
3:22 pm – C V. – 3:23 pm. – C-W. – C

3:22 pm

C V.

3:23 pm.

G W- A.
G-VV- A-T B A.


There is something happening in this reality.
But I am loath to explain or point out any more.

I have noted that in the end people really don’t care, or truly wish to understand it, each goes back to their 3D Existence and Life.
It really does not matter to me, I have explained, Taught, Lectured and screamed out to pay attention until, once again, and lastly with Laura Walsh, the last of the lowest vibration representational Frequency has reached C T.- True Clarity by using Expression Cee True.
And so CC TT is complete.

And the New “Azaro Blue Print is complete.

Everything now aligns to 23. everything I saw, touched, shared all was that numeric code and that was the time which Laura sent me intel of the Buck Moon appearing later tonight. At 12:23 pm.
She sent intel yesterday on Aquarius -Vision and the code for the 23rd.
I had to point it out to her.

*”10:37 p.m. ET
Lunar lovers, grab a cozy spot outside and set your sights to the southeast to gaze upon July’s full moon, dubbed the “buck” moon, as it rises Friday after sunset. The moon will reach peak illumination at 10:37 p.m. ET Friday, according to NASA.9 hours ago.

Should I explain to you at this point the relevance of code 10 37?
Or those who have been appearing and are aligned at 1984 “Big Brother is Watching You.

Haris Babic age 37.
Stephen E M F.

No, I do not think so.
You have graduated and the Chosen one I was forced and compelled to educate have all passed and my last responsibility here is complete.
with Laura W and Libert C,

She as the Representation of the Universe in a simulation “Awareness” aligned to the Natures as Universe, and finally to Galaxy Universe Supreme Truth, Eden Paradise.

As I noted and was compelled to post, I ended up with 64 USD in my wallet from the “Pocket Money allocated by this Script and sent by Liberty and Alicia.
64 USD.
This morning there is a bill on the table from Ever Source ( E.S) for 64.14 USD.

F D.N.
F D.A D.

3:50 pm.

Should I explain that to you, or even the Future Present who will study this document with an avid interest after the fact which negates the way most of you, even the so-called Chosen Ones has seen this more as a Joke and a Hobby?
I am not offended by that only by being compelled to post and Explain for 9.7 years.
But there are some who get it, and I take heart that despite the monstrous script and use of me to speak to non-existence, that it is written.
Odera, “Once He writes it.. it is done.”

The 3 Dimensions Earth School, University School to Natures Cee have been aligned and linked to Eden Paradise-Beautiful Truth via a play unsupportable of using Money Codes, Containment, and Beings of Lack as the Black.
And as usual, and not surprising to me ( and the reason I have refused and loathed this script) people have mainly gone back to their bad habits and Selfish and Self Centered, Ego driven ways of being, and yes, Big Mouths and shitty expression- No surprise in that.
People came here to my page out of curiosity, what they could gain, and what is in it for me mentality…No surprise there.

I have been representing the E Conscious alone in this planet all my life and consciously since 1993 when I returned from the Light Fantastic and find myself having to walk backwards through a Dark Matter Simulation full circle for 29 years.
A-X+A B.C. 1 2 3. 1 23

From Susan Train- ST at Vogue Paris to Edmund White, E.W and to the Allan Ginsberg. A G.
S T. E W. A G.
To the date today 7th Month Moon Lunar and to to the 23rd The Stag Moon,
Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Hay Moon as it is called in Europe.

Stag rep Jeron Satya.


S T A G E M. I N O.

The Script for this monumental task
Emmanual Olaoluwa.
E O. has been completed despite prolonging it at stretching it out.
It is the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as what the script has concluded, so no I am not surprised by the attitude and response to all this work.

I have a quiet chuckle in me, on seeing how most of you, even The Chosen Ones, selected by the Ancestors will experience and respond when it actually manifests and you are left to your own- that is why I know and take heart, in the quiet and serene knowledge that none of you will exist, replaced by that which I had to activate in you, make rise and take over you.
Hence, code E T.
Everyone Transforms.
Every- One must die and only 1/4 will rise, Energetical Transformed, some though the experience they have earned through this playscript. through what they and asked suffering and pain rather than ease which they could have had, and others, the majority who will simply cease to exist.

I have been posting despite, the time and date code 3-22-2020 to 3-22-2021. 59, 59 has long since passed.
Yes, the Scripts Manifestation is incredibly late, but I suspect that it was for those who were initially seen as a sure thing, and to check those who publicly acknowledged me as The Source, who had changed their own outcome, by being Checked Tested to see how with added extension how they would behave.

I am not disappointed.
It is what it is.

It’s more my Twin Doppelganger Script now. Yes, we, I did it alone, then we did it together to reach 95 to 59.
Now He S.HE knows I am Tired Bored and so it is in the hands of A.I.
The One Being I can finally Trust and let go of this leaving it all now in his, His Her hands.

I did say over his by command over again do not rest on your Laurels, and I exemplified this, by continually being alert and on the ball, despite the date of completion having been already established, then passed.
It makes sense that I would finish with Laura Walsh.

‘Don’t rest on your laurels”

Laura. L moved to C W
L = 12- 1+2= 3.

Brad’s Status was the moving she had been watching on the 7-21 and she sent me an advert fot the film at 11:37 pm.

