
9:09 pm – 99. – Linked to Kim Art

9:09 pm

Linked to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr mother at House 99
Kim os Door 66, Big difference? Nope same thing.

That is the 4th time I have sought to post the intel today of what took place but as A Summary of Humanity and your selves Being in court.
And Lacour, standing trial for accusing God as Mother/ Father.
really Masculine and Feminine
E- M F.
/F M.E
/ F M. E-AE.

For putting them in Duality as opposing forced when Masculine Feminine ad one as is 19 16.
So we are art 1669 Facebook Friends-
19 69

And yet, the course using the Holy E-Spit as Truth Serum made you rise up as Dinah Singh Ji demonstrated right to her last remark 97.
Azure conceived 9-7-2020.
Which 97 is 16 The Age I met Arden age code 51 (35).
51 35 is 86./ 89.

51 +16= 67
Aurealia 76.

Names Align to Y O B so B OY ( B P Y) in this Play as Y chromosome E Beauty Youth The Source mirrors and expressed by my first contact with Jeron at 29 South Lincoln and actual First contact with him here on the 3rd Floor where we could see eyes to eyes rather than simply be Conscious and aware that he was inside and at 5 months obviously showing.

97 is a repeat, is it not of meeting Arden though a phot age 9 and then meeting him at 16.

Stephan Esteban Miguel Filgueria was born in 1984 as was Haris Babic.

8-16 HP.
5-7- EG.

Harmony Perfection was Enders Game.
E M F and H B.
24 and 28. = 52.
6-8 and 10 16.
* 14 48, 26 160

And that the challenge of me which started when I was 7-8 years old, was an E Family dropping me off on a Field and my being as that expression I have seen on Ardens Face, and a version of Nnamdi’s face.
One that you can not betray.
But Betray this illusion of the Truth as the Force Carbon Copies of the I.E via Nnamdi Nnonyleum actually did.

If you note, that which they did not ask my permission to do was to Prove HP Harmony Perfection in a space called Non-Existence, where they created a Challenge and Contest. C C/
Carlos Cruz
Harmony Perfection on A E M Field.
as the Enders Game/

“Ready Player One?”
I was not allowed to be ready and my inner cee and awareness suspected what was going on, but I had to experience at 7-8 to know it was true

Just as my post today began at 2:45 pm and ended at 8:00 pm and then promptly refused to post.

Then my alerting you all at 8:11 pm
H.P, just as Kim Arthur Hinds Jr went off to work.

8 11 was the date stamped on my British Birth Certificate.

9:45 pm.

But I enrerd Detlat Manor not at H P 816.
But on 9-162016.
Father Of Infinity. F O I/ I OF
which is Sacred Portal 147 A B/ B A 17 17…
I drew them in 2010
And April, Tom Like, and John especially told me on their mantlepiece for as long as they could remember was a banner with the words Father of Infinity at their Map Town, Ash Street home.
So, it is the past.

So is the Assessment Shelter. B R C at Green Point Avunue.
2015 July when I was given bed 49 then 007 one year and a day later.
It was on McGuiness Ave.
Mc Guinness means literally “Chosen One,” C O

Recall, The McGuiness Book world records? The World Records Every T W-S E-A Though Speech Expression Action -Word – Beyond Satya. Earth Universe as the Carbon Copy- Carbon Paper.

Do you recall Liberty sending intel of the Green Broad Bill Bird reappearing after 70 years,
And do you recall That Azure means a Marina Blue?
was already born.
Blue 5th Color then after 70 years unseen Green Broadbill Bird is seen.
And I, lived with Tim and his girlfriend called Beyond from Singapore where it was spotted so it is not 45 is it.
5 manifest 4.
The Blue Point, not the Green Pont.

5 is the 4 in one, the 1 in 4.
So the code is 5-4. There is nothing beyond 5. E.
So 5: E: 40=1-4/4 1-to 5. ( 55- 2-5’s)
Sacred Portal 59. By 14 Nnamdi a Blast from the past.
E:Y-E Full Circle
E:B E.-A. M.D- 17- 8. D H
It was about the Year of Birth because the excuse was they wanted to know when the First Being and Existence its self rose.

But that was an excuse, to pave me I and I in prison which as long as I was in a Body which had to evolve to immortality by Regeneration which they did everything to prevent from happening by using you.
It was more about finding a way to defeat the I, and now the I & I. and now I I I..I. I I I i.i.or as Dinah Singh Ji perfectly exemplified, which was to use me and I & I as you an eternal slave. Powering your lie of nonexistence by our awareness and focus on your play the 1-4 Dimension. Non Existence of which only True Nature is real and can sustain it via Expression Energy and Consciouness as Creation – A Lie.

10:12 pm.

Everything is from the 5th Dimension.
Eternal Truth.

That is why this was a court case, sentencing, and judgment to where we simply observed and watched as you told on your selves and how far at the same time you would lie.

1:33 am
133 Code for Extinction.

The gretest trick the Devil played on Humanity was to make you Believe Evil Wicthed and Warlocks do not Exists.

This modern world, called them “Mad Scientist”

Take a look at Sacred Portal 70.

Now that I solved the riddle of Azure and Jeron and of course Arden came before the story 1-4 Delta Green and came from the 5th Dimension ED EN. 54 5 14. – EDEN= 28. As did Man.
55 4 14-1.As did E E-DN.A.

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