
10:20 pm. – J T. – John Thomas. – T

10:20 pm.
J T.

John Thomas.
The grace of the Creator has a Twin.

His Staff-Rod and Beautiful Brazen Balls.

That Twin could have been all of you.
Now the Sum of You.
One of you who is that 3 in One and the Arse Hole- Anus.

On this day, the 27th, I recieved news of my Mothers Crossing over, it was actually after receiving an E-Mail from Arden on the 26th of February.

His code name is Milk Man.

Early that morning of the 27th I received the news of her having left this world on 2-22-2020 at Night.

There is a reason that I did not see my sister’s E Mail she sent me the news on 2-23-2020 @ 6:09 pm.

And my younger brother 2-25-2020 at 4:29 pm.
The last time I had seen them was in 2002.

The codes reveal alot.

But the date I received it and the date she actually left, is a play of perfect timing.
As well as the numerical codes.

My mother left on the 22nd of February.
B V.-TT.

My sister 2-23-2020 @ 6:09 pm

My Brother 2-25-2020 @ 4:29 pm.

My mother 2-22-2020. Night.
I received the intel only because of Arden and the E-mail he sent to my Hotmail Account.
Dawn 2-27-2020.

My Mother was born 11-22.
She left 2-22-2020 with Perfect Vision aligned to her date of birth.
And received it at Dawn after the 27th after the 26.

Liberty was born 2-6or 5 -76.
Jeron 2-25-2019.

Thanks Giving Day that year 2019 on my birthday 11-28.
And the year before on her Birthday she shared with David the resurrected twin of Nnamdi.
Thanks, Giving Day TG D is a code True God David-“Beloved”
T 20 4 7. 11 28.

Then Thanksgiving that year 2020 fell on the 26 Z.

It was a mission to get Kim Arthur Hinds Jr to return just in time on the 26th-
Thanks, Giving Day.
26 Z.

And B F.=8 H. I.

I was really affected by her crossing, but I was shaken by the true scope of horror of this play, the years I spent fighting to stay in touch with her, and the obvious efforts to make it so difficult.

Its 11:05 pm right now, code aligned to Aurelias Birthday.

I went to the C V S and the local Bodega and found myself spending 3,69 and at the C V S and 3.00 at the Amigo Supermarket.
3.69 3.00.
33 69.
1 69 in code.
Yes, more aligned to my sisters sent me the message with specifics.

I came back reflecting my self that this is the end of that play, except for a code I found myself asking of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 25 USD.
I was not even sure why, but I knew if I looked, I would understand why…
Oh, yes, the letter Y I found at Kamora Herrington space under a tree.
She now has 22 Mutal Facebook Friends.
for some reason, Arden and now Aurelia are always on my mind-was it to complete the coding, or get in touch.
I did know, or really care to figure it out.

I have explained and coded the “impossible” to the 3 D realm of Zero.
Explained it to the point that the last and lowest frequency- I found the people I was sent to find.

Tired Exhausted, and a body which is such a distraction while being forced to prove I am the Source the creator in human form empirically, day and night while a world and even family shunned derided or ignored me.

11:17 pm.

My mother had left at Aquarius- February not March.
She was born 11-22-47;8 but for some reason which mystified me had stated that she was born in 1944.
I had seen my father as a child show me her passport in was 1948.

I thought of this often when I would go to C-Town. 1544.
Liberty was 44 the last time I saw her.
My mother was born 11-22-47 and had to reach 8.

11:22 pm right now.
I thought that must be her elder sister Maggie, he died the same age Nnamdi had passed age 13 M= 13.
Luce Gioacchina is also Lucy.
L U is 12 21 the day Kim Arthur Hinds Jr left the military but in 2012.
C Y is Ciara Young

L U CY was my Grandmother’s English name.
Lucy and her daughter Cecilia.


But there was also Maggie.

L M C Liberty Marina Cecilia.
And yet it is LC M./ M C L yes that makes sense.
Add Theresa.
L C.T.M.

I really have no time or space for this coding and equating anymore.
I am not being paid enough- or anything really to do this.

Its Enough.

See Sacred Portal 26 and then 27.

But I will say that for whatever reason, I came back from buying Bread and Juice.
J B /B J and yes the Pink bird on the wall here with the code Bread and the word “Human?’ with a question mark.

And found myself going to my Hotmail account, intent to find out the day my mother left was it March 27 or…
And then I saw Arden’s email address Milk Man- and before I could pause to reconsider sent him the briefest of messages.

What is moving me really?
Yes my Heart, and Feelings but I have had enough of always making the first move, I am the Source I have coded the living and the dead, I have endured enough, let me rest.

11:42 pm.

No of them, or you are more important than I am.

11:43 pm.

But just look at me…

There is only one thing I wish to add,
And that is that most of my older Facebook friends may recall the long-standing argument or debate I had with my mother from the age of perhaps 17, 18 until 2013.

She had maintained that this world was not only rotten and had decomposed to an unrecognizable status that she was too afraid to step into it, but that the world was literally Evil.

I had maintained that it was not.

11:47 pm.

By 2013, we had reached a compromise, I had said that this world was a Matrix and it was yes, Evil but that the real true world was not.

At that, she had agreed.

I had understood through what I had witnessed, from my E Consciousness that this place was not real, but I had also been forced to experience it live in it undercover, it had not affected me, even when memory was temporary taken away from me, like a Buoy I would always wake up and come back to me, but I saw the truth of the nature of how truly Evil and Cruel people truly are, People who started out Pure and Innocent and then even as I raised that Purity in them through this play, that the innocence as the intention was gone in them.
Their Ego asPrjection Thought Action Speech had become so awful that my body screams out nor can I endure their company, even their presence for long, not because I would get infected.. I mean look at me 45 years later, or that they could not get better.
But rather because they had made a choice, and that was the truth of Milton’s Paradise Lost.
It was lost to them.
Not to the ions who refused to live in the Matrix and did everything to get out and clean themselves up.
You can not stay here in stagnate you have to be constantly fighting to move with an intention of purpose which in all simplicity is to stay clean.

Chukwukadibia sent me a message which I saw when I got up, he expressed how difficult it was and the time he was having to stay True to him Self, “everything in this reality” he said, is designed to destroy the True Self in you.”

I responded, that was the nature of the War here, the battle every single day”
That you are aware and know and realize that each day is a battle, that is the movement of the first drop in the Full Circle of the Creators True Refection which created Motion- the Ripple Effect and the Butter Fly Effect.

Keep Moving.

12:06 am

F L until you are out of this matrix of Control and Domination till you reach your Core- Beautiful Pride- Confident Expression your SOUL.and then you become an Unstoppable Force, and at the same time and unmovable force.
Hence the Expression “Know Thy Self” the refine thy Self, Polish Refine Repeat until you are free of the Matrix and what these creatures of Non-Existence even say.

That is the way of taming the beast- Slay It.

12:12 am

It has to be destroyed

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