
3:44 a.m. – All sorts of things

3:44 a.m.

All sorts of things have been interrupting my peace of mind- Especially, Muscle Memory…

So I wish to complete this code- smh.
Perhaps it will ease the tensions in my body.

Quaker Oats is how I began this * Course 101
Here, with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and all in 2020 about this time this year.
It aligned to Arden and my own Child and to my and Ardens like o it, and it aligned to O.AT.S.
And the Horse Spirits- Aligned then to Liberty C and especially Jeron and Serenity.
It is Wind,s Expression.
Hephaestus- Philip- Meaning “Friend of Horses”
Then we went around full circle, outside of it all, including the T.E.N.

3:50 a.m.
C.E.O. My initials before I changed ny last name to Kolo- in order to leave ancestral obligation and be outside and independent of DNA Bond and Blood Lines.
This realm of Matter.

Kolo since 1989.
before that, Okolo.68.
11-22-19 68. /86.

T.A.O. S.T. E.

T.O.A.S. T. E.H. O.M. E.

The Way of Nature goes T.O.
O.A.T.T.A.O. S.T. E Field.

E is A and A is E,

3:55 a.m.


From Outside your head, but to that which is right infront of you present.

I do not percieve things in Hindsight, or Foresight for that matter, though I was tested in both, yet again.

I see what is Present Here and now, before me.

I do not live in the past, or the future, and certainly not in this illusion of the idea of The Present.

I live Here in Perfect Harmony with the True Present, The Point stretching out from here to Infinity, the same thing.

3:59 pm.

But to do that, you have to be conscious and conscientious about what you are really seeing, hence I call it C.E.E.

Victor Gosu V.G.

Amberly Amber. A.A.

Alvinsa Alysse. A.A.

Ambar Amari A.A.

Kamarudeen Idowu K.I.

Tag Boy T.B.

V.G. A.A. A.A. A.A. K.I. T. B.

V. A.A.A. K.T.

G. A.A.A. I. B.


4:08 a.m.


46 8.

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