
4:11 pm. – D K. – D A-A. – Link Tho

4:11 pm.
D K.
D A-A.

Link Thomas Bayswater date of Birth and who Kim worked with and also Alexa.
Date of birth of Thomas Nathaniel Bywater. N T B.

4-11 N Bywater.
11-4 K.Hinds Jr.
K B. Kim Bywater.
H B Hinds Bywater.
Jr B. Jr Bywater.

Kim 11-4-1987.

He met Arden and the family at 900 South Road with Benjamin.
K B.
Benjamin was born 3-11-1982 and is no longer in the play.
3 is part of 4.
So Kim already has Ben within him as C.
Making Kim C.D.- G.
See Sacred Portal 34/ 43.

G E T T.A.
GET. Beings=Beauty A & K.A. H-JR.

4:16 pm.
Pierre David.
The Rock Solid Beloveds.
Dignified Pride,
David Powers- D P.
Beloved Powers B.P.
Earth Universe- You A All.

Hello, it is easy to see that the E M Field of this play is aligned to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.
And then to Alicia, Laura and Liberty inside as C.L O S E the Doorway.

Everywhere Kim Arthur Hinds Jr goes in his route here in Connecticut the 5th state, and here where he lives in Hartford Connecticut is the Cee and the See aligned perfectly to the Blue Print of I, I& I.

* PS He and I have 38 Mutual Facebook Friends.
C H / H C Harford Connecticut.

No one here can deny his Cee “Sight” his non-stop posting of evidence, photographs ( Gerald near Le Mann in France 1996. Portraits From within.
Gerald is Kim.
G K.
Both very tall, both with that ability to see and hold that true See andCee within them.
Go back, ( I am talking to the future present who will read and study this transcript called the E Manual after the Awakening) and you will see that the Portrait I made of Gerald is literally what Kim has played out.
Even to Gerald riding a horse in the portrait and hold a Globe where it was filled with one tear, trickling down his cavalier face- into the Gold Fish Bowl ( F B)who swam alone in the Transparent Bowl.
Yes, Kim means “Gold”
Gold-Fish. Father I.Son Harmony
G F.
7 6.

Meaning that they were both outside of Creation-Time when it was formed as the Globe Ocean filled with water.
And the Beginning of the so-called Darwin story of Evolution which was started life as Fish.
Then a School of Fish.

See the play at 900 South Road with Aurelia’s Grandmother, Liberty’s Mother paintings of Fish and Fetus.
F F. 6 6.
Oh yes, they are aware.
Gerald, I depicted as A Knight,

*”The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, or just Don Quixote, is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It was originally published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615. A founding work of Western literature, it is often labeled as the first modern novel and is considered one of the greatest works ever written. Wikipedia
Originally published: 1605
Author: Miguel de Cervantes
Published in English: 1612 (Part One); 1620 (Part Two)”

Alfonso Quixote.

Actually, he was looking for The Source – A Gentleman Knight.

And as Kim?

*After the murder of his father, young Arthur’s power-hungry uncle Vortigern seizes control of the crown. Robbed of his birthright, he grows up the hard way in the back alleys of the city, not knowing who he truly is. When fate leads him to pull the Excalibur sword from stone, Arthur embraces his true destiny to become a legendary fighter and leader.
Release date: May 8, 2017 (Hollywood)
Director: Guy Ritchie
Story by: David Dobkin; Joby Harold
Box office: $148.7 million
Budget: $175 million”

14 87. 1 48 7 See Kim’s comment on Sacred Portal 48 today.
175 is CONSCIOUSNESS. A G E. 4.5 pillion years x 2.= 9= I.

And of course Gwaine.
“Gavin” A.

*”Gawain is one of a select number of Round Table members to be referred to as one of the greatest knights and closest companions of King Arthur. He is usually ..”

4:48 pm.

And of course,

*”Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a late 14th-century Middle English chivalric romance. The author is unknown; the title was given centuries later. It is one of the best-known Arthurian stories, with its plot combining two types of folk motifs, the beheading game and the exchange of winnings. Written in stanzas of alliterative verse, each of which ends in a rhyming bob and wheel,[1] it draws on Welsh, Irish and English stories, as well as the French chivalric tradition. It is an important example of a chivalric romance, which typically involves a hero who goes on a quest that tests his prowess. It remains popular in modern English renderings from J. R. R. Tolkien, Simon Armitage and others, as well as through film and stage adaptations.

