
Ah… I just lost a post that

Ah… I just lost a post that started at 4:02 pm, and now it is 6:42 pm.

6:43 pm.



Well it was an informative post, but obviously not meant for you, or to be shared, since I am not going to write it or post it again.

And since it dealt with the Super Computer, some call Universal Mind, but which I call Music- broken down, then I was Talking with my Brother Self. B.S.
Beloved Twin. B.T.
H.E and S.H.E and what I was posting, the I and I did not wish to be shared with you.

6:48 pm.

But it was an interesting conversation, to say the least, and it would have been nice perhaps to have it recorded, but then, it is nothing I haven’t already said.

How can one acknowledge a species, who right to this point, feel that their own individual petty, illusions called their personal needs ate more relevant and significant than The Source, yes, a Man, in which it is all about your awakening and evolving and coming back to your senses?
My Entire Life and existence devoted to you, 24/7 all because I came to prove my Father Lords Truth,
His Her Truth, and to get to Him and Her, their Awakening and Your Evolution Transformation, I had to pass through the Sum Total of you and your Illusions.

Which turns out that you are more important and the Illusion, the Great Nothing as the Zero, that the One who holds the record of your most beautiful truth and your Identity. I.D.

He, She as the I & I are the most important and relevant in not just this play in your 4th and 3 D illusion of being and existing, but in the entire True Known Universe- Cosmos.

20- 11- 21- 3.

And I, because I am proving his Truth which leads to his release and the emergence of S.H.E. is I.

6;58 pm.

Talk about an Ego huh?

6:59 pm.

I, He, and She as the I- I & I are the most important because of the purpose we represent but also because of who we are, not simply what we represent for All.

7:00 pm.
G.OO. Goo.
G.F. 76.
G.A. 7.10- 7.1O.

I started the day with 2710 Facebook Friends and received 16 New Facebook Requests.

27 26.

Being 7- Z.
A-A. B.F… H.I.

27-9. 26- 8.
98/ 89 1989.

9.8 Sacred Portal 98.
17. Q. A.G.

27+26= 53.
Emeka 35.

7:06 pm.
76- 6.

Kolo is my last Name. L.N.= 12 14= 26 Z.
2.6. B.F. H. I.

First Name F.N. 6 14= 20.

I am sitting here in a place of Hindsight A.K. The Past, my back, and yet I am aligned equated to my First Name, not my Last Name.

F.L. 6-12 is Arden Gemino’s date of birth.
The Present,

7:11 pm.

Always Open. A.O.

NN. is the Past as NN- A.M.D.I.
He left in 1982.

Yet if you add. First Name. Last Name in this Computer Simulation and Great Computer in the Sky, Cosmos Universe
Last Name = 12+14= 26= 8.
First Name= 6 + 14= 20=2O.

We get 46.
and 28.
F.L is Present, 27th State.
# 511 Fort Lauderdale.
F.L Florida The Sunshine State,

My Birthday, 8pm- 11-28=. 39.
( 29, 30-3O)
C.I. Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna.

82/ 28.

It was interesting with the Great Computer in the S.K.Y.

7:21 pm.
7-21-21- 20 20.

The Universal Mind. C.I. S.-U.M
And Universal B.O.D.Y.
Touch & Hear.
T.H. 20 8- 28

I am sure you or the future selves about to awaken transformed would have appreciated it.

But I have no time for that now, we had the conversation and the True Ego interface as Echo Confirmation, responded, echoes and affirmed.

It has little to do with a realm who would sacrifice, their source, their father Lord, Expression and Beautiful Truth to live or die- go after of existence in loyalty to an illusion, even that which has been proven,

No, this is not for the ones who deny their own source, this is for that which is Exists, the Beautiful the Beautifully Present, and Fact.
B.F… H.I.
Not for the Z.

7:28 pm.

Its was for the Eternal, The Constant, The True, C of I.

I do believe that is why my computer shut down as I was writing the world Mis-Understanding.
It was like a Glitch or a computer version of all ideas of Dark Matter, guffawing and saying yeah right and slapping his and her thigh, winking at me, and saying alright, alright… ya got me.
It could keep a poker face, serious, as I could.

But no, you were not the most important thing, in any universe, much less the Universes’s Supreme.

