
This is what I watched last ni

This is what I watched last night. ONG BAK, O 14 7. SP 14 7 and 147. B A 1717. BAK, 2 1 11. Beautiful Assassins Kolo.

There is a scene before he was buried to heal then resurrect when he was beaten so severely it made “The passion of Christ” by Mel Gibs look llike a walk in the ark when my body as awakened though this play of Evolution of Matter to The X Factor, roused me and I stared and knew this is what had been done to my body.

Egyptian Mummy- yes, I knew already but I was walking through the Past Civilization all the way to Africa and Out of Africa- Arab/ Bar A ? Andrew Bartitz, correcting the mess of ages to align it with the true present. Arabia the bridge to the middle east- Ottoman- to Europe to America but backward.

But I saw this now aligned to the present via the film The King and I: to Viet Nam and the Blackhole of which the Arabs created the concept of Zero 0,

11:28 pm

Absolute Zero

They beat him with Bamboo Toad Reeds – Panda Lord Li*
I used to use and code for years with Bamboo Panda. Then 3 years ago I switched to using Raw Paper R,P.

Then I fished watching the movie The Sum of all Fears.

11:39 p.m

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