
Oh Happy Fathers Day to me. – H

Oh Happy Fathers Day to me.

H F.D.

I just saw it and broke out in an insane coughing fit, from what was burning on the stove.

See my comment on Haris Babic Share of a Tobacco Pipe.

H F D.

Is code 8 64.
86 4/

I Fifth Dimension.

Father Of Infinity. Sacred Portal 147.

F O I.


Mother of Infinity



Good Lord how I am Truly Hated by most of you.


Is it the script… which caused this,

I really do not care.

Not any more.

I deny you all too.

I am Not your Father or your Mother and it’s true, I am coding 2.3rd of you out of Existence and the 1/3rd who remains in the to a different realm where we do not have to meet, anymore unless I desire it.
But you will transform.

You see even if I chose to overlook this Denial
Even if I desired it, the Eternal Law states clearly through this script that by denying by negating, not acknowledging I.
and me as Father Of Infinity.
Mother of Infinity.
As your Source, then you cease to Exist.

Because there is no one else who is claiming to be your Source- certainly not I.

But Evil has, at last, claimed you as its descendants and you, that you the Human Species as Its Source.

And yes acknowledging Kim Arthur Hinds Jr with 25 Likes, Y.
Confirms it, amazing how I am moved to see these things in Perfect Timing to the Point which of course is Y.

By Eternal Law, you can not Enter my Realm.

That is fine, Kim realm is of the K=11.

Particle and Wave and his line will serve you guys what it more your cup of there is a realm where I am Beloved.

I am not at all offended,
I could read the writing on the wall a long time ago.
Why would I still be sitting here at South Whitney alone?

Kim was always bein groomed for this, and I trained him here for almost 8 Months fully aware of this fact.

1/3rd will transform into different beings, not will I or you be able to forget.

So yes, this is Denial and that is the Rules of this Ender Game.

12:21 am.


That’s Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

Not me.

I am 12-21-2011.

Good Evening.

12:22 am,

Yes 22 USD in my wallet

12:28 a.m.

I have no malice. nor should you.

Free will and choice and all that


It’s a play script and each has made their choice.

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Shut.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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