkness in mens souls that the very rats who were once clean and lived in relative harmony with man as the cleaners of refuse now became the carries of human disease.
you will notice the date 16 20 as P.T.
The Point.

If that was The Point, The where in 1620 there was the first world Pandemic one must ask what was the Point?
And if humanities filthy habits had reached the Apex where what had started as that initial Golden Age had eroded to such a point where an entire planet was now being given back that mentality and way of being or which was not longer abut True Being but about the body- survival like Rats and Rodents, it would make sense that those Rats and Rodents, the sewage cleaners of Nature would they themselves rebel and gice back to Humanity that which even they protested was unclean.
Rats if placed in a situation of being given non stop filth from humanity who had become so filthy in thier habits of not only being unclean of body, but of spirit, expression, mind thought action and deed would that not that turn them in turn into the true rodents, which natures cleaners would give back to its sources.
The nature of rodents is to clean up, they will eat anything but many people keep rats as pets and thier nature is not filthy, rather it is desperate if placed in that situation.
Humans were placed in that situation, it was a choice, to enter into the nature of futility and finally despair. It was a choice.

I got up, and all I could mutter to my self was filth, the same with seeing the trash not taken out, it just reminded me of the Filth, that if one does not volunteer to do it, the it will be left there until.. it was smelling so I took it out.

Actually Kim Arthur Hinds Jr came over and we spoke about the image he had shared and as I commented as best as I could ( my speech is still slurred and I know now for sure it is from exhaustion from talking, explaining non stop for the last 20 years, and from the muscles pulling and my neck muscles, and the sheer unwillingness to explain.
But I had arisen knowing the 900 South was done and complete, and that had been my last portal of a 45-year-old journey and it had aligned 54 links Lota George Odabi and then to 45.

45 54
D E E D.
I I.

45 usd in my wallet, then a conversation with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr where I really listened to what he was saying, how he articulated him self, Language.

I knew that after the play with Arden and Aurelia- Ferrell and Jeron, Leander and even to baby Azure, that I was done, having linked from Infinity where I rose with A from Inside and having rejected the outside characters all had played, that I was done with everything. To be that tired to be that exhausted and bored and yet, a quiet sadness at all that sharing and care to face the same rejection again by this reality and of Love Supreme. It was okay, I had known that something was wrong from the moment I went it that portal. And I was not surprised but it was the trauma of those 11 months, the excitement and yet the suspicions and the setup, it was and is something I do not think I will ever come to terms with.
A life time of this and at the end, the play in which that most beautiful truth is rejected and denied for this idea of woman and body as that which is supreme and not being. Not light, not love, not even recognition and reincarnation and ID Infinity confirmed.
All about the historical story and history of the past, the Body being supreme. Money to shelter, nourish, sustain being swept aside for that which is the body- coming from the body, nourishing the Body. The battle fought through a set up I was already aware of was so vile cruel and yet being forced to go though it and the outcome I saw, felt deep inside being correct.
I woke up, not distressed but knowing that I had let go of Arden as well as everyone of those people from infancy to him.
That this script was always a lie, so why was I forced to endure it walk through it, give up my entire life to shedding light on that which would always be ungrateful. Able to use and abuse the source even after all this effort through a script which made no sense.
I lay on my bed, looking at my life, this place, and my rejection of all even of one who was inside me, of I in the eternal beginning. There was no hurt, I had enough time to see the signs and know that this script was designed to do this to me personally.
So, all I felt was can I go now, I am not interested in what your script has to say, I am not interested in what Arden or any one in that family has to say, because they are all in a script designed for me to decipher, and I know who the true nature of all of them from the moment I was born at 18 Alexander Grove that this meeting of these scores of people, thousands to finally 5 beings and one called Liberty was my final stance and rejection of this script and all the plays. It did not matter, what was the end conclusion, it did not matter all I had invested, in fact it felt a relief to let go, to be honest with myself and say no, I can not accept this them or this treatment and I scoff and the notion of being qualfied as Supreme Love or Supreme Light. I have said no to every single person I was sent to from beginning to end because all of them are lies, even the children present to the outside realm a lie. Jeron was my only exception and I had lived with him at the tail end and knew that he too was moving becoming infected and learning to adapt to the Lie, to put on a face and play a character.

