
5:07 pm. – 57. End Game. – EG.O. –

5:07 pm.
57. End Game.

567 * Horseshoe Hill.


F V.


Manifest Queen M Q.
It was never about being a woman as Queen.
On the Chess Board- who moves the Queen, The Knight.
The Pieces on a Chess Board.

It has no Gender.

M K Q.

5:11 pm.

Who and what is really moving you?

I was irritated when I got up and was forced to come to FaceBook.
The play is over, it was in Kim Hands and the play of the 6-22 code and the date was successful for Kim viz a vis the custody hearing with his ex wide Queen.
She had not appeared in court and the custody was decided as being shared.

After Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was with his mother and when I knocked on his door his mother opened the door telling me that he was on the phone with the Judge.
A moment later he came out beaming.

I had gotten up to tell him that the series he had recommended that I watch was the script in him of what had happened and delayed my flight from here for the last 7- 8 months.

I had not intended to post anything today- there was no reason and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr I knew could handle the play with his team from now on.

I was denied by all except Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and it was scripted, I did not even know the test of me being Harmony Father, Guide Father was on, until the last minute I went saw Haris Babic’s page and then Kim’s page where at that point 25 people had wished him Happy Fathers Day.

I was not hurt or offended, I was already aware that the Bio Definition of Father and Mother, despite the years and years, 20.3?
9.5-6 on Facebook, that with all the evidence devotion, and dedication that I was still being ignored, denied… even at this point.

I was not bothered, I had understood that despite the evidence, what I had endured, the post, everything, that a conscious and informed choice had been made to negate my life work which I did not wish to do or even present to you, especially this way.

All I felt was a vindication on reaching 16 35 Facebook friends in a play of hidden figures and cheating and lying, using me as a slave for the world people, who would then deny me, because they did not like the way I addressed them, did not like that I was forced to prove that every word I had been forced to say to people, to call out the truth no matter what, and even after the lashing and crucifixion of my soul, spirit body, everything apart from being able to reach my art.

I did not care.
I had made it clear.
I came to destroy, to prove you out of Existence in what became a Court Case, “Geoff Lacour”
And defend The Chosen Ones- Avatar Descendants.

The Script itself was Evil, beyond any definition of the word because it was Selfish to a point some extreme, forcing me to move through a story which I had been through before, but this time truly taken to the point that my own quiet thoughts and reflections moved towards a plan of destroying All, and even not agreeing for any of the species to rise.

I still do not know, what I will decide.

They all denied the Father Of Infinity.
The All denied the Mother of Infinity.
Sacred Portal 147 ( 17 17 A B)
and Sacred Portal 90, even after I had to be made to walk you through it, teaching guide, coddle, and be imprisoned in an illusion of myself and my body.

There is no words to describe the hatred, Pure Hatred of this Script I feel.

You do not exist for me, never have but I was made to live this way, fight for you, and the same outcome that made me fight with every fiber of my being not to be part of this, to try and leave my body over and over again rather than not have to face this, you, and this script.

But I did not leave my body, the desire for True Life, and to make sure that the energy behind this play and all would pay was greater.

Humans? I did not hate them, they were just pawns, illusions who were never meant to exist in the first place, an idea that had gone terribly wrong.

Yet I was forced to rescue the original truth, which I had already done by 1996.
But now I was made to spend an extra 25 years ( 5 x5) to make rise the Universal Body which itself is not real or a fact since the Body is simply a reflection of Being, and illusion – A beautiful illusion of Light on an E M Field of Nothingness Light
L N.

Yes, I noticed the Chris Filgueira born 12-14-87 and the Facebook friend Rodolfo Sanchez López has 14 12 or is 12 14 Facebook friends.

I would never have come back for Chris Filgueira and the line he represents.
He betrayed me personally and existence and its Source Truth.

All these, only to find that I was right all along.

