
8:40 pm. – So here I am left wi

8:40 pm.

So here I am left with 8 USD.


From the 10 USD, I had earlier.

There was an entire play of Harmony Nature, to and from 1544 C-Town.

Then Rain.

I got soaked at the Tail End, but it felt good after the heat, and when I came back to change “Pause” I looked in the mirror, though torso twisted and deformed, it has begun to correct itself by my squeezing my core, pelvis section and my Sphincter muscle.

I knew of this, but the intensity of my body never allowed that pause.
I looked “Wet T-Shirt Sexy”
I smiled… not home free yet.
I know what my torso and body morph into- How could I not? I have been living it breathing it day and night for 18 years.

After the pause and a quick change, I went to the CVS, and that Blonde Afro Caribbean woman was there.

The last time, I was there two proceeding times- she was not wearing a mask.
Twice she commented- trying to act more friendly…?

You do recall, I coded her and her kind out of Existence after her setting me and the gaggle of 3 women plays?

I have not changed my mind, despite she having obviously changed here.

So What?

I Don’t Care.

I D C.

She greeted me, I paid the bill she said something, I replied with courtesy.
Out of courtesy,
I am, after all, my mother’s son…
And before that, my own man.

It started raining and I laughed, “That how you started me with this day when I got up, causing me to spill water on the floor, by my bed, soaking my only papers…
Tring to change my mood ( I had put the papers, first thing into the oven. cleaned the floor and expanded and aware that I must do laundry, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and I even got weed, extra raw papers, mine in the oven, I discovered where dried to perfection.

I have been in the battle with nature for quite a while, and truly intensifying after my bio father passed in 2002 summer, and 2006 at Albert Santana Edmund Albert Santana via Erik Ebright, 248 Green Street, Brooklyn aka County of Kings. C A K… E? And before that Shawn. Bono. S B- S E E B and back to Jerry and Joseph- The Bump on my right thigh.

To Johnny LeValley whom I recognized as Arch Angel Gabriel.
And whom I released him from his role, and witness was Pierre David. ( P D/ DP Dignified Pride,”The O -MEN not Omen”
David Powers, his tag “Earth” we met on the island of Manhattan, not the Mainland ( Maine 23rd. State, and not 23 USD? No I spent 55 “23/ 32= 55. 5/5.
13:55 USD “M E E. A CEE” yes, even as I had walked out earlier, it was that truth dancing in my mind, how this realm will with all its colors fade.

A painting by numbers, I remember well when I painted them, even in this life span- when I was a boy, and my parents had separated in 1979. By 1980 moving to 81, I painted her a painting by numbers a Lion with Lioness and Heard- Family and An Elephant and it Family.

How could I not know, that it was a copy of the real thing.
When I originally painted the original.
It was a Person – I drew him.. then her and their energetic signature. The Rock S.P 147 and Sacred Portal 3.
( 777= 3 7= 21= 3.

Yes, I am born 4 7’s = 11 and yes 28.)

It was originally a person embodied and then their Energetic Signature- The Setting- Nature Sky earth ground, etc..”

All this I mused as I walked, there, and back,

9:12 pm.

6:12 pm.


So with the 8 USD in my wallet, as I mused this as I walked back, and gradually the rain beginning to pelt down, I laughed aloud, I thought Haris Babic lack of presence on my page, N H.B

Sacred Portal 148.

I keep having to remind Hymen-her, that Y came as the Rock and she came as his Expression.
She Chi, Qui- that Energy which is the Creative Energy of the Author Source expressed.
Instantly the rain stop pelting and then it was just a pleasant drizzle and stopped.

You will die nature, yes you can die, you will fade away refreshed by the Original expression, expanded now by the Original Individual and now there 1 and I I& I. C.

Lion Elphant. LE 12 5= 17.

QUI. E T. Not Silence, That was my past.
This is the Q.U. I.E.T.

the quiet the calm, serenity of I before The Storm- yes for you, others the storm of the beautiful awakening.

I am The Quiet Heart.
Inside is Blanket Lightening.
The Calm and the Quiet before.. chuckle.
The Dawn.
T D.
/ D T.

Oh yes, while I was painting L E-Quantum Memory, I did not draw myself into the frame, I was seeking to capture the essence of me, I was catching the essence of those One Two beings who had no clue how they were seen by me.

It is replicated in this reality and Life Span at Le Mann, where I did the series “Portraits From Within”, 1996 Poille Sur Vegre” North France
Christian Gerald Pierro… and there was Brain who made me the Easel.

* Yes, Johnson Deborah.
A.K.A. Isaac Brian Johnson.

Yes, the one who laughs, and rejoices.
3 Portraits I drew, but this time I included myself.
Their levels in one including a gaggle of “Gods” ( Alien Council watching me, while they themselves were in the play”

There were 9.6 years given all the way back into 1996. France, London to 296 The Collection to C Town.
To my apartment in Elephant and Castle.

I rose from the Earth- that was the past, I had wings at the highest point in the sky with Golden Ywany Hair. David Roman Nicholas.
Even to me as the illusion of a dog.

And my form as I drew those animal natures energetic signatures of my I and I & I.

Even to Nnamdi as the original birth cade 1965. The Earth though real is an illusion that will fade replaced by the One New Earth World.

Yes, I released Gabriel. Yes Peter Gabriel Peter
Omole Gabriel
I took over and let him Rest and Play. R P. / P R. E T E this time was for U, not the original cast and crew.

as getting annoyed, it was 9:42 pm and then switched as I looked at it to 9;43 pm.

I Earth
I Life

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