
1933 U.S.A. – *”March 5= C3-5-3

1933 U.S.A.

*”March 5= C3-5-33/ 5-3-33.
5-1, 5-6 5-9,

The Great Depression: President Franklin D. Roosevelt declares a “Bank holiday”, closing all United States banks and freezing all financial transactions (the ‘holiday’ ends on March 13).
March 1933 German federal election: National Socialists gain 43.9% of the votes.”

You can read the rest if you wish of 1933.

But this is what I wished for you to see, and stated for the record 33
66 Blackest Hole.


End of all Life as you know it.

Depression in the Weave

G Rid of the pestilance called Humanity.

And for the Evolved Originals with the Originals Carbon Copy.

Golden Ratio Identified at D, you will find a way to rise,
Merited Earned= Awakening.

10:49 pm

M E A. M. E.K.P. A-E.

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