
3:12 pm. – C L. Consciousness L

3:12 pm.

C L. Consciousness Light.
Creation Luminous.
Cee Love.
C A B. Creation A-B.
Consciousness Awareness of Being.
Cab 158.
CAB-LE- Wire P.J.

7-10- 2020- 1/ 2021
GOD TEN in One. 2020 Vision.
TB A & in Hindsight.
The One Elegant Nomad. 2004.
Of the Electromagnetic Field/ Force.

Let’s see both definitions as defined by this realities Human awareness.

Electrical network:-

In electromagnetism and electronics, electromotive force (emf, denoted {displaystyle {mathcal {E}}}{mathcal {E}} and measured in volts)[1] is the electrical action produced by a non-electrical source.[2] Devices (known as transducers) provide an emf[3] by converting other forms of energy into electrical energy,[3] such as batteries (which convert chemical energy) or generators (which convert mechanical energy).[2] Sometimes an analogy to water pressure is used to describe electromotive force.[4] (The word “force” in this case is not used to mean forces of interaction between bodies).

In electromagnetic induction, emf can be defined around a closed loop of the conductor as the electromagnetic work that would be done on an electric charge (an electron in this instance) if it travels once around the loop.[5] For a time-varying magnetic flux linking a loop, the electric potential’s scalar field is not defined due to a circulating electric vector field, but an emf nevertheless does work that can be measured as a virtual electric potential around the loop.[6]”

The wand with a Chinse kind of Dragon, the One Chop Stick from the Death Wreath is yes like Harry Potters Wand, but also a Conductors Stick.


*”An electromagnetic field (also EM field) is a classical (i.e. non-quantum) field produced by accelerating electric charges.[1] It is the field described by classical electrodynamics and is the classical counterpart to the quantized electromagnetic field tensor in quantum electrodynamics. The electromagnetic field propagates at the speed of light (in fact, this field can be identified as light) and interacts with charges and currents. Its quantum counterpart is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (the others are gravitation, weak interaction and strong interaction.)

The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges (currents); these two are often described as the sources of the field. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law.[2] The force created by the electric field is much stronger than the force created by the magnetic field.[3]

From a classical perspective in the history of electromagnetism, the electromagnetic field can be regarded as a smooth, continuous field, propagated in a wavelike manner. By contrast, from the perspective of quantum field theory, this field is seen as quantized; meaning that the free quantum field (i.e. non-interacting field) can be expressed as the Fourier sum of creation and annihilation operators in energy-momentum space while the effects of the interacting quantum field may be analyzed in perturbation theory via the S-matrix with the aid of a whole host of mathematical technologies such as the Dyson series, Wick’s theorem, correlation functions, time-evolution operators, Feynman diagrams etc. Note that the quantized field is still spatially continuous; its energy states however are discrete (the field’s energy states must not be confused with its energy values, which are continuous; the quantum field’s creation operators create multiple discrete states of energy called photons.)”

Every object operated on a field of Light- Photons.
Each object carries an Electrical pulse which created a magnetic interaction.

This you might recall the play with Arden and I at 900 South Road as well as for the last 10-11 Months.

A-A Batteries.
Electric Charge.
Charge induced by a Man and Youth- versus the medium of Heaven and Earth, and the Space in between- Environment Atmosphere ( EA/ A-E).

That contest and challenge were between Arden Emeka and the All as Universe Earth, that as to who created the Electrical Charge- The Earth Universe which requires mediums and conductors as Nature and A and E who require no medium, not even the designated Square Waves ( S W- South Whitney where the venue of this challenge had been scheduled to take place.
As to who is the Author of the Particle and Wave.

I, I & I, do not require a medium, not even the objects since all objects are made of light.
As one can see clearly from Leonardo Da Vinci’s Equation in that famous painting God and Adam ( G A “7-1” A-G) that it was Touch that transmitted the Electic Charge of Life.