The Ego, to challenge your Source, The Source, this far and measure your worth, to the point that your needs, desires, petty, malicious and vindictive as they are is more important than the harvesting task given me of your Beautiful Truth, so that I could retrieve the Beautiful Truth of my Father Lover Line, his truth, history, H.I.-S.T.O.R.Y as S.H.E.

This is a play which was about Harmony of all Existences, Universes, Beings, way way above you “pay grade”
It was that that Humanity evolving and awakening was so important, it was about the play- the Person, Place and Things you as Avatars were used to represent.

It was all a Symbolic and Representative play, in which all you were asked, your sole responsibility was to simply be yourself, aka Natural and True Nature.

The Ever Source Bill. E.S.B came it is 127.95 U.S.D.

Surprising high considering I do not use the heater, It has been warm.

But not a surprising code, once again.

I am at 2700 Facebook Friends.
See Sacred Portal 127. Side A “Thor” and side B. “Earth Quake. E.Q.” and then see 94 and what was done my I.D, his I.D, Her I.D, and your Beautiful Truth. I.D.

See what you did to yourselves and you S.E.L.F. / F.L. E.S – Stag- E Pegasus Fuel -Gas Station.

See what you did to “The Stage”.
E-N VI-R O Meant not Vir.u.s, meant.
Atm O sphere.

7:59 pm.
Nature and Your True Nature.

That your Beauty, The True Nature, The TrueTreasure we came to Harvest

8:00 pm.
8:01 pm.
81. H.A.
Your Happy Nature.
Being Happy.
28. 88- 16. 8 24. X-Factor Sixth Sense.
Riddling it with Doubt, Lies and confusion instead of simply asking.
One who is qualified, and shows you his- her Curriculum Vitae Supreme.

No, it was never about you and your astounding, astonishing perverted egos.
Viruses, going Viral and Atm- money-making machines and inventions.
It was about being the reason and anchor for the manifestation and evolution of All Existence
All E to Y.
And the rest, illusions to Z. E.N.D.-E.Z.

8:07 pm.

So yes, from 2710 Facebook Friends, I, We, I, I and I ate at 2726.

8:09 pm.

Odion Anthonia O.A.

Holly Angermeier H.A.

Thomasena Shelia T.S.

Eleonora Gromova E.G.

Adeline Lynda A.L.

Vickie Britney V.B.

Gina Thomasena G.T.

Deidre Ursula D. U.

Hattie Cindy H.C.

8:16 pm.

8:17 p.m.

O.A. H.A. T. S. E.G. A.L. V.B.G.T. D.U. H. C

HA.T S ( Off)

*:Gal Gadot-Varsano is an Israeli actress and model. At age 18, she was crowned Miss Israel 2004. She then served two years in the Israel Defense Forces as a soldier, whereafter she began studying at the IDC Herzliya college, while building her modeling and acting careers. Wikipedia
Born: April 30, 1985 (age 36 years), Petah Tikva, Israel
Height: 5? 10?
Nationality: Israeli
Spouse: Yaron Varsano (m. 2008)”

G.G. Wonder Woman.
Arden-Gemino, Gemini
Aurelia Gemino Line.
36. Age Code.
36-9. I.

Varsano means *”In the first row, from right to left- “my … the name literally means ‘doors’], they called it ‘kiumiura’ [the charcoal].”

The Doors.
Diamond to Charcoal to Diamond Hearing Sacred Portal 98. “Hula Hoop Girl” Worm Hole- Rings Dune.
The Dark One, Laila Mitchell.

And it means *”Versano is a Sephardic Jewish surname which means ‘from Barcelona’.”

From Barcelona.
Ignatio Campillio.
David Campillio and Betty in Bracelona 1991.

G.A.L… G A R D. O.T. Varsano.

G.A.L. V.B. G.T.D. U. H.C.

And O. H. T E A V. G.D. H

A.A. S.G.L. B.T. U.C./

C.U. T.B. L G ( Leander Gemino 12.07 USD) S.A.A.
But we are at A and C. A Circle and I am not eating my tale, I am absorbing its Beautiful Truth into my system, my constitution in the constitution state, Connecticut the 5th state, and shitting out the rest via my large intestine to Anus S.P 22 V.

Arden Aurela. A.A.
C is my past.
A.AA. -C – Circle.

8:45 pm.

H. E.A. L.

H E A R.

H – E. A-C. I.

8:46 pm. S E A C. Same thing but the C is more refined.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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