
4:22 pm – D.V. – Delta Victory. –

4:22 pm

Delta Victory.

6-17- 2020-1-20 21.
Meaning sixth sense moved to Facts created Quantum Transformation.

I got up from my bed, with light spirits, and the realization that my body is preparing to transform.
I lay there for a long while, still in a cosmic struggle with it, but there was little mind involved-it was easier, what my quiet “Songe” ( Reflections) moved to was the sinking in that what I always knew, since 2004, was now witnessed by me, looking back in Hindsight that I had fought a battle alone with not only all human thought throughout time but Nature.

I had been made to go to war with nature its self as well as Humanity through the ages.

Nature despised Humanity which in a way one can understand since Nature was intended as the Helper of Man to Evolve back to to the Big Orgasm and the 5th Element and not see it as its “Bitch” and slave.
And as I had discerned, Nature had quietly risen up, and ever so quietly devised a plan to rid its self of this “Treacherous Species”

Humanity mainly oblivious, and conceited, arrogant beyond belief, or subservient to Nature had no idea what was going on, except those in the mystic sciences who were literally taken over by their ancestors, charged and moved by Natures frequencies, were used as Shamans, Witch Doctors, even Scientist to aid nature in manifesting its will.

Everything was being moved by Nature- the Usurper of God.

“Where is God? Nature asked.
Where is The Creator?
He was nowhere to be seen, so Nature took over.
It decided to play God for Nature declared that it was the only Truth that was constant, and these creatures meant to evolve us to the Creators point have not only no clue but have disrespected the nature Order and Balance of all things,
Nature is a frequency, it is ruled by that which it was programmed to be and do.
Who programmed it, was no longer present and so nature became your idea of Lucifer- Satan and the Great Witches.

All things are moved by Nature, and governed by their nature as are the trees, animals, plants, weather.
Everything is made of Nature, and as no human had taken up the mantle of the initial plan of understanding that Nature was the Sensei, the Guide who would one day be replaced by the Human as Naturals who would tame and understand through Natures lessons to understand its way and then evolve it through Naturalness to the understanding that Natures source is Naturalness.
And Naturalness is Nothingness as well as being the source of Energy moving Nature and all back to True Nature, and finally to the source of Nothingness.

RGB 007

So Nature seeing that there was no one, Nature became God.
Moving everything, everyone and engaged the species in a cosmic battle with the Human Species many of who had decided that they were greater than Nature and would bend it to its will.

I was quiet and somewhat amazed by myself, my human self, his incredible balls, to take on both nature as well as the Human plague.

To have memory gradually awakened in me that my memories of being The Creator was one thing, but in my Human form and as in this human story even as the coma, commas, stasis dreaming to go up against these two forces, left me quietly amazed at my self, and my will.

But most of all, my audacity.

Because both forces rose up to challenge me, and I was have been in Huaman form as that Illusion born in a body, and the illusion of myself in the Human drama.

I was aware of course, of what I was doing all these years, but I was so busy fighting to do and moving with stubborn determination of the original plan E.T which was to merge everything back to one that I did not have time to truly absorb the true impossibility of what I was up against.
I was aware but I could not allow myself to dwell on it.
And I had no choice.
Both illusions: Evil as Humanity,
And the Good; as Nature were after my destruction
“Who the devil is this Nobody both Evil and Good asked themselves.

I am not going to pretend, they beat my ass.
Both were able to do things to me for daring to point out where they were wrong.
When I mentioned Sado-Masochism and Marque De Sade in yesterday’s post, I was not simply alluding to what was done to me, I was alluding to a much worse punishment but mainly unseen by anyone or anything in this realm.

It was bad.
And all I could do was take each day as it came and as they made the impossible real to me, private my only armor was the mantra that this is not real, this is not real.
And when I could no longer say that, I had to find a way to train my mind and cee to acknowledge that it was a Fact but not real.

My pleas through the first years fell to death ears.
Certain gifted people did see what I was really going on, but I came to see and perceive that both the Lie as Evil and the Good- Lie actually wanted me to know that what I was experiencing was real so that I could not escape into that place I had created in my Mind Heart of saying this is not happening, this is not real.
It wished me to know by having these certain people it led me to, to understand its power, that it was doing this to me, to perhaps make me succumb to despair, that was the Evil while Nature, the Good wished me to know and understand why they, It was doing this to me.

And when it did begin to acknowledge me as The Creator, the BOY who once was, it wished me to understand what this thing created had wrought and that I had caused this, and was no longer the boss, they had taken over.
I was not fit to be the source of the creator any longer and so there would be no respect.

Both sides wanted me to know that it was they and that it was real.
A Fact.

Its true, I would have walked away if I could have, but I was trapped between a rock and a hard place.

Such rage, such fury… Nature had- It took my head and shoved it into the Filth that was the Evil of Humanity as if to say “See, see what you are defending”, and when they began to recognize me as The Orginal Creator, their fury was even greater and they wished to show me that they could invade me and even control my body and everything that is my True Nature.

My advantage was that no matter what they did to me, were able to do and get away with it, was that I have Awakened Memory and I was Aware.

