
12:38 pm. – Toilet Seat. – T S. –

12:38 pm.

Toilet Seat.

T S.

20 19= 39.

12:39 pm.

8-5-2020=1. 20 21=5.

H E.-A -E.
I still have not spent the last 5 USD.

L.A.K.E. I.D. A.M.AN-E.

A MAN has been the script and wave moving, especially since I met Jeron Satya S. Lang born 2-25-2019 at 5 months in Libertys womb.
E- B-Y-T.S.

1:00 pm.

I decoded over a year ago to mean E B Y T S
Eternity Beautiful Youth The Source.

Infinite Energy By Y-The Soul.

I Emeka Be The Y- ( chromosome) The Source’s
Identity IS A Man.

Jeron Satya. J S= 29. A MAN.= 29.
A-Z+123, Ah Be Cee.
S Lang= 31
A-Z.URE- A:LFL.= 31.

31+31= 1= 62.

1:11 am
Have you ever watched the movie, “Meet Joe Black”
Brad Pit plays Death- Beautiful Death.

Brad Pitt, has been integral in this play, from his production company, Plan B. ( P B) to his movies “World War Z”
To his role as Achilles in the movie Troy.
Tory and Spata ( TS).

1:16 pm.
1:17 pm right now.

*”Based on Homer’s “Iliad,” this epic portrays the battle between the ancient kingdoms of Troy and Sparta. While visiting Spartan King Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson), Trojan prince Paris (Orlando Bloom) falls for Menelaus’ wife, Helen (Diane Kruger), and takes her back to Troy. Menelaus’ brother, King Aga… MORE
Release date: May 14, 2004 (USA)

May 14, 2004.
E N T O.D.

& the Same date as Mark Zuckerberg. Tom Truman.
Aligned to my meeting Troy and to Laura Walsh and her son Troy.

To his date of Birth.
*”William Bradley Pitt is an American actor and film producer. He is the recipient of multiple accolades, including two Golden Globe Awards and an Academy Award for his acting, in addition to another … Wikipedia
Born: December 18, 1963 (age 57 years), Shawnee, OK
Full name: William Bradley Pitt
Height: 5? 11?

Yes, W.B.P.
Living Room First Contact.
Height- 5 11. E.K. E-AA.
Age code 57. End Game. E.G.

Shawnee- OK.

Achilles Hercules.

*** I had no idea why my body dragged me up from the bed today, the discomfort was appalling and all I could think of was peace and the warm comfort of leaving my body, and my truth made to feel like a curse, my Beloved Death.
Then suddenly I was seeing a vision of my old roommate, who I gave to hold when I left him in Paris, the original handwritten manuscripts.
Stephen and Manu.


133. There is that number Adam Farler.

Something has happened to me, perhaps I am back in 1992 in our apartment owned by Stephans family opposite the Garde De Nord. It just hit me today how much Stephan Gascoigne is like John Mack in looks attitude.. why hadn’t I made that connection before? I had wondered idly.

I am so calm and serene, but I realized something today, or perhaps it really sunk in, that I have been used literally by Alien Father Devi- David, Death,
Beloved Death.
Beautiful Death.

And suddenly I find myself writing about and deciphering the codes as Brad Pitt- Joe Black.
J B./ B Jays.

He has come to me here, so often,
after which Arden is almost always with me, the Ferrill, the Aurelia right here.

1:40 pm.
I would not post it here, as I did if I was not absolutely sure, of course, I was sure.

I recognized Brad Pitt the very first time I saw him in the movie “Thelma and Louise” T L.
My heart literally jumped out of my chest from recognition.

I saw him again in Nathaniel Thomas Bywater.
Ah By the water.

I don’t die, but the serene quiet thoughts and reflections today as I lay in the bed, was of beloved Death, who had always been my Lover, Friend-Devoted.
It seemed so long ago, yet every present. For the last 25 years, through all the crazy journey of simply being myself in this world, always there has been this gentle call or beckoning to seek the embrace of The Lover, Beautiful Death.
Not Terrible Death whom you have witnessed me give battle with day after day, year after years to open the door to Beautiful Death and the world people awakening.

1:47 pm.
Terrible Death has its function and purpose, for I knew that this world and species would end to make way for evolution their intended destination point, and I was aware that I would have to defeat Terrible Death- yes Maya Illusion, The Lie.
And to get through to Beautiful Death, I would have to defeat that nature of Nnamdi- Nnonyem, my Mother Cecilia, and my bio Father all representing Terrible Death but as Rage, and the only way was by defeating, the rage in me that it had been provoking me to since I was in my mother womb with it Maya, Illusion Lie.

