
3:09 am. – 39 – C I. – C OI. – C- 69

3:09 am.

C I.

C- 69.
C.Fact. I.

Yes, the so called dead can speak for themselves through you- A Channel.
The quation is do you care to hear.

I am now at 16 41 Facebook Friends.

Sacred Portal 41.

Omole Gabrielle is my 16 41 Facebook Friend.

O.G. / G O.

Oh God. 15 7… 6 7.
NZ 67 67 46 B.

Omole is obviously representing the past as Elleguah

*”A user from Nigeria says the name Omole is of Yoruba origin and means “An Assertive child”.

*A user from Nigeria says the name Omole is of Yoruba origin and means “An Assertive child”. … Which means child is greater than money”.

An Assertive Child.


In the language of the ELU ( The Elected, The Chosen Ones” )
Its a Code. O MOLE meaning a Spy. Full Circle a Spy under over.

OM -OLE Ole is Spanish Matador.
O.M O. Omo Valley?
O MO Sacred portal 42 Full Circle Power
O M O – L E 12 5 USD from Liberty over a Month or so ago.
L E- 12 5= 17= 8 and I.

Gabriel Code Gabriel Peter. G P.

Peter means Rock Stone not Peter in the Bible Story.
Bible means “Book” Logbook
The Body, Earth Heavens
Akashic Records/
Meaning Nothing is Forgotten including all your action expressions thoughts before you met me or came to my page, from birth to your first human incarnation Past Lives.

Gabriel means *If Gabriel is the hero of God, then the French feminine version of the name, Gabrielle, is the heroine. Though the name has been around for centuries,”

** Gabrielle is the French feminine form of the given name Gabriel (Hebrew: ??????????) which translates to “man of God” and “God is my strong man”.

PS Eleguah.

*”?l??gbára means the “master of force” in the Yoruba language.”

* “Elegua (Yoruba: È?ù-?l??gbára, also spelled Eleggua; known as Eleguá in Latin America) is an Orisha, a deity of roads in the religions of Santeria, Umbanda, Quimbanda, Candomblé and in Palo Mayombe. He is syncretized with either Saint Michael, Saint Anthony of Padua, or the Holy Child of Atocha.”

* Eshu/Eleguah same.
“Eshu’s place alone is unique because he is both an “Orisha” and the leader of the … Hispanic form of Elewa, a praise name for Eshu meaning “Handsome one”.

And Elu.
What does élu mean in French?
English Translation


“More meanings for élu

choisi, sortant”

3:33 am.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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