The meaning of Touch does not even require physical contact and no even Thought, but as has been exemplified here, just Awareness and Expression using Silence and upgrade of Sound.
Hence, “Talking To The Silence” ( TTT.S= 79.7-9.planets.
Seven Nine. S N.

Last night during the play of my awareness confirming the shifting of objects by use of a Magnet by let’s say the so-called 144 Ascended Masters ( 1 4 4= 9. 12 x 12 = 144. 12+12= 24
6. 6-8 +x

6 17.
F I. I F. Ibrahim Fawaaz.

6/9= 15 letter O. Oh.
A-Tom- Energy.

Yes, Power Outage at 900 South Road, Halloween. H-ALL.O.W E- E.N
Power Outtage, recently here. 4:54.
69 x= 54. ED= 9.I

I paused to check my page- knowing I would see what was happening, there was one notification from Ajala Nso.

Ajala means *”Ajala is a Yoruba name for boys meaning Victory at last.”

and *”What does the name Ajala mean? The different meanings of the name Ajala are African meaning: Believer of Allah; Sanskrit meaning: Eternal. ”

*”A user from North Carolina, U.S. says the name Ajala is of American Samoa origin and means “Listening to God”.

and…*”Name : Ajala · Gender : Boy · Meaning: It means the one who has fought and survived.



NSO. North South=O.

*”Alanso as a boy’s name is of Spanish and Italian origin meaning “ready for battle”. Related Baby Names Lists. …

Nso is the OINri Igbo word for “Near- Close By”
not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances
“near neighbors”
“in the near future”
“they are near equals”

Nnoyelum, Nnamdi.

So, I understood what I was being made to do.. and yes, I was very grumpy, more?

You will notice what I found while being made to look for that which I knew had been moved- My Raw Papers ( R P… River Phoenix) that the cap could be seen as an Arabic Turban or more accurately Fractals of a petal-like flower.

* It also caused me to find the cut out which I found at Liberty’s post and then she received another and placed it on Arden’s door.

Beauty & Power.
Counter Part on the Quantum Level of the field. *6:13 pm Edit F M. Emeka E M F.
( In the same color as the American Spirits package color, I have been intentionally buying in that particular color for the last 5 months- intentionally demanding only that color.
As well as the Gold Cupid- Code meaning Aurelia- Kim.)

As well as the Minature Black Envelope which I had infused with the intention of the Death Sentence. along with the wire and terracotta plastic nail-screw cover.

The only reason why I am being made to use objects designated is to give you the audience- a visual- something to see and anchor what I- WE are demonstrating.

3:59 pm.
The End.

A sort of visual aid
4:00 pm

-for those in the illusion of the 3D, to see the Quantum, and Quantitative play of Atom-IC Energy who need to see, the subatomic play of Light Electric.
Photons and Electrons.

Yes, Electrons.
I placed an asterisk on that Facebook Friends recent name definition, out of the other meanings accorded it.

I met a girl, a friend of Erica, Ekayani called Elektra in Paris, she was a model and Jazz Singer.

Electric Photons.
Charing brain Neurons.

I am aware that this proving and demonstrating publicly was also a con for those Unseen and Hidden who wish to know how I, W.E move things and make them Manifest, so they could use it against me, us.
But I also know why it is being allowed, it is to demonstrate that only that which emits the Eternal Harmony frequency can access this Beauty & Power.

2 16.
2 18= 20- Ti! Te!,2O – 26 B F
T.O./ O T.
35 C E.
35 35.. 1 7O. / 7-10.
86. ( 14 48 See Sacred Portals 14 and 48. Total 62.
I am at 16 62 Facebook Friends.

Okay, that is enough explaining.

I have a new Facebook friend.
1662 16 62.
/26 61.
Z.F.A… FA versus Fa.

I have passed through Room 66.
Room “Magical Portal”
FF. MP Mobile Police.
Rep of the Black Hole and Non-Existence.

And yes, I completed watching A.NON.. Y MOUS
and I am currently watching a film called “How I Became A Super Hero” smh.