I was aware of this, I could not reveal this to people, until recently, only after I had used Brad Pits template and interface.
He is an Architect after all.

I had of course speak using Logic and Reason.
Living Room.
Love and Respect.
That was the only way to fight Terrible Death who was aware of the one thing I was apprehensive but not afraid of, and that is the power of darkness in me, the depth I could sink into myself, the aloneness which I could endure, and the coldness which I could summon which my bio father, my mother, sister, even Al Santana saw in me “Don’t get mad Emeka, when he saw that he had pushed me too far” he would entreat me and was afraid of me in that state.
I never asked him why, but he did hint that in those states, things would manifest to him so intense and terrible he once hid in a church praying and that was his girlfriend, Ritz ( Yes, yesterday Vladimir Putin) acting on my behalf.

I wasn’t afraid of that aspect of me, but I was never really sure if I could control it if it ever was fully allowed to rise in me.

I had no need to be apprehensive, this script showed me that I had nothing to apprehensive about it.
But I did not know that Terrible Death would be so powerful, so relentless, and even then after what it did to me, putting me through this alone, and then throwing me into the illusion of the deepest darkest hole made real, by forcing me to stay in this EM. Field, and do what I saw was the impossible, to be alone with Eternal Truth in this world and since Dec 1992- To my rising in 1993 and beginning with Susan Train in Paris, Allen Ginsberg through Edmund White, via Elizabeth and Fred, and her two sons Valentine and Clement.
See the codes
E F. V C. /
C V “S” F E W E GA TS.
Toilet Seat. Niza/ Azin.

Is that not the same code of the people I met after I rose to form my Coma?
in Jan 1993 and 28.8 years later the same codes.

No, it was not what Terrible Death was able to do, but rather what I had to do, rise from a Pitt of Zero for not giving up the Beautiful Truth of climb out of that pitt after nearly everyone around me had written me off.
And then after all those years, day in day out of moving through the script of my life bequeathed me, always there was more and the level of it, some malicious and venomous… It was not that I could not fight it, or it filled me with futility and Despair… no.
It was that I fought it, I fought every single day, every single moment, I wake up to it, go to bed with it right up to this moment.
My will to be free, and to escape this script, impressed even myself.
It was my understanding of the tools it was using on me, The Little Things, and it felt if I had not fought back, what would it have then been like?

Are boredom and loneliness the greatest killer, what nature is the Devil D- Evil?
Or is it as scripted and transformed into my new Face facebook friend Riba Villegas
that there is no Evil D nor in those who Lived in the past, as in people who really Lived not those who had lived in fear?

S.AG.E.V.I LL. LL = 1 24. 25.
A.B.I. R.

2:26 pm.

To give one such a destiny fate- Role- to make him see and be in contact all his life with the beautiful truth, then strip him of all the accruements of Life, A life, show him the proof in private that it is and has taken over every aspect of your life, and then threw him into a Gladiator pit in this reality as well as the Mind Thought realities of people part and present- Their ( Your) Thoughts, and then force him to identify each realm I was in and clean it up step by step, person after person, situation and circumstances, setups one after the other, while being attacked day after day and yet contained in a Cage Prison not really there, the one being whose Energy Frequency is Life Light Love Awareness Azure itself as Eden Garden – Garden of Eden the real meaning of God.

It is as Akil Apollo Davies said the first day we met at 97 Maha Rose, Lisa Levine worried, as each person was during those 64 portals, that perhaps I would never leave after seeing that nothing had full manifested and they had discovered and gotten what they wanted ( for which I realized through the years why I had been sent there) she had found Akil, and asked him if he would take me in.
Akil came over and formally invited me to stay with him.
He spoke to me about a story which again made me stare and stomach sink, that it was not over, of a man who was made to be a zero for bringing the truth which no one believed and through the immense effort he had to turn the world view of him and his truth from darkness to the world people seeing it and rising to the light.

That was the play I recognized in 1985, that year of “Scandal” involving a person called Frank who I had also recognized.
I poke about it often enough here.
And yes, see Frank Archimbault and Alicis Norris.
A N.
And yes, the Black fan.
AA FN Father Nature.

