
3:17 a.m. – There we go. – I am

3:17 a.m.

There we go.

I am now at 2728 Facebook Friends, that is where we had to go from 2726 Facebook Friends.
At C-Q. C-A.G. V.

Houser Jean 8.10. H.J.

Rosaria Susan 18-19. R.S.

/108 Sacred Portal. 108 Flower of Life- E-version 19 S/P 16.- 35=8.


R,S Somewhere over the Rainbow- Spectrum.

18 19 -37-10.J.


H.J. R. S.

H.R. J.S

Human Race J.S.

8 18= 26. J.S= 29.

26 Z. 29 A-C, 29/ 62.

26 26 Z Z

29 29 -59.S.ZP

26 29.= 55 E.E. Bingo.
That is where two races cancel out, and a new species emerge, from the BACK.E
E/E= A. Y./Y.A.

At 2728. 2287. =19…./ 16.


3:35 a.m.
2:36 am.

B. 360- I.

27 28= 55.

That was a very, very dangerous and risky play.

Balls, Beautiful Brazen Balls… but yes.

3:39 am.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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