
From Võ Thanh Phi – V.T.P. – /T V

From Võ Thanh Phi
/T V P.

Do you recall the intel from Liberty concerning Arden and Ferrill visiting together T.V?

And Mission Impossible 7.
rescheduled release now 5-27-2022. T V is 20 22.
7 is the note of Ti Violet- Te! Purple.
The Internet account of Liberty’s Home is Purple Flower.

Chicken Egg C E.
Cosmic Egg C E.

See Sacred Portal 116.
Opened up by Arden Gemino.
116 and 117.
Then myself three times in a row.

see the date she first posted this
7-24- @ 4-19 pm
G-EMF “BD Being Doing” D S Dharma Santana = Eternal Law = 5 12=17 Q.Quantum- Everything Transforms. to 17-8.

Now see the meaning of the name, Võ Thanh Phi

*”It is the transliteration of a Chinese surname meaning: together, and, harmonious. Related Surnames: He, Wo.”

Together and Harmonius,

Than *”The different meanings of the name Than are: Burmese meaning: A million; An auspicious number. Greek meaning: Brilliant. Vietnamese meaning: Death.”

Brilliance- Death as Z.
and to pass through Absolute Zero one must be Z as 26 B F= 8 H.

*”According to a user from the United States, the name Phi is of Vietnamese origin and means “strength”. A user from Missouri, U.S. says the name Phi is of Greek origin and means “Friend”.

5:26… 5:27 pm Right Now.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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