That this was all a story, originally a story, and no matter how much they and the Humans had perverted it distorted it and misread it, mistranslated it.
It was still a story, and the story had a point.
And there was nothing both sides could do about that.

That is the one place they could not affect, not with the power they had, not the Torments, rapes, abuse, the setups, and the traps they set me up to fall into.

This was the power of my Personality and my Individuality which no matter how much they shook and shocked me ( and they did) nothing could move me from this stance.
Your all a story.
Yes, it went terribly wrong but I C.

And as the years passed, I saw the reflection of my C respond back to me through all of you, and finally through Nature, that I am.

What Nature God.
Naturalness Grace.
14 7.
Sacred Portal 147.
14+7= 21.

Justify 2018
Triple Crown winner of the Kentucky Derby.

Medina Spirit
7 Time winner of the 147th Kentucky Derby.
Movement Stillness.
Stillness Motion.
Its held on this date 5-1.
May 1st
5-1. 2021/ 2012.
The date Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was discharged from the Army.
Area 51
Emeka Arden.
EA + AF.
67 F G
/ 76 G F.

I could see it, an entire world of Humanity as Evil could fight me,
Nature having the upper hand with its disciples and moving through all humanity – too lazy to not see the nonsensical nature of their perception of their lives.

You can use everything, everywhere and everyone against me, but you can not stop me from seeing that my Truth is responding, moving through all of you from human to animal to nature to weather.

Yes, you could erase that truth by moving all things back to an action expression that cancels that all out, but too late, I have seen it, and the willpower to move forward added increases.

Arden’s rejection?
I saw it coming a mile away, I saw his Beautiful Truth and had stood in front of him in absolute amazement the day I realized that he was being used in the play.
That meant that nothing he could do or say could shock me, or truly hurt me to my core, for I had seen his Core inner truth.
With all from the moment of my coming to the world male female who ad all been set up to betray me.
Some did out of free will but I could see them and there was a shock, it was expected.
I knew how to differentiate between that which was their own will to see me fall and those who were being moved to hurt me intentionally.

I could tell the difference, hence 2/3rd of humanity ceasing to exist, for I knew how to make them pay and send them to a place so terrible.
And harvest the Beautiful truth of the ones you used, knowing that I would love them and then set them up to “betray” me but how could they when they would tell me literally and I could see? cee
and was aware of this play that everyone was set up to destroy me?
E A.

5 Boys and One Girl.

I can read.
I can see.

I opened my computer, and saw the code 1 17 appeared at the head of my page.

Sacred Portal 117 chosen by Arden and MY SE.LF
A. L.F L
A Q.
Sacred Portal 17.
Arden is now 18.
I was born at 18 Alexander Grove.
18 is Arden Gemino.

I do not go back into the past.
I am here present right here now.
the One Harmony born at 8 pm at St Marys Hospital.
I began writing in my journals after I left my sister’s apartment in Queens Park London and moved to a space where I shared with a tall handsome man who was Katherine Hamments Boy Friend ( The British Fashion Designer) K H. It was at Marylebone.
Not Hells Kitchen- which was the name of of the place in Manhattan New York I was moved from Mariannes apartment on 17th Street (a friend of Axels) A Q.
to stay in Sept 2004 to May 2005 the year years Aurelia was concieved in Feb and then born in November 11-5-2005.

I also slept at the very place Stephen Esteban Miquel Filgueria sated in awe when he visted me at 900 South Road where he said Aurelia had been home birthed -Liberty had said it was the same place but the other side of the room. It was a place where a great shaman had also been brought.
I slept in the open, first in a tent then that bed where all saw me, before I was moved to Ferrells room.

I did not exist in a living hell at that Loft, I had everything I required, Axel supplied income, and Marianne would come to Visit and I Trained her like a sensi to get rid of her timidity her fear and her vanity.
I was left maily alone to clean up all the voodoo she denied being aware of- but then they all lie.
I had Peace as I cleaned up up that giant loft.

Only a Black Cat dying of Cancer and a visit from Geof Lacour who stayed a few weeks with me and watched as I reconstructed the blueprint and way of of the history of this world including the Silk Roadback to its truth leading to me 8 9 steps which led to my room at the top where I rebuilt with sixth sense the Eternal City as Eden Paradise and a Space Ship which of Eternity Infinity.
The entire room was used, every object including the bathtub was a piece of the puzzle was used, and the final piece was the table as the table in my room in the Guest room but that one I created was the most beautiful and proudest creation.
The Guest Room I am in now is 4th Dimension Nature as the way of Tao.

I was yes, tormented by the Unseen and the play of Hurricane Katrina ( H K) and of working 24/7 responding to the challenge of the Super Computer to be a Human Computer.
There were three-four rooms in the loft and mine at the top perched like a lookout room for the entire installation which filled every corner of the house.
The book I placed on the table in the foyer by the Kitchen was the Story of Pi.

And the entire kitchen with all the shelves and utensils had cleaned and transformed each object taking on a form and making a story and yes I made one line with A Dolphin dish and the story of sea.

Despite all the work, it was peaceful because I had no Human Interaction- except with Geoff Lacour, and he had come to witness the work and offer some support and luxuries.
Humans of this reality just get in the way.