I had done all I could do, but I would not accept a lie, and the rejection of thier source, placing oneself and ego before one own source.
It is Eternal Law and I would never compromise that nor would I ever personally accept what I was put through and so disrespected.
There was no iota of sadness in my decision or trying to comprise what I could see clearly.
My decision stands.

And so my mind consciousness had turned to my brother, Nnamdi and my mother Onuabuchi.. They had enured and where no longer of this world, and that was all my heart turned to, that I was never meant to be of this world. I had never chosen to be in this play, moving through a species dreams, minds, all asleep in coma and having to sort through and filter thier thoughts actions which my true self would have had no patience for and walked away, except that I knew my purpose why I was set up was to harvest their beautiful truth and the purpose of that?
Oh, I knew, but I just do not care.

To me all are evil, dirty and that is all I had been through, even the clean pure, and even my own Self as Awareness has made me feel a quiet shame at what they, he portrayed as me.
The Lie being more imprtant than the original truth- even after having proven to this point.
I did not care about why, was tired of understanding, defending and seeing thier point of view.
All I could see is the bottom line, thier negation and I was fine with that just leave me the fuck alone, this script, stop placing me in situations to love them all over agai when I was fully aware that they were all set up to betray me, all because of this power of the outside world.

I did, and do not want to hear it, not after all that was set up to give you everything you needed to rise.
I was tired of dealing with betrayal corruption and filth or even those still pure but moving to disease as they parents had and it being allowed and not stopped.
I was tired of coding people, defending those who should at some point defend themselves and me, at least what I was made , forced to do for each of them.

The Script was against my will, and nothing anyone could say would change that fact, and so it was null and void from me.
No one would rise having gained from this breaking of Eternal law. Infinite expression, I had made my peace with that, I was prepared to go but made sure that no one would rise having used me and this my protest that you can not force someone into a role and think to gain from it and his sacrifce.

Susanta Nayak had sent me a image yesterday at around the same time as Shannon Larke Martin. It was of a crucifed Christ meant to be me. I did not even respond. That is not me, despite so many taking comfort in that absurd story of some one dying for your sins, a God sacrificing his only begotten son, who carries the sins of the world. No, I am Alexander The Great 32. T L 20 12 = 32 = 5. E ME KA.
And the 33 code is Infinity as the Being as well as the Spinal Chord standing up.

I came to destroy this lie, and this lie of the diseased body or the Body taking precedent over the Being.
I came to prove the Body is an Illusion and is only real when linked an aligned to Infinite Being- Energy Being and so I sat on the Bean Bag, and lay my head on the Log and I have used the true records to destroy the Body and an entire species.
Burn it ashes and cinder so it will not only never rise or transform but that it frequency would fade, be forced to fade by the onslaught of the blue and orange flame.

That done, that truth manifested and coded, I really am not interested in anything else, not reading coding or even understanding that there is still a conclusion awaiting in this play because my mind reflections turned to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr why I was here, brought here again. I noticed that in this jorney I never return to the same place twice, except for 268 East 4th street and a very brief return to Maha Rose at 97 Green Street, Green Point.

I have seen and experienced enough of humanity under a microscope and what they have de-evolved to, what they have become and spent enough time in this Back To The Future Script of my traveling backward into the past to re-align to that point where humanity dropped the ball.

Sacred portal 33 is This Nightmare given to me, to a point where I reject Arden, as if he never existed, as if he is not of me and never rose in the Eternal Begining. You are denying me even that truth proven recorded in your own Script and affirmed confirmed to this very moment to Infinity= 86.

Ah, then there is nothing left, nothing I wish to hear, code or force me back to mind thought to think of a solution because I really do not wish to find one.
I do not wish a resolution.

I am here with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and to be honest, I no longer even care why, or wish to adress it.

This has stopped being a Nightmare of horror beyond horror, it stopped being that when I saw it was all set up, that the play with Arden- Ferrel Liberty Tom – what else did I expect- 45 years later, 4,5 billion year old planet.
Not interested in what it means what it pertains to, what it aligns to.
Your a lie, your realities are a Lie, your stories are a lie, your perception is a lie, you records of your past is a lie, your body is a lie, this script is a lie, there is really nothing else to say, you lie to the face of truth proven true.
Your nature is to lie.
I have that prove right here in the house, lying to the end despite proven purity, it goes back to the lie.