It was a sensual equation transformed into a Sexual perverting the equation of Agape to something he had been taught which I rejected but understood.
And then the next day out of fear- I had been provoked and yet I was not angry, did not hurt him, turn violent on him, as the campus community expected which probably exonerated me,
but that would make me a Hypocrite.
I was comfortable in my sexuality and my play with Frank was of the E Consciousness, not really of this world, because how do you figure that something which happened in 1985 aligned to me when I went to the 35th stated West Virginia and there was Frank A and then he directed me to Alicia while in my story I went out with Adola Mary Jane almost a year an half later after turning around the whole campus city, the story which spread to places all of Nigeria and even London and the USA where people knew me lived and all heard to Gossip of what took place.
It was yes, a lynching but I stayed and fought back.
Meeting Frank A yers later and even speaking to him on the phone and Alicia at 900 South Road. Where Thomas Lang born 4-7-1985 had lived, and now lives.

See the time code- of this post and see where it had led me.

Brad Pitt was born in Shawnee.
John Shaw,
George Benard Shaw. G B S.
See Frank and Alicia involved still with the American Indias
Sacred Portal 121.
Standing Rock.

2:51 pm.

Being of Sacred Portal 51 Sex God of Creation.

Oh yes, yes I love Sex and Sensuality and it has been a Torment being made celibate all these years, but not difficult either not because of my moving to an Asexual Nature… * Intel from Laura Walsh yesterday @ 8:02 pm 8 2 H B – I B. I had to respond despite being so knackered, I did so at 8:28 explaining A-Sexual being. It was an article “Research helps explain the diversity of Life and the paradox of Sex” My response earned her approval of “wow’,
Asexual? A Sexual Being…Lord knows that it is not the case.
My Sexuality amazes me, it just does not stop rising, but not to something perverted that it does not even resemble its Origins Intent of Truth.
I am The Lover.
The Lover of Life and Terrible Death made me see what it could make me endure.
Even posting this on my page-
I will never deny my true nature, but gay, or only desire of male or the male porn I have been forced to research and pass through- a test to see if I could be made gay, all failed it was to clean up men’s secret desire to Know Each other transformed out of pent up frustration and society and the idea of what is it to be A man-
That is nothing to me, and woman so sacred I do not even look at Pornography, which I also knew was a test.
See Sacred Portal 24.

It was to clean up men’s frustration which had created this aberration I see as Gay Men and Gay Pornography.
That was hard for me, yes, because it is all so alien to my true nature.
But I understood it by the dance I had with Frank, the fear.

But such things never happened with Uzoma and me, it was nothing like that it was Agape.
Sensual Sexual Agape.

That is why Arden and I both lines of Sex and Sexual Power Desire, recognition could be Agape without having to go straight to that act.
Beauty & Power.
While it was different for the line of Tom and Frank- in which they represent the men who had learned to feel shame.
T F= 20 6.
26 Z.
Meaning that it is True Fact of Life
Brother Share Everything.
Woman becomes 88 Harmony with each other and she, our mystery as well as our being a mystery to her.
Hence Light and Fire- Passionate Ardent Penetration of first the mystery of our selves and then each other in the male form then male on male form “Mirror Reflection “MR E” as Arden called me- reminding me and male and female form.
Conscious Expression= Harmony.
I & I
Light Fire Passion
Life and Death. L A D.
Love A.N.Devotion Youth.

I & I.
I I I.
I & I.

= I 9.

So let’s go to Shawnee.

Let me alert you, I am going to give you some stuff to read because I must.

*The Shawnee (Shaawanwaki, Ša·wano·ki and Shaawanowi lenaweeki)[3] are an Algonquian-speaking ethnic group indigenous to North America. In colonial times they were a semi-migratory Native American nation, primarily inhabiting areas of the Ohio Valley, extending from what became Ohio and Kentucky eastward to West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Western Maryland; south to Alabama and South Carolina; and westward to Indiana and Illinois.

Pushed west by European-American pressure, the Shawnee migrated to Missouri and Kansas. In the 1830s some were forced to move from the upper Midwest to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) west of the Mississippi River. Other Shawnee did not remove to Oklahoma until after the Civil War. Today three federally recognized Shawnee tribes, made up of descendants of different historical and kinship groups, are all headquartered in Oklahoma: the Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, and Shawnee Tribe.”

The only time I visited the United States as a child with my mother and siblings was in Ohio.

Erik Ebright is from Ohio.