The abuse of power to be able to put a being, your Source, The Source through 25 years of sheer hell and a nightmare because you felt that Mother Earth, Ala, your beliefs were greater than the truth.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr play proved that. Because he is a Biological Father.
Energy Expression even after 9.6 years of providing evidence, following your lives, caring for you despite knowing all this was a waste of my time.

I had seen myself vindicated and saw no reason why I should post anymore. This whole thing is a lie. nor do I accept that by using evil that there is any chance of redemption. I am aware that I could find a way to resolve it, but that is something you can be sure that I will never do even if it means the destruction of everything and going back to when there was only I E I.
I A I now.

I have said No.

So, when I got up it was only to tell Kim about the Manifest series he had watched.

I have no intention of telling you what it really means.

I saw that I had two Facebook requests.
Which I knew would move me back to 16 35 from 16 33.

I felt only quiet scorn and apathy.
I saw how messages started pouring in, I responded politely, now indifferent to the conceit and arrogance of their language and trickery.

I accepted the Two Facebook Friends which should have moved me to 16 35. but instead after coding R S L. the other facebook friend had vanished and I saw that I was at 16 34.
And my page popped up to Sacred Portal 34 where Laura Walsh and Alicia had liked it.

Alicia Norris’s line always keeps me waiting… Rose Quartz as in Love’s Frequency?
Pandora Quartz.


To constantly have to remind someone, is the truth that they have made a choice to ignore.

A moment later Kim tells me that his ex, Queen calls having missed the Court hearing by her own negligence, now wishes to contest the hearing Judgment.

5:59 pm

I watched listened and all I could do was curl my lips in contempt.

Sacred Portal 13. Manipulation “Stop yourself from going too far- that Woman is not me”

It’s all the illusion of women and men born of the Womb.

The play ended at Y.

25 years of giving them a chance. since 2004, 24.
And still, that force allowed this to go on without resolution because there is none.
It was wrong.
And rather than admit it, it allowed this play to reach such a place and then sought to force me to clean it up by attacking my body non-stop so I would bow to its will?

I was not going to post anything more, there is no reason to, you have denied me, I owe you nothing.

I am bored and was going to stop after posting Japanese Garden and go back and watch Manifest.

But as if the Hidden Figures of Nature by Numbers, Ancestors, bodies as Thought Mind was aware of my intention reading it through the electrical vibrations o my thought waves they are reading through all these electronic devises.
Ikenna Okonkwo Okonkwo arrived messaging me, the implausibility of his even reaching me, finding me was obviously set up.

I had met him in Istanbul, and he asked if I remembered him.

He was the one who had arrived just after Durrek Verret. D V.

* 4:22 pm was the time Queen called Kim.

Ikenna I have written about how I was called on my phone, from an acquaintance saying there is this guy at the Airport who had just arrived from Israel, saying that he knows you.

I did, his sisters had been close friends with Bene, my mother’s sister who they nicknamed her “C 2”, because she looked so much like my mother.
It was a family I knew from not only 5 A Ibagwa Road and whose mother lived across the road.
But even to my time at the Jungle School in 1983, I attended for 5-6 months.

He was their only male sibling and was the baby of the family.
Edith was one of his sister’s names.

I was leaving Istanbul when he arrived, and his sister called him, and he had passed the phone and she had implored me to help her brother.

I recall one of the last times, I had seen him, as I had invited him to a performance where I had danced an Afro Dance of West Africa, which is why I shared his post of the video of not only the Jungle art very much like Kim Arthur Hinds Jr but also the people dancing with food carried on their plates.

He explained to me that he now lives in Austria.
Yes, the Adolph Hitler play and Sword of Destinty.

And that his sister now lives in Maryland.

I am too tired to deal with the trickery and deception of the Forest People and Woman as the Lie, allowed to go so far.
It was nice to hear from him after 21 22 years, but I told him it was a setup, which he confirmed that out of the blue the thought came to his mind to contact me… After 21-22 years on this day, the 22nd. 6-22- 2021?