It describes how Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur’s Round Table, accepts a challenge from a mysterious “Green Knight” who dares any knight to strike him with his axe if he will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts and beheads him with his blow, at which the Green Knight stands up, picks up his head and reminds Gawain of the appointed time. In his struggles to keep his bargain, Gawain demonstrates chivalry and loyalty until his honour is called into question by a test involving the lord and the lady of the castle where he is a guest. The poem survives in one manuscript, Cotton Nero A.x., which also includes three religious narrative poems: Pearl, Purity and Patience. All are thought to have been written by the same author, dubbed the “Pearl Poet” or “Gawain Poet”, since all four are written in a North West Midland dialect of Middle English.”

Pearl, Purity, and Patience.

P P P. = 48.
Capital C.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr posted and saw in perfect harmony.
C of the Full Circle.
C O.
C F.

I for one, know that Gerald and Kim are both Romantics.
David Roman-TICS.
A Roman is a Novel.
As well as meaning *” Being Roman or belonging to the Roman/”Byzantine” Empire
Region of origin”

Yes, Istanbul Constantinople.

Lance-a lot.
Longinus the Roman whose spear pierced the side of Christ.

*”the name Roman has various origins, but the most commonly referred to one is the Hebrew origin which means “strong, powerful.”

The Green Knight?
Knox Gemino. KG.

Sacred Portal 15. “Jolly Green Giant”

G K = 7 11.
Kim is aligned to Alexa Vertefueille.
I passed through the EMF portal of the 7-11 with her alone.
Then Esteban Miguel Filgueria joined us after.

E J.

Fernando means *”Spanish and Portuguese: from a Germanic personal name composed of a metathesized form of frið ‘peace’ (or farð ‘journey’, ‘expedition’) + nanð ‘daring’, ‘boldness’. See also, Ferdinand.”

Peaceful Journey Expedition
Daring Boldness. D.B Doing Being. Room 4B/
P J E.
Paris Janet Emeka.
E J P.

5 10 Time Code is E J.P.
Jorge Pedraza. E P J.

Raphael *” Meaning:god has healed. This name is the Spanish and Portuguese spelling of Raphael, which is based on the Hebrew Rafa-el, which means “God has healed.” One of the seven archangels, Raphael was a whiz at healing.”

Excellent Healer. E H. ( 5 8)
– A long-time Facebook friend and who was active in the play right up to some a week or so ago.”

So a “A Peaceful Journey “Adventure” to Expedition” Doing Being- to Heal.

Raphael is also the Arch Angel of Song and Music.

Jeron means “He Sings” “Sacred and Holy”

This post is all about Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and the Final Destination.
F D.
6 4
of All.
The One way, and yes, yesterday’s play, was the Fork in the road leading to Nome Alaska finally confirmed last night.

5:12 pm.

And now that we have gotten rid of the excess cargo seeking to weigh us down and delay the awakening of the S J line, not a Jennifer and not a S-her-man and not a Jae, or Jay, the unidentified that was not meant to be here has been sent back to its origins Non-Existence but this time for daring to go this far- lying in wait and as deception lying for 8 months to The Proven Source, of Truth Satya.

It makes sense that we are moving with the 25 Y as the Whole to the Final Destination.
75 of the 3/4 maquerdaing as the C D.
And 75 G E.

Haris Babic was compelled to send the cash monies through her because Kim was not around and had yet to get Venno.
That alone was a red flag.

5:19 pm.

I am at 1650 Facebook friends. and yes, I am aware of why I am being now forced to code and prove that the One way of the All is reflected in Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.

5:22 pm.

Did you see my post of 5:22 pm yesterday?
I liked it first because I was aware that I was waiting for the One Truth as Carbon Copy- Awareness to Diamond Clarity.
Ues he met a woman called Diamon first then China.
He met Stephen, and then Manny at his workplace M.Y.NX.
Generation X Gardens, not 268 East 4th Street, that was just the venue I had to stay while coding the play at that former Lot transformed into a Garden, it was not Albert who had created that idea, it was another, who was a childhood friend of Alberts, a tall handsome and upright young man, I instantly knew and recognized him.
and the other who invited me in named Raphael.

F R.

My Youth Nnamdi X.
X is 24 in the Alphabet.
24= 6.
Liberty and Kim.
24 42.
2 44 2.
2 8 2.
B I B.
B I B L E.

