
2:10 pm. – B.J. – 21 O – U.O. – 6-18

2:10 pm. – B.J. – 21 O – U.O. – 6-18
2:10 pm. – B.J. – 21 O – U.O. – 6-18

2:10 pm.

21 O

F-A.H. T.B.A.


This is truly a slow and tedious process. I am aware that it was because people are only now beginning to really pay attention and listen and that I have been repeating what I have been saying for so many years, just adding more detail.

But at this point, and for many years, I have completed what I wished to share, but this script so long and meandering has its own point it wishes to be made… the long way.

So today, I am not going to go off spouting more information, and decoding this script which whose main purpose, as far as I can see is to waste my time and energy in decoding what is self-evident to bring this truth of Evolution through destruction this way.

This is not the way I would share knowledge and wisdom- and just goes to show that this script was a very bad idea.
It’s no wonder this force of Nature as DNA to DNE, has held my body Ransome to make sure everyone past present, and future, understands in Clarity Perfection of Cee of the truth of what is manifesting but coded through this tiresome script.

It is just an excuse for those who did not pay attention, to be given a chance to catch up with what has already been said and proven,
Stretching it out so the past as the illusion of the Body can understand the New and yet original way of being in Existence.

What an abuse of power, to be able to realize your ( Its) Plan was faulty, and hold on to that plan and only to realize how wrong it was to bring me to Facebook and to post, and realize that I was right all along, and be too stubborn and proud to realize that you have made a mistake and be too proud to admit it and compel one to continue in this vein.
And keep me explaining and posting for the slow-pokes, who made the decision themselves to not pay attention before.

One would suggest that that is a natural consequence, but as you have witnessed this idea of “Chaos to order” prove Harmony Nature when all things were already in Harmony from Inception conception.

As I observe the final stages of this play, represented now by Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Stephen Johnson as Justice, I see very clearly that this is about Justice and Cee-See.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is representing the Cee See of the past and is their “Post Office” really in a play of Angelic Messenger of that potential that was nature, who had refused to awaken, seeing in their perception that there I would never succeed, but now on second thought have changed their minds and now wish to be part of the Evolution and would rather delay the process of evolution awakening so that they could understand everything to mind-numbing detail, before the let my body go, so that I can do what I had wanted to do way back in 2012, 2013 which was to leave you to figure it out for your selves or not.

You must understand my stance, I have been doing this, and only this all my life and by 2012 I was done, but that is when Nature playing God decided that it wished to be part of this Enders Game.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was discharged from the Army on 2012-12-21.
= 5-3-3.
He is 33.
5 -33,
I have been staying with him as a guest, which was meant to be a few weeks, it’s nigh over 7 months and in a week or so it will be 8 months.

And yet, the script of 2012, 12-21 equates to 5 33.
5 3/3=
5 1.
That is what it is equating to now, and in Sept 2019 when I met Arden.

51- 16= 67 is AURELIA.
But is also me.
By the time I met Arden, I had already jumped to birth code 1984.
That is the year Stephan -Esteban Miguel Filgueria was born, and we connected on and via Facebook and through Sabrina Mel.
Medina Spirit.
Stillness Motion
Majestic Supremacy.
Man Stephen.

EMF born 8-16-84,
Haris Babic 1984.

So in truth, I was 34-35 when I met Arden.

51 age code was a script of which I had had already passed in 2009.
51- 16 = 35.
I was at 16 35 Facebook friends yesterday.
Perfect Symmetry is P S = 35.= 8=I
E S P is 5 16 19.
E Perfection Supreme.
E Planet Staya- Saturn.
I had already attained that E; SP and Jumped to the Year of Birth from 1967 to 1984, that is plus 17 years.
And that is when that which represents the Energetic mirror represented by Avatar Descendants arrive as perfect reflections of that Truth.
Esteban – EMF was 33 when we connected.
He is now 36 and will be 37 in August.
I have even completed the lay of 1984, when I passed through Esteban’s portal and the EMF = 24, in 2004, I was 36 going on 37.
I finished the play with Esteban when he was 36, meaning that I was the original 35, he sponsored me until I reached the 317-319 fair field on May 27 and left for Oregon the 33rd State.
He was Age code 35.
I was then forced to Jump to 900 South Road, Liberty was 43.

That is the sacred portal door of Life which I had completed yet again when I was age code 43, in 2010-2011.