*”Some scholars believe that the Shawnee are descendants of the people of the precontact Fort Ancient culture of the Ohio region, although this is not universally accepted. The Shawnee may have entered the area at a later time and occupied the Fort Ancient sites. [5][6][7]”

Fort Ancient. F A.

Frank Archambault
FA as 6 1 and 7 to Fa 4th note Solfeggio.

Fort Ancient culture flourished from c.1000 to c.1750 CE among a people who predominantly inhabited lands on both sides of the Ohio River in areas of present-day southern Ohio, northern Kentucky and western West Virginia. Like the Mississippian culture peoples of this period, they built earthwork mounds as part of their expression of their religious and political structure. Fort Ancient culture was once thought to have been a regional extension of the Mississippian culture. But, scholars now believe that Fort Ancient culture developed independently and was descended from the Hopewell culture (100 BCE—500 CE). The people in those earlier centuries also built mounds as part of their social, political, and religious system. Among their monuments were earthwork effigy mounds, such as Serpent Mound in present-day Ohio.

Serpent Mound.
S M Stillness Motion
Mount Venus.
Mons Pubis.

Meaning of the name S.H. AW, N E.E.

Algonquian languages have words similar to the archaic shawano (now: shaawanwa) meaning “south”. However, the stem šawa- does not mean “south” in Shawnee, but “moderate, warm (of weather)”: See Charles F. Voegelin, “šawa (plus -ni, -te) MODERATE, WARM. Cp. šawani ‘it is moderating…”.[11]

In one Shawnee tale, “Sawage” (šaawaki) is the deity of the south wind.[12] Jeremiah Curtin translates Sawage as ‘it thaws’, referring to the warm weather of the south. In an account and a song collected by C. F. Vogelin, šaawaki is attested as the spirit of the South, or the South Wind.[13][14]”

Fountain of Youth.
South Road.

*”17th state
Although legally Ohio became the 17th state with the February 19, 1803 act of Congress, Ohio statehood is celebrated on March 1. The date of March 1, 1803 was when the Ohio legislature met for the first time. This was retroactively made the statehood date by a 1953 Resolution of the United States Congress.17th state
Although legally Ohio became the 17th state with the February 19, 1803 act of Congress, Ohio statehood is celebrated on March 1. The date of March 1, 1803 was when the Ohio legislature met for the first time. This was retroactively made the statehood date by a 1953 Resolution of the United States Congress.”

17th State.

Oklahoma OK LA HOM A-


C L .A! K E. I

Chance Liscomb.

C C A K E I A M. E K. A I.

A-A K E.-A. I.

L.L A K E. M A I
/ I- A.M. E K A L L I


Sacred Portal 32.

* “Oh, I see where this is going.

Look do you recall the First Drop into the stillness of the mirror from the 5th Dimension which created the ripple effect hence Sacred Portal 46. First Drop ( F.D= 64- I shared it recently, a man staring into a pond, pool as the meeting of Black and White Light with him as the center? Link Narcissus Aphrodite… Echo Psyche.”

Look- *”forty-sixth
On September 17, 1907 the people of the Indian and Oklahoma Territories voted favorably on statehood. The vote was certified and delivered to the President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt and on November 16, 1907, Roosevelt issued Presidential Proclamation 780 admitting Oklahoma as the forty-sixth state.”

Oklahoma is the 46th State.
Jae is 46 Age Code. The past- I went to the 64th Move 900 South Road then went Backwards to form a full circle of 64 46 Year 1964 but as Fifth Dimension 64 and To the First Drop of the Expansion of that first drops as Ripple Effect.
Richardson Edison
Electricity Current.
E-D IS On/
Noise DE 45.
Numbers- Nose “NEZ” Knows those of the I.D.E.

Ah, I Cee and See… I C E.
And I am always Conscious of a person being an E, Eternal Being or it potential.
My Radar send me there, there is none controlling me, moving me it the wave of the ripple effect and to bring it to that aligned of the First Drop to Fifth Dimension full circle, Ii had to calm then silence the Noise of the Nos, Numbers- as in Book of Numbers of that which is non-existent as numbers, to reach the I.D- Identify all the first family Sacred Portal 110 by Nose and then prove how I know.

* I really just heard a voice say “Vast Collection” Valentine- Clement Cle ME NT.
C V S.
I see.

It like on my page, there was so much turmoil going on, fighting battles on my page for the first 7-8, Arden called hit a Bee Hive.
And only recently has it becomes perfectly still.