It was a masterpice, “un chef d’ouvre. Only rivaled by the masterpiece I created Tom Trumans Japanese style Lift with the statute of the life-size crouching- about to spring Black Panther, but this time it was only on this giant Oak Table with shelves and a photograph of an African Style scary masquerade.

But nothing comes close to that installation Magic I did at Hells Kitchen right across the street from the horse stables for Central Park. And the Baby who was the pilot of the masterpiece on the table and a large Iron Horse I knew was the called The General.

Queens Park 1988 to Marylebone.

I was born at St Marys Hospital in London England ( L E 12 5 125 USD) and in Sept 1989, still 21, I had left everything Queens Park and my past behind me and in away was reborn.

Then taken back to the place of my Immaculate Conception at 18 Alexander Grove.
Allan Ginsberg 1993.
Arden Gemino 2019-2020.
Ardrden- Aurelia Gemino.
Azure, L F L.

I could face down everything in Existence from past to present alone because it did not matter what anyone said to me, my Awareness, my Personality, Individuality, Cee- Character Perception could see everything confirming my truth.
It did not matter what anyone said or did to me, I grew stronger, rising higher alone because I could “Cee. See, beyond sight and that which was appearing, manifesting right in front of my eyes which now others could see.

Liberty sent me a message
it was her sending me some with some memroy- intel about the Fear people had and how fear was used it was about the E Virus do you remember (E V. EVE= 27 = 32) I am now at 1633 Facebook Friends.
Nile Virus and the chance of 1 in a billion getting it.
She was filled with laughter.
The page had 93 likes.
Se sent it at 9:00 am
She is with her family at 900 South Road.

I laughed, at it but also at her, and the world, reminding her, that I did truly remember, that she was in anxiety, fear, and worry herself and that I was present I that house at 900 South Road, doing the work with her, as she battled that fear worry anxiety, The same fear and worry and anxiety she had at the birth of her son Azure, of being infected by others with Covid 19.
It was much less – the fear but that is the message she has sent me just before his birth.
That was the worry she had when Jeron was ill for a day as well as Jennifer, his baby sitter and her daughter.
She had spread fear to me, and I had responded by deflecting it transforming it.

“Do not be smug- Smaug in Lord of the Rings”, all of you, for I watched all of you given into fear despite your feigned bravado and some of you fighting that fear it still seeped out and always it was passed to me.

5:59 pm

I am glad she is cleaner and so is the World, but of the use of Words?

No, I do not forgive nor do I forget and the worst of it is the refusal to take responsibility for the part each of you played in spreading the disease which caused me to call her the source of covid and then “Evil Bitch”
What is an Evil Bitch?

You may have all started to come back to your senses, but do not forget what you were, what you did, what you create, and someone was sent against their will to fight for you against his will.
These lies of Omission so conveniently dismissed and brushed aside to laugh at others when each of you was the cause.

That is why you must all die, some of you in the most savage way, 2/3rd of this planet’s population and those who do rise and transform through the fire will do so with ease and other which such a thrashing, lashing that they will never come through it as the same person.

Do not manipulate with Language Expression L E 12 5 125 USD.
I see it so clearly that which you did not express, to make yourselves look superior, better than you actually where that The Source has to roar out in your home and on Facebook Ourubus Evil Bitch!
Did you come to send me a message to spy to see, how I would respond to you if you are safe?
No, you are not, you the 1/3rd must inform, formation, formulation fully informed with me to I C, not simply through codes and numbers and my “Sacrifice” as recalibrated through 11 months of work and now 10-11added months of posting to now rise and transform through Embodiment Lang-u-age.

That Liberty that word and the world must die to be destroyed, and since she, it, they only respond to beating to the very inch of annihilation, to the very edge then that is the hells kitchen and nature you have requested until the Lie in you is vanquished and sent into nonexistence via true pain and will never rise again being replaced by 12- 1 2 AB- C.

If you do not wish to take responsibility for each of the parts you played, by yourselves, then I have made arrangements for all of you to thrash it out of you in the most sadomasochistic *( Red the Book Sword of Truth) way, since that is what it takes to transform you.
This is what you asked for, this is what you need and since you can not do it for yourselves… come clean- I have arranged for Everything, Everywhere and everyone and the Universe its self to do it for you.

You will tell the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth Naturally, defeating your Ego until transparent and clean as you Expression Language as the Sheath which will be that new body and being, and you will make it beautiful and Honest. Beautiful Pride.
And if I, & I, We have to ground you to dust, beat you down until you are nothing, humble you to dust, “And so like the dust Still I rise”
Drag you through the marshes and swamps of all the cause and effect of your expressions past which you refuse to take responsibility of, but rather still out of habit, shame and blame others, make it appear as if you have done nothing wrong and have no regrets, we will show you that there are those who the word Regret came into existence to be personified by some, so be it.

But you will become that Flower in Sacred Portal 34.
That is my Promise Kept.
P.K – E.

You will Rise Transformed.

7:30 pm.

That is the truth of Love Supreme and Responsibility for Thought Words Action-Expression.


7:31 pm

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