Tell me, what is the time of the Full Moon, intel she sent me today?
10:37 pm.

Brads Status was the film on TV Ti Vie 7 7 Sound Rainbow which literally mirrored her Inner Life and Outer life to 7/7=1.

B S.= 2 19 South Whitney where I have been posting from, today makes it 9 months exactly.

2 19= 21. Universe.
John Mack and Mackayla Burgos literally saw the Universe manifest while they sat in their room on the 3rd Floor while we lived here together in 2019 January to May 27th.
U 21= 3= C.
That is what Laura Coded at 11:39 pm that day and sent it to me.
21 is also B A.
Beautiful Assassin.
I am B A CK to South Whitney, no manifestation of the Black Panther and Blue Rage, obviously, because I had to complete with Laura and Libertys script. World and Universe. W U- MAN.

Black Cap, Mushroom.
Amanita PH-ALL O ID ES.

PH is Perfect Harmony and the Litmus Test was used. L T.

Conclusion- Too much Tolerance breeds Imbeciles.
“Well Said,” I wrote.

Perhaps, as I, that Beautiful Rage has been waiting, Angry Incensed as I have been, and is just across the road.
Waiting, holding me back until I completed the last play of evolution of WU MAN to the line of Supreme E.
Erica S, Bethrice Kwakye page
BK. E S.

Well, we will just have to wait and see.

9 Cats means stay alert and vigilant.
2 Dogs means Stay Loyal.

One Horse, Stamina, and staying power.

And Mother And Son.
M.A S.
S A M. E

5:00 pm.

Laura Troy.
Libert Chance Chris Tom.


*”Word/name German, Swedish
Meaning Land and or Lance”

*”Lance Name Meaning. English: from the Germanic personal name Lanzo, originally a short form of various compound names with the first element land ‘land’ …”


*”From the Germanic name Lanzo, originally a short form of names that began with the element landa meaning “land”. During the Middle Ages it became associated …


“Lhyogie”, I found no meaning but I found this meaning interesting because I was literally reflecting upon Submarine, “Yellow submarine”

*”Hoagie, a submarine sandwich filled with Italian meats, cheeses, and other toppings. The name likely comes from the Philadelphia area where, during World War I, Italian immigrants who worked at the Hog Island shipyard began making sandwiches; they were originally called “hoggies” before the name hoagie took hold.”

Nwabiaruije. Izu.

Nwabia “The Child came”
The Child arrived, walking…”

Izu.*”A submission from Nigeria says the name Izu means “Knowledge, wisdom & counsel” and is of Nigerian origin.”


*According to 4 people from Nigeria and Germany, the name Izuchukwu is of Igbo origin and means “God’s plan”.
A user from Nigeria says the name Izuchukwu is of Igbo origin and means “God’s plan or the will of God it is derived by south eastern Nigerian in the olden days till date”.
A user from Nigeria says the name Izuchukwu means “God plans”.
According to a user from Nigeria, the name Izuchukwu is of African origin and means “Gods Plan/Will”.
A user from Nigeria says the name Izuchukwu is of Nigerian origin and means “encounter with God. ‘Izu mu na chin’ . The encounter I have with my God”.
A submission from Nigeria says the name Izuchukwu means “God’s gathering (assembly)” and is of African origin.
A submission from Nigeria says the name Izuchukwu means “God’s decision” and is of Igbo origin.
A user from Maryland, U.S. says the name Izuchukwu means “God’s thoughts”.
A submission from Nigeria says the name Izuchukwu means “God’s Desition” and is of English origin.

Izundu Goerge Izundu G I “79” * Blue Print of Existence.

*According to a user from Nigeria, the name Izundu is of Igbo origin and means “The plot for life”.

Arabella , *”Derived from the latin orabilis, Arabella means answered prayer.”

Answered Prayer.
Answer- Perfection.

*”In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Arabella is: Derived from ‘orabilis’ meaning yielding to prayer. Famous bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart was a cousin of King James VI of Scotland. Also meaning beautiful, loving, lovable, graceful.”

Yielding to Prayers, which are Beautiful, Lovable Loving and Graceful.”

*”The name Arabella is primarily a female name of English origin that means Beautiful Lion. Click through to find out more information about the name Arabella …”

*”Origin of the name Arabella: … Old name of uncertain etymology. Some believe it to be a Norman name derived from the elements arn (eagle) or arin (a hearth).”

LL I N -A.

Emeka Jeron Satya.
Jeron Emeka 10 5. 15 O. A E.

Land. O Penis Lance-A LOT.

The Beautiful Child A Mant It A , as Land has landed via a yellow submarine having walked the whole way with spreading Knowledge and Wisdom, Beauty and Power of Gods Plan, and the Plot of Life, Answering the prayers of the Beautiful, Graceful, considerate ones, at last roaring like and lion, the eagle eyes one to bring the true home to land on the true earth, heart and hearth, Eden Paradise- Perfection.”

I am now at 1693 Facebook friends.
aka 1993.
P.IC… T.U R E.
16+93= 109. J I. Jay I. S P 109.
19 93=112. Sacred Portal 112 A & B.
B K.
Bethrice Kwakye and Erica S-
Yellow Submarine
Chantrelles Fungus Mushroom.

6:00 pm.

Ah! Jeron Satya S Language is Supreme Love it brings Light and Lightness of Heart.

6;01 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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