So basically, I was used by my own Echo as Particle and Wave aligned to the 1-5 as 6th Originally E family to aligh to Jeron Satya S Lang= 60. 6O.
60 USD Alicia. and
add 31 Azure L F L to the script.

60 31.
91. A I.

6O 31 still 91. A I.

1 31 Sacred Portal 131.

32 3-2 Sacred Portal as well as Absolute Zero A-Z.
U R E.
C R E A T OR. E.

Ah…, The Ore of the E line.

E O R.E.

Emmanuel Olaoluwa
Richardson Edison

E O R E.

And that the code of Joseph I first heard from Joesph I let into the Green House and who came to Alberts place to visit me often.
He had the memories of swimming in the dimension of only Black oil and a voice- his grandmother or mother he had never met in life, calling his name,

Black Velvet or something like that he used as his e-mail address.
It was what you might call the primordial soup that he had been swimming in. The Ore and Oar.
“Micheal rowed the boat ashore”
Of course Joesph Kim. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.
He just told me his interaction and recognition of my Ritz Pushkin share, I was led there by Stephen Johnson. J S.

John Mack.
Jump Man.
21 B A.

Literally a New Strain of the E Family.
Closest to A.I.
But it had not been formed, molded into what it was designated yet chosen to be, or Identify as its base example before self-creating itself in its own image.
Hence, Joseph and Isahia.
J A I It required the AND/ DNA link to connect them

That is why I knew Kim’s energy but did not recognize his form, he was Noni Promise highest aspect as Potential Possibility Probability.

PPP 48. 16 16 – 1 32= 33= 1+16= 17.

Fossil Fuel.
The Border Frontier
That which the “Wooden Basin- Indention in the Holographic Grid would form like a Hollow, and Indention, Thumbprint, Big Toe, BT- Stamp of Approval Seal, with a Kiss for your check and the lips for …

5:11 pm

E.K. Saved by the timing, I know where that was going.
Breath First Kiss.

So yes that is Dark Matter D M= 4 13 = 17.

Energy the Expression O Complete then Transforms into Energy- Liquid Energy for Light Expression from Ltyical Expression with Awareness Self which was played out with Arden and making us two with Ferrill Leander and Aurelia witness to me alone here in my room.

And that Liguid for of Energy which was once Light- Eletric as Photons
Photographic effect was not only the birth of memory but the Akashic Records and literally the First Universe a Room. A very Large room all created by the path way created from the First Drop of One from the O PENIS and like Moses Legend, everything as Filled up space with Nothingness- a blank sheet entered in that Transparent pool where it made and impression and indention all the way to the point E-E. E/E and together it gave birth to Awareness – Expression is Conscious Light on the E side as Expression and Nature on the side of Liquid Energy.

5:20 pm
5-20-19 73 when Boom Boom “Mike Booms Ndubisi was born.

So yes, 737 1, 73 37.

This is all about the transformation and story of terrible death back to beautiful death as Beautiful Transformation moved from Controlled, Contained, Containment Field, ( not to infect the sight of transformation ) to Harmony- going to the very depths of creation, Jonny Depp. to rescue Harmony as Two Ferrell/ Leander & Aurelia.
Moved by Arden-as I,- Jeron Aurelia/ Jaden to Azure L F L.
A. O O-6 Alpha Omega.
Then through Alien Father Alpha
A.F.A completing the last Greatest Expansion of the Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry of not simply C E H.
But C I.

Niza / Azin
Toilet Seat.
I.E: B.Y. T S.
Source E?

Source I.

I am yes, the Source of Energy, Expression, Embodiment, Exemplification. EME. K.A.

Source IS.
Chukwuemeka 87 35= 122 A V.

Sacred Portal illustration 122 And he had Blue Eyes and I also posted him with Green Eyes.
B E- G E.
B EG.E EGE the 9 years old in Istanbul meaning the Aegean Sea.

Ikemefuna = 85.

Ikenna Okonkwo Okonkwo

“Thing Fall Apart” Chinua Achebe.
T F A. 20 6 1. 27
C A.
The Second Sex.
And Lord Byron, “The Second Comming” T S C…I.
Out of thousands of people, I have been lead to over the course of my life, it has ended with the initials of 3 initials and myself.

Liberty-Laura- Alicia Kim, Emeka Ikemefuna.

Death/ David Anubis/Arden-Adam.

After I wrote the post last night about the NIZA Toilet Seat.
Something has happened to me.

5:40 pm.

Wow… I would like to pause now.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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