Yeah, right.

Rodolfo Sanchez López

Rodolfo ROD O LF O

*”Rudolph or Rudolf (French: Rodolphe, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish: Rodolfo) or Rodolphe is a male first name, and, less commonly, a surname. It is an ancient Germanic name deriving from two stems: Hr?þi, Hruod, Hróðr or Hr?ð, meaning “fame”, “glory” “honour”, “renown”, and olf meaning “wolf”(Hr?þiwulfaz).

Glory Honor Renown
Famous Wolf

*”Sanchez is derived from Latin sanctus (“holy”) and ez (“of”/“son”).’


*”López is a surname of Spanish origin. It was originally a patronymic, meaning “Son of Lope”, Lope itself being a Spanish given name deriving from Latin lupus, meaning “wolf”.”

Yes, Wolf…

The Sacred Holy Wold of Destruction of Man.

Yes, Born the day of the Wolf.
The Wolf Blanket.
The Wolf orb Gift from John Mack,
The Wolf gift from T-Shirt Jae Sherman.

The First Ancestor of the Dog/ God.

Ikenna you may recall the meaning

*”Means “father’s power” in Igbo.”

*”According to a user from Nigeria, the name Ikenna is of Igbo origin and means ” God’s Power, Father’s strength ( Nna means father referring to God)”

Okonkwo, Okonkwo. O O.

*”Okonkwo’s origin is African-Igbo, and its use, Igbo. The meaning of Okonkwo is ‘boy born on Nkwo’.”

My mother had told me that I was a child Nkwo.
Meaning I had been born on that day.
OKO means Day, Market Day.
My sister went to Higher School at Oko, and was nearly killed.

You may recall the story by Chinua Achebe
“Things Fall Apart”

Okonkwo is the main character who kills his adopted son whom he finds he loves and sacrifices him to prove he is not weak.

His name was Ikemefuna.

Yes, my middle name.

Things Fall Apart, T F A

The Center Cannot Hold”

Oh Really?

The Second Coming
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

*”The Second Coming” is a poem written by Irish poet W. B. Yeats in 1919, first printed in The Dial in November 1920, and afterwards included in his 1921 collection of verses Michael Robartes and the Dancer.[1] ”

19 19 was the year, they said and published that my Grandfather was born.

19 19 =1. 38 +1= 39.

C I.

Manifest the movie.

April 13, 2013, and arrived in One day,
11-04- 2018.

When did I arrive in Connecticut and to 114 Grant Moor Motel?

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr I met later. we never met while I was living there.
I did meet him at Agave, and Alladins, and at 29 Lincoln Street.

right now there is the number 2 17 on my page header.
B Q.
2 19- 2 17 South Whitney.

B S- B Q.
B A I, B A.G.

2 1 9 2 1 7 = 12 10 – 322

21 9 21 7.. . 30.. 28… 58

2 19 2 17 21 19. .. 40.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr mother lives at 99
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door

Manifest Queen

Queen wishes to challenge the court’s decision?
Real from the Infinite Court to the Court in this land.

No worries there is a way which can be arranged, where Queen ceases to exist and Serenity grows up with a Mother and Father in one Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

Her choice… and it will not be pleasant, I promised it will be the sum total of hell until she the rep of that people Durrek Verret feel my peeling off, layers after layer of their souls, serenely until there is nothing else.

It going to happen anyway, but Serenity will let Queen know that she has a choice.

7:09 pm

79 Blue Print of Existence.

This is no longer my business.

7:11 pm.

Obiekwe, Obiekwe.


R S L I O O N E.

All have been arranged
I and I will check your Actions Thoughts Word.
I am only here today because of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr no one else.

7:15 pm.

Because he did the work and graduated with Flying Colors.

G O.

G A- E.

7:16 pm

G P.
G. A.F .C

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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