
3:38 pm. – C:C.H- A.N.G.E. – 8-1

3:38 pm.

C:C.H- A.N.G.E.

H-O- A-E.

I-O- A- E.

H E A-A-E.

Lights Frequency.
Loves Frequency.


I was not surprised to see that I had moved from 1773 to 1771.
And back to 1772.
18 16…17.

The weather is excellent and after cleaning up a bit, doing domestic things, I felt the desire to go and have my coffee on the terrace.

The code on my page was 2 18.

And so now I am sitting in front of the Whitney Apartments.

It was yet again an intense night and I spent the morning tossing and turning, and being thrown about on the bed as I sought to align yet again my muscles.
It has been 18 years, but these last few years and months, it is less about being invaded or “possessed”, it is more like I am wrestling with the Big Squeeze of one giant muscle, which has squeezed my form, as if I am literally in the belly of Cosmic Boa Constrictor, literally constricting my true bodies alignment.

I do not literally see this as truth, rather than I am made to feel this as being true.
A very powerful illusion which I am fully aware of is the basis of Voodoo, Vodun.
Which as you know is the Science of Vibrations, and the oldest religion in the world.

As I had stated, when I left lived in Nigeria- from the moment of our arrival I have felt and could see through my third eye, this Great Serpent. * CON STRICT OR I-First, my vision of the boa constrictor who had crawled out of the dense valley which surrounds Milken Hill- the road from Enugu to Nsukka, the old route whereas we drove to Nsukka, my uncle recounted the story of that soldier swallowed whole apart from his boots during the civil war.
I recall seeing it, appear before my eyes as he spoke, and I knew it was not my imagination.
There was the truth but the interpretation.
Then there is the worship of Eke which actually represents a Market Day, but is a Python who is allowed to roam free in the villages, and if you kill it, you have to give it a full burial as if burying a titled man.
The Eke serpent represents Ala- the earth Goddess.
My Father is a Veterinary Surgeon ( V S.. C V S) and in his office area on the University Campus, there was a deep pit where they kept a python.I would often sneak there open the lid to see if I could get a peek.
And when I went to Opi High school to retake my GCE’s which I called the Jungle School, there were non stop encounters with serpents and snakes- and most of all my non-stop experiences with visions and the recounting and experiencing the great battle with the Shamans, kidnapping and ritual sacrifice of young boys and men in the school.
The Beautiful Maiden, so black I encountered one day on a walk in the Jungle.
She stood by a waterfall and was stared with my mouth opened, she looked back at me smiled, and vanished.
She had blue eyes, and skin so black.
I recall saying that I would marry this girl?
I must have been 16.
But so deep did she make an impression on me, like a recollection.
The serpent followed me, even to Istanbul where I had been invited to work on a playboy millionaire mafia gangster, incredible night club which stood on a Hill- Hakan was his name, he had an elder brother who reminded me of the connection between my grandfather and his elder brother.
He had hired people and groups from all over the world. Including Brazillian dancers in full carnival gear as well as this man, from west Africa who kept a large python and fed it rats and who was always finding ways to feed it.
The way he revered it…
But more intensely was the way he would look at me, and my own attraction to it, but more like a puzzle, an enigma that required my understanding.

I have already recounted how, when I stayed in Miami, with Erik Ebright, who had moved to Little Haiti how he was surrounded by people and one in particular, who was called Said, told of the depth of the Voodoo he had witnessed going on there, including the rituals and of seeing men transformed into serpents- they still looked human but were literally possessed and moved on the ground slithering like serpents. He had said that not only was the scariest thing to witness but also the power of it filled him, them with awe and fear.
And Erics own experience with insanity and madness, which is the main reason he had used Eleguah code on Facebook, “Sacred Portal 41 ( 2021=41) to summon me to Miami Florida and used the code 69.69 USD, and my leaving when his madness was cured by my intervention.
In Igbo customs, along with the Nze, OINri priests, acts of abomination, if not cleansed would bring the wrath of Ala- the Earth Goddess who would visit you with Madness and Insanity.

Truly I learned when I was in Nigeria, this was not superstition, it was a fact, but I was also aware that this was an art and science, yes ancient, but it had an explaining.
And yet, without understanding it, and the nature of this spell- hypnotism you could fall prey to it literally.
Do you recall, my being taken over by a Gorilla, and then a King Cobra when I went to live in the lower East side- Alpha Bet City which was called Little Africa.
4:42 pm.

Yes, still in the story.

But I also experienced morphing literally into a Phoenix bird. at Pelham Bay Park with Fritz Vennieq as the lone witness, and made him not only step back, but comment that if anyone had seen, witnessed what he saw me transform into- they would have no doubt that I was not human and not of this world.

Fritz and John Shaw saw the Eternal Truth of me via a Story as Energy Signature aligned to Cosmo Mythology of the height of human imaginings.

But that experience was amazing and beautiful, I knew that the Phoenix was a spaceship- space suit, like the transformer movies, and that it was all energy and I was in its center, aware that every movement of by body was an extension of the Phoenix space suit.
I loved it, that feeling.