( H.I.B A S. H)

4:43 pm.

*”While superheroes have assimilated into Parisian society, a new drug gives superpowers to mere mortals.
Initial release: *April 21, 2021 (France)
Director: Douglas Attal
Language: French
Producers: Alain Attal, Emma Javaux, Marie Jardillier
Production companies: Artemis Productions, Trésor Films, Les Productions du Trésor, Shelter Prod”

Good Lord, there is such a proliferation of these movies,
too bad no one figured how this would work in perfect harmony in this reality.
The same infection- “There must be conflict, there must be war, violence, and pain.

That is what happens when you do not study the root cause of human mentality and activate Consciousness Eternal.

I am his 111 Facebook Friend.
His name is Houghtlen Petzler.


Harmony Perfection.

H P = 8 16= 24.
He was born in 2004.

In 2004, as you all know I wrote the Creation Story of that which created the Original Blue Print of existence, and for 17 years to my amazement, I have been challenged by Nature and you of the illusion of the 3.D and by the so-called “Hidden Figures” of the 4th Dimension of Mind- Nature.
This physical realm ( P R) challenging Naturalness.
Manifest Expression Naturalness.
M E N.
N E.. Nevi Eko.
Eko Vianto.

*”English: habitational name from any of the various places so called. The majority, with examples in at least fourteen counties, get the name from Old English hoh ‘ridge’, ‘spur’ (literally ‘heel’) + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’. Haughton in Nottinghamshire also has this origin, and may have contributed to the surname.”

Word/name English, Irish
Meaning derived from the Old English “halh ‘nook’, ‘recess’ + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’”,
from the Classical Irish “Ó hEachtair” and “Ó hEacháin”.
Region of origin England, Ireland”

* A LOOP. LOPEZ. Vicious Cycle.
And our Response?

/ C V S. Fahad Hassen 3:22.
Samuel V.C.
Black Panther, The Wolf FENRI. Two Wolves undercover. Loop – CAGE. KAGE-
Tommy Jones & Calvin Klien
Black Under Wear.

Don’t ask… smh.

*”The name Houghton is of Anglo-Saxon/English origin and is considered topographical. It originated from the medieval English words “hoh” which is defined or translates to mean ridge and “tun” which translates to settlement. In the context of this surname, it would mean someone who lived near or beside a are or a ridge or cliff.

Basically, a settlement right at the Edge of a Cliff.
Cliff Murrur C M.
Jimmy Cliff.
At the End of the World, any further and you fall off.

Spur, Heel.
Sacred Portal 97 “Nothing was wrong with Achilles Heel.

I have noted in the last week my feet and especially my heels being swollen.
Just as my upper teeth are decaying.
I am fully aware of the cause, all this twisting and filling my body with Gas.

The Gemino family is from Italy- it is shaped like Boot, Heel with a spur.
Like Cowboy Boots.

I always said I would live in two main cities in this realm and use as my base. Paris and Rome and perhaps Barcelona.
London will always have the tug of home and I would visit the world from that base.

*”This is a Dutch-German occupational surname for a “Maker of Pilches”, a leather garment similar in conception to the modern sheepskin coat.”

*”The name is derived from the Middle High German “Peltzer,” meaning “furrier.” During the Middle Ages, it was common practice for a man to be identified by the kind of work that he did; thus, it is likely that the progenitor of the name was a furrier who eventually came to be known as “Peltzer” or “Peltzer.”

Yes, it was Pelting with rain the other day.
P.E.LT. Z. E.R.
Physical Education.
Perry Ellis.
Lloyd Talley
to E R. 5 18 year old
23. W.
5. E.

Skin Largest Cell in the Body.
Body Hair- Antennae Follicules. Sweat Glands.

* I Just received a call from Omni Verse Sole- O V.S.
I did not bother to answer it, I just read the code. Time Code.
5:17 pm.
The equation.

I was at 10 on my Facebook page scoreboard.

now it is at 1 11.

5:18 pm.

E R.
Double VV.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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