* Meaning of BIBLE is BOOK.
B O O.K.
E Manual.

/ E. KO. O.B.

MY N F. 14+6= 20 T.
MY 14= 5. E. 6= F .

M Y. E.F.
MY 11.
M Y K.
MY B. Being.
M Y. A.-A

M.Y Awareness Awakening.

Azure Lee Finch Lang.
A L F L.
A. F. A C T.

Charmain. Char Main.
“Burn them all, Burn their Hands and Main Roads”
Garden of Earthly Delight- Paradise.

*”Charmin as a girl’s name is of Greek origin meaning “delight”.

*”The name Charmin is usually given to a Boy. And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, delight. The origin of the name lies in …”

Damiana means *”
In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Damiana is: “One who tames; subdues.” The Beast? The Lie – Illusion- Maya.

*”: the dried leaf of a tropical American shrub (Turnera diffusa synonym T. aphrodisiaca) used especially formerly as an aphrodisiac and tonic
also : a preparation containing damiana
2: the plant from which damiana is obtained”

Marike, means *The name Marike means “star of the sea”. Marike is a version of Marika (Danish, Latin). STARTS WITH Mari- ASSOCIATED WITH star, sea.”

Star of the Sea.

*”Marike means “sea of bitterness”, “drop of the sea”, “star of the sea”, “ rebelliousness”, “exalted one”, “beloved” or “wished for child”.


Kirch means *”The surname Kirch is a topographic surname, which was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a hill, stream, church, or type of tree.”

*”German : topographic name from Middle High German kirse’cherry (tree)’. It may also have been a metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of cherries …”

Hill, Stream, church… Tree.
Cherry Trees. C T.

See share of Andresse “AH B” Cherry Trees in Blossom above below and reflection.

Wey *”Wey Name Meaning. English: variant spelling of Way. Dutch: variant of Wei. Source”

*”Rivers in Surrey and Dorsetshire

*”Definition of wey
: any of various old units of weight used locally in the British Isles especially for cheese, wool, and salt
also : a Scotch and Irish unit of capacity (as for coal or grain) equal to 41.28 bushels”

Long prolonged Weight and Wait. Sacred Portal 55. EE.

**”Wèi (simplified Chinese: ?; traditional Chinese: ?; pinyin: Wèi) is a Chinese surname. … It means ‘defend, guard’ and is written Wai in Cantonese. The character ? is traditionally preferred although ? is now more prevalent, with ? being the simplified form in Mainland China.”

/ E-L.AD.

Dale means *”Dale as a boy’s name (also used as girl’s name Dale), is pronounced dayl. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Dale is “valley”.

Johnny Le Valley.
Psalm 23.

6:18 pm.
F R, F R. A N. C.E.= H- I.
Paris Walston. P W
Janet A. J A.

J P E. Daring Bold.
After Johnny Le Vallet was released by my taking his place by my conscious aware choice, he moved to London and even came back and appeared on my page last year as a Facebook Friend.

I am John Victor. 10 22= 32.

Last intel from Ayrana Luna LEO.N was at 12:32 pm Yesterday A L L.


Nnamdi’s British name is John.
N J./ Johnny Newman.
14 10= 24. E M F “6 13 6″= 24= 6 x=8.”
24 = 6, 42= 6. 66= 1
24 +1= 25.
24 +x 6 8/ 8 6.
4 8= 32.
5. +x 56= 11= 1. Being B=2

8 is Infinity and Infinite.

Pretty obvious/

John John.

J J.
The One Yeshua promised would remain until his return.
The Eternal Man.
Who never forgets, lifetime after lifetime, reincarnation after reincarnation his mission return to Eden Paradise and his Beloved Brother Self.

6:22 pm.

Awe at the Wall. E.T.

8:00 pm

8:11 pm.
H K.
/Kim Hinds.
H A /A-A.H
I.K. Not 911.
/ K I. N G.

8:12 pm.
I L.
Infinite Limitless.

8:18 pm
Final Edit.
1, 65O Facebook Friend.

H A H.
H R.
Completion of the Hue-man Race.

No such thing exists without the “E”
Energy- Expression= Emotion.
Compassion Empathy.

The Eternal.
Yes, in the Flowers.
Flora Auernheimer

8:21 pm.

Humans Begone.

8:22 pm.
I V.

4 11 + 11 4.
22 8.
9 22.

8:23 pm.

H W.

H O W.
W O H.

H O W L!

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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