I understood that I was energetically able to morph into everything.
Just as a human beings as the 5th Element being of energy had all aspects of Nature and Creation in them.
It was all a matter of frequency, the catch was that you could be used by the great Shaman scientists who knew this, and if you didn’t know that it was all you, already in you, then you become the victim and not the Master.

John Shaw went through the exact same experience as Fritz had with me, but this time when I was leaving Pelham Bay Park.
I transformed into this enormous Alien Predator, I could feel it, sense and understand it as it reached out to John Shaw in recognition and love.

It came out before in front of Axel Anderson ( Axel Love) and Mariam at Hells Kitchen.

And to Stephen Esteban and John Mack in front of the house at 29 Lincoln Street.

Muscle and Fibres – String, Threads, so I had long since begun to understand what was happening to me, as I rose and moved through not only the play of this World people, and the E Family rising in me but also the truth of all aspects of me.
I would often recognize them as they rose, my favorite was what you call Lucifer and Alien Father, for they were nearest and the highest frequencies akin to my true nature.

4:59 pm.

So now that I am at, and completing Mother Supreme Matter, really Stillness and Motion and the Tunnel of love, but in this story, it would be the one true all encircling serpent, having transformed itself into that energetic signature which human imagination and created this mythic names and meanings of.

When I reached Iyke Loco whose initials represented the birth codes of Erabella, Samantha, and Dylans daughter ( Dyland in Franks son and Dakota is Alicia’s son)
Erabella and Serenity, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr daughter were both born on that day 9-12, which is I.L.
Yet, it was still a story, yes aligned Fiction Fantasy to Fact.
And I saw Iyke Loco page, I knew that is where I intuitively had to reach and why I found myself posting images and photos until Iyke arrived as my 1773 Facebook friend.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr ran into his father yesterday, he apologized for not being the kind of father he felt he should have been to Kim, he was riding his green and black motorcycle.
He looked so young and cool than people. Kims friends, who Kim ran into while and during his visit with Serenity, kept on remarking that they looked like brothers.
Kim was amazed by how many people he knew, from his job to his past to present that he ran into yesterday.
I knew why but said little, too tired to explain but very happy for Kim.

I on the other hand looked in the mirror and I look haggard and drawn- no surprise there, my legs are similar to Kim’s right now, and Kim was feeling the twisted nature of my back.

I had been wary for the first months that Kim was being used to take over my body, but as I progressed through this story, and understood what was really going on- I had even found my body taking on aspects of Jae Sherman- I knew I was moving and absorbing everything as Supreme Energy.
Serenity Arabella.
Then the Caul as Ferrill Gemino

The Serpent in my True Story, whom I met with herself as the Puma Cat, as my sister self birthing everything Every Thing ( E T) and Ijemaca.

I was being used, checked to see if everything I had written about the True Story of how I rose and recounted here on Facebook for the last 9.8 years was not only true by my body aligning as Energy Signature through expression, (Posting Explaining) which through my answering and solving the riddles created the carbon Copy, creating the manifestation Mirrored response on someone outside of me, and my recognition of it.

So when Iyke Loco whom I also knew as Iyke Ogbonna meaning resembles his father, Mirror image of his father, I knew I was still in the Story. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Senior. J S.
Nnamdi Emeka. Nnamdi played my Father in this last script but I was originally his First Father Guide.
And then I became the Guide Faher to My Self, my mother Cecilia, and then as you have all witnessed to Spirit E Awarenessas Myself as Arden.

So, as I struggled on the bed yet again, I felt that quiet but yet deep almost tragic sadness, of how no one should have to experience this alone, and that I recollected how simple and elegant how I rose in 2002, and suddenly realized that my Brother had married in 2001, not 2002.

Yes, Boom, Boom because my passport had been stolen during 911, so I wondered how is it I had been able to travel to Winnipeg Canada for his wedding in June? It was not 2002, it was 2001.

And yes, he was born 5-20-1973.


Emeka Kolo = 88.

I had been impulsed by Mother Supreme Matter to solve that equation, meaning that Nnamdi Obumneme had never challenged me as 22.
but that they wished to be like their Big Brother… 21. The universe which is as U N O.
C, what they represented C N O.
Pi Full Circle.

5:42 pm.

And since Respect demands I could not speak for them, this the only way, I could know.
I can only speak for Arden, because he is I, and even then I must get his confirmation and so he moves in me.

The Boa B.O.A Constrictor- constricts movement, and is one large muscle, Muscle Memory, so not only am I speaking for him, but via Nnamdi Eri- Eric to Alicia he is moving me to read and speak for him by literally being in me and prompting me, in a play of not only ESP but of how Dark Matter works -quantum, attention, and focus, as been scientifically proven.

Ana Con Da, Mont Y Python and Boa Constrictor, Snakes.

A P B/ B.P A

5:51 am.

Let me take a pause for a moment, explaining and recounting all this has exhausted me, and my muscles are still taught and strained- stress tension

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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