So as I listened to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr the same way he had raised my spirits from boredom yesterday, to astonish me that the play is still going on despite my cut with everything including the Geminos Lang lines.
Today, it was he who spoke and yes I was amazed but more from his expresson, hos see and consciousness I had watched and guided but what I listened to was his putting all the pieces together.
I could see the truth, I heard Arden and Aurelia as if they had been given voice, I heard Jeron, I leard leander I heard Libertys intellifence and I even heard Toms Childishness raised back to imagination playfulness.
I heard the world speak in his voice right up to my last portal at 900 South Road and it did raise my spirits to smile and with incredulity note it was still the play but it was no longer in my hands- it connected Jeron to Arden to Kim -Jeron- Aurelia – Ferrell and Leander as Man.
I could see the plan, I could see it all the New Body to replace the Lie of the Body and History gone too far.
I saw the 1-7 to O regeneration of the body and how this new body would work, a new body and new man, whose blue brint had now been aligned to Being, True Being aligned to the Infinite and the Individual.

It was an expression which I was aware, made aware what the Body was going to transform into after all the bodies of the past are destroyed. It was the ressurection from the ashes of every body having to dies, energetically, and spiritual and to their bodies too, I was listening to the after math of the fire, those who would not fade into the maze of which they never survive or rise from.
This was sacred portal 31 coming back to life.

The Body restored as teh Garden of Eden.
And the funny thing is that I did and do not care.

I was only pleased and smiling at his almost perfect understanding of everything, his linking and the conclusion, summary he was forming.

If Arden Aurelia Jeron and Ferrell who represent all the children to Beautiful Youth and 15- 18 and to soon to be 21 year old Ferrell had a voice all merged into one Intelligent Mind Body, I realized that I was listening to it and that is the only thing which piqued my interest, was exciting.

I felt Beautiful Pride in him, for he had come a Long way Baby.

Shannaon Larke Martin.

S L M.

add I.

S L I M,

Virgina Slim.
V S,
Samuel Vergauwen SV.

Perhaps, but the moment he left with Joy in his bearing, my smile faded, and the warm feeling.
There is no gladness in me, with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr there had been, it was beautiful, but it did not stay with me.
It gone, not forgotten just gone, replaced by my apathy like the one you showed me, this script did like a mirror but your apathy is limited by time- 9 planets 9 months and the womb, mine it goes on to Infinity along with my contempt and disdain.

Perhaps all this effort was to prove to me that somethig could could gained after all by using evil extreme to get what they wanted.
But as the one used, I say evil is evil and I say No.

I will aways see this Evolution Awakening as ill begotten, something which used evil to a point so beyond it definition that I would naturally not want anything to do with it. Shirk from its very touch and Beautiful Transformation.
Perhaps it is because I walked though it to a point of being sacred and forever stained by it.
The Scar I give back to you to wear, the mark of the Beast.

So perhaps we are at a stale mate, not a check mate.
But I personally do not see it that way, I simply have said no.

Can there be resolution of this conflict?
Perhaos I could find a way to resolve it.
True, but I will not.
I leave that all up to you,
me I am simply saying from here, this moment to Infinity Eternity No.

And my no matters.

Resolution of this, I leave to all of you.

I am the represenative and symbol and being of Human Law, Common law, Divine Law, Natural Law, Devine Law, Eternal Law and Individual aligned to Infinite Law.

I & I
E N D.
C H.

You broke the law and I lived its consequences and then you made me clean it up- all to align to sacred portal 22.
Where I was called a Hypocrite ad an Asshole by a son seeking approval from his mother.
I am the Source.
And the Holy E-Spirit proven to be moving through all as Satya.

I am a genius at finding ways to bend sway and seduce the Truth and the law to bend.

Here I refuse to bend.
I am hardened by this play to never bend, nor do I care if it means as a consequence that no one rises, no one transforms and all go out of existence.
I really do not care.

Its consequence.

Individual Law.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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