And not only were all these Jump Man codes ignored by Nature but they kept me tethered in the year of birth codes 1966, and even as you witnessed 1965 which was not only the lie I knew as way back as age 7-8 and was later confirmed by my Mother.

That power, that abuse of power so immense to deny the truth of their own script and the truth that I was never bound by time, age or this reality, which I never lived in or acknowledged as real- when the script acknowledged it when my own body acknowledged and yet able to ignore the truth that Nature is an Illusion proven over and over by me by the instigation of the line of nature, the physical realm – it’s self a lie, and even when having proven over and over again that this is the world is an illusion, a story, and my own body rising straining crying out for release from the bonds and limitations I had been constrained and restrained in, my body crying out under the strain because the fact that I am it is not limited by Time or Age, and that I had passed all the DNA scripts of proving it, has made being in this body a Nightmare.

And yet, even when having proven all this, again I am constrained to prove it and align it once again this time through Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.

Nature made the claim that it was the Representative of the Truth in the absence of The Creator the Source.
Then at the presence of The Creator
The Boy- which even as far back as my youth to my put into contact with Prof Catherine Achuluno the Linguist, I was recognized as The Igbo Legend of The BOY.
To Odera Umeano at Augusta Georgia who on discovering the Truth that her mother, my own bio family, and the ancestors always knew my Identity as the so-called Golden Boy.
G B/ BG 7 2/ 2 7.

She spoke out in outrage- telling me that not only did they know but that they always had.

Oh, I was aware of this, I once made a call to a well-known Clairvoyant while at Agusta Georgia out of quiet frustration, the first thing he said after listening to me was in an incredulous tone “You don’t know? You do not know who you are, nobody told you?’

But I knew, I knew as far back as I remember, the secret looks, in my family, the way my sister would look at me as if she wanted to tell me something but did not dare.

I just wanted to know why they all kept it secret from me, I wanted to know what they wished to do.’I did not really have time for ancient stories, legends, and myths, I have always known that I was not of this world.
But what I began to see, was it was to use me and take advantage.

Nature was no longer the Truth or its representation in the absence of the Source- whom Legend calls The BOY.

3:33 pm.

Nor was it Good as it claimed,
I had understood that Good and Evil G.E came from those who all claimed to be Good, and I found that at least those who were Evil at least were honest and not the Hypocrites that Nature had become in its notion of doing what is best and for all its descendants. Like Parents and yet Parents are Children, themselves illusions until they grow up… or turn into the very monster “Good Nature” its self transformed into.
The Evil Bitch Abomination “Alu” Taboo” Fear.

It had grown used to having Power and being The Boss.
It did not wish to give it up, it wanted to use me, my energy to do its will, and even Evolve using my E-Spirit to do all the work with the philosophy that I must sacrifice myself for the good of All.
That is an old world idea which if you watch American and western Television that spell which was designed to destroy the Individual is still very much alive even here where such Ideas such as Communism were subject to witch hunts.
Communism in its purest self does not destroy the right of the Individual, it actually works for the benefit of all, and the Individual has its functional purpose and role.
I saw it clearly, just as I saw all forms of government invented and systems as a sincere effort to find a means of Government that included the well-being of all.
Democracy, Capitalism, Monarchy, Co-operations, Marisism Tao, Chi, Societies

EKPE= all had pure intentions but I noted that as long as Human Nature and Harmony as the true nature of Human Consciousness was not proven and activated, the Nature of Greed, that base nature, which I will not insult the animal world by calling it animal- bestial and monstrous- demonic is more accurate, but as long as that truth was not resolved and activated, it did not matter the system and intent of an idea or solution put in place, Humans would find a way from its inception to erode it, corrupt it and contaminate it with their disease.
I realized this most acutely, and in conclusion in 1993, 1994 in Paris but I had reached the truth of this by age 18 but I had to go out onto the field.

Power, all came from that need to control and have power.
That need to enforce your will on others, a sense of Dominance and Superiority.
Ego they call it now, but Ego really means Self Projections, and nearly every person I have to meet has self projections of themselves, not true.
Some innocently, others out of a need to be recognized and seen to belong.
A lot of the time it comes from childhood, but I have long since recognized that that was simply an excuse.
That there is a seed germ of not only Jealousy and Competitiveness inherited and embraced by so many but this idea of being “The One” T.O/OT.
15 20= 35.
OTTO 35 35- 1 7O 17 O- 71.

