
*”54 p.m – Erik Ebright took me

*”54 p.m
Erik Ebright took me to the Greyhound Station and Izzi Creo…
It was strange, quiet….Victorious…
Erik spoke and flowed with confirmations…
I spoke about todays Facebook memory post..
Sacred Portal 1A..Joy and the cracking of the Cosmic Egg…
I linked it to the Card which Erik had received from his sister…Joy with a picture of his nephew…
And then Izzi brought for a story of a surrealist painter Victor Kush.
(V.K…Victor Kolo)
Victor I…
And the incredible way she met him and had coffee.
When she showed us the picture…
It was this was one..
From 2013 which I have been posting and aligning..
“Here comes our Sunny Side,
Unyoked and out of its Shell”
Father JOY…JAY B.
Mother of Pearl….
Sun- 5th Dimension-Moon
A portal….
2:08 p.m.
On the way to New York.
Bus number: 1006…
2006…Mi Ami…
+T.E.N .
2:10 p.m”

6:38 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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