And so now you give people Power and control, what do they do with it?
From families with siblings to the head of corporations, presidents and leaders, now that you have it what do you do with it.

The answer is simple, look at history, look at even right now, look at your social structures what do most people do?

They go insane, (because they were already insane and now have been allowed to give that unstable way of being an expression) enjoying the power to see how far they can go, experiment, get what they want, get things to be done their way, they do not care for the outcome, as long as they can get away with doing what they want.

As for those who self-sacrifice, not much better, for the self-negation for others is an inverse form of egotism, the Martyr, the Hero, the long-suffering saint.
The Notion of the Mother who sacrifices herself for her children ( But not really, it’s all about her), and Father who dies for his country.
( But not really its all about him a a role thrust upon him, her as Durty Responsibility Function Purpose God Grief what has been done to meaning and definition of words- The Word of God- but God is a Lie so The Lord, The Truth)

It was natural, always Natural without the use of Mind Thought Calculations- Cunning-: and of one spontaneous action not thought of but acted out in a instantaneous moment of conditions- to cause and effect that is one thing.
But in the end, it really is all Ego, omes own distorted self-projection of what you should be, must be, but are not. Striving, the great Struggle constant consistent Sisphphus, which they told you defines and informs life, to prove through the mirror of others be it Domination or Self Negation- it all a lie- its all a battle with your Self to prove your value and self-worth to your self but through the acknowledgment, judgment of others, ( who in turn have no clue but hey, its all a game of pretend that I know what am doing and where I am going, whoopee a big lie but at least your not alone we all lie, and the game of life is who is fooling who, scamming who conning who into the notion that we have power and control.., to find the Gold and treasure of a rich and empty life..and then it all over…that it.. but it can’t be.. but it is, for you).
– Be it to dominate as a tyrant, Tyrannosaurus Wrecks ( which I have seen in all people), or negation of Self Sacrifice it’s all a Lie.

It’s not the true nature of your being, especially if it had to be defined.
And in the end, it comes from seeing and doing things your way, even if it is under the guise of pure intent and helping the people.

What is wrong with the people?

Do they really need you, do they not have all the tools that everyone is born with even the disabled- after all you call them that by looking at yourself and comparing their condition with your subjective view.

Why must you say “Your Helping” a person, ( Give them a medal- they expect it, I must get my pat on the back)
Why can it be a natural expression of doing what is perfectly natural and makes perfect sense, the blind person is looking for his phone, you see it and pass it to him or her, the seeing person can find his wallet, the person who unable to walk sees it where you left it and calls you on his phone, oh it’s over there”

Harmony, what is Harmony?
Is Perfect Symtery, when things move smoothly, like music.
A Particle dancing with abandon and confidence in one with its self and the Music of the Momentum of the Wave- of Music inspiring feelings sensational- is that someone will interrupt? Break the Flow? Can they really, can”t you simply press pause and then continue, perhaps they have something stupid but relevant to say which adds greater appreciation and momentous volume to the wave (even if it is Vol. De Mort)
It’s not about proving yourself worthy, and it’s nothing to do with you, but rather simply being the fill circle and completion of yourself.
There are no parts, no roles, even a purpose or function- ( that is for school when you are learning to know and see yourself in perfect symmetry, once that is done, you just flow, even awareness is not required, the focus is not required, paying attention is not required, being precise and in clarity of communication is not required.
These are simply building blocks- used for your education to see and understand yourself.
Once attained, and all about you the same “graduation class” all full circle complete in understanding the All and the experience of passing through and understanding that every person you passed through is all a reflection of you- Literally.
After completing that exercise of Time and experiencing this and harmonizing, passing through all versions of people all you.
There is not only the perfect understanding of yourself but all versions of you.
That which does not create harmony but creates pain and destruction and chaos with no resolution, you cast aside.
Those versions of you that you harmonize with and then decide out of a choice of many ways of beings the one you know fits you in the perfection of you the note of music and the instrument you wish to play, but you have all the instruments at your disposal, you can play and have an understanding of the point of view of all of them, because you have been all of them, while you were at Earth School, then there is you, moving now as an Individual dancing interacting making love, having outrageous sex play, mischief with all these versions of you, now graduated to Individuals each move through the Full Circle of Space, inside or outside of time- a choice because you are not limited all of you can weave inside and outside of time.
Experiencing that unknown, already known to you because you have experienced them all ut what makes it fun and exciting is that each of you creates your Individual interpretation of that note with the base understanding that we are all a part of the orchestra and we play every instrument, played every role, each experienced being the soloist.
Aria Dne Thesus. Thesis.

There is nothing to be competitive of or with and even so its all in good fun and mischief light because music, beautiful music in all flavors, spicy, hot passion, gentle, fragrant, alluring, mysterious all are the taste of Life Existence and all are beautiful, and individually understood, experienced, translated and transformed into ingenious ways all with the same recognizable base.

No, Nature lied.

It lost its claim and right to say it is true, “it is constant”.
Good became Evil, but evil stayed constant as evil, it stayed honest, it did not seek to pretend to be that which it is not.
saying it is God or Good when it knows it is obviously not.
It says it is selfish to the extreme and it knows the moment the solution for being is resolved that it will have to cease to exist, and it accepts that, and enjoys, knows that its run is temporary and that at the moment of the rising of the beautiful truth it accepts that it either must become that truth it has always recognized but never felt it would bear fruit or go out existence saying to itself “I had a good run, a good time.. I played my part in a great master theater well”

But the Hypocrites, the Liars, the Good people, like Nature, lying to its self, that is doing this for the common good, so intent on convincing itself that he had to use Evil, The Necessary Evil to make thins all things as They Should be” to yes it own subjective point of view. Which could not find the solution to Perfect Symmetry, Being with billions of other Individuals all living in Harmony…
What is Harmony if not Music, if not that feelings Sensational causing people to suddenly burst out into song in the middle of the streets, to Flow like a wave of good Vibes, Flowering, moving through place to place of Blooming ( and Looming) encounering people experiences, each making music, an opportunity to make more music, song sex- intercourse.
How many cool songs have been created since Creation, How many Albums, the genre of music, instruments, dance steps, how many ways of making love to music seen heard unseen – silent in one’s heart, birthed at one moment of instantaneous combustion Orgasms of Being alive and in Existence has their been, are there now even in this world?

How many conversations of music sound are there which you can play and it creates a new setting, a mood and takes you to spaces, not in time and space.
They are Infinite.

And no simple possibilities.
They are here present here right now.

Nature Symphony.
I Conduct it,
Step aside Nature, I am of true Nature, I recognize all that is of true Nature, for even on this page and 20 years, 3-month test and challenge all rise to the music of my heart-beat recognizing it is that which formed your Soul and now Sol 5th note

Nature lies, Lied.
God and Evil- the same thing but the lesser of the two Evils is the one who is honest and says yes I am, rather than the one who is wearing a mask saying no am not.

You could not find a solution to manifest harmony?
What would it look like, it’s impossible?
That was your limited point of view, that is what you saw as the potential and all it could only be.
Dominated and Controlled, constantly in need of cleaning, supervision, and regeneration…
That is all you saw and so that is all that existed for you.
And so that is all that became your world and your view of the EMF.
But how dare you say that this all there is and that is all there could be a constant struggle. Resolution and Conflict when you just could not see the Beautiful Truth all around you, even in this matric and universal simulation which you dared to take control of, take possession of when the setting is Beautiful.
Your bodies are beautiful
True Expression is Beautiful, Laughter and dawn today to evening is beautiful and Harmonies of Naturalness. I, all things have beauty humor, and a manner of being which Inspires and fills the air with the perfume of possibility already here as Perfection.

What is your perception?

Did you see me coming with this as my point of view?

Why does your matrix, your bodies, this EM-Field respond to me and my expression, why does it respond to me- this nobody you say is anonymous and has no worth or value other than being a Bitch and slave to your tiresome tedious point of view.

Oh shit, I did it again, conned and moved again because of sitting here in this apartment when all I wish to do is be out, being doing, not concerned about the Evolution of Awakening and a body which dictates to me its limitations imposed by a Force of Nature called the Lie as Time and Nature in one will to be even as I say no, no no… again.

I have two New Facebook Friends.

16 35 Isa W Algon. I A W.
And Erenestod Elossantosjr. E E.



A pause and I will code it quickly,
what else can I do for the moment
Lord, I am so bored.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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