
8:16 pm. – H.P. – I.P. – Jae Sherma

8:16 pm.

Jae Sherman gave me a card, signed with her three cat’s names and hers, for taking care of the Ever Source Electric Bill.

127.94 U.S.D.
Paid 100 leaving 27.94 USD for Her and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.

And I added 60. U.S.D. for the Internet in her name.

I was not actually meant to do so, All is the Fifth Dimension now, proven and confirmed before you all, and I paid all the Costs, the Price, and Paid your School Fees.
And that reality called 3D does here does not exist, it is written right on my door
“Understand that your soul is not bound by a 3 Dimensional Existence.

8:29 pm.
2-25-2019. J.S.S.L.= 60.

But I did so anyway because I am still here.

8:20 pm.

I understand the Bubonic Plague causing Typhoid Mary, Insane Virus based reasoning perfectly, I had mentioned the cats in a recent post, for themselves to be free.
That they are Individuals and part of the play, and that though it did not take away from me anything, it disturbed me, because it took away their right to exist and live free and happy beings.
And instead, it was ignored and reciprocated with a card.

I fully understand the response.

8:22 pm.

Each to his own.
Call it whatever you wish, that you are Protecting them… From what?

People Here do not respond to Love which is C- it is taken advantage of, only Power and Fear.
Faith Peters F P= 22 V.
Faith is Belief and Peter means Stone-Rock.

And I would like to point out that Liberty C does not work, and her sponsorship, which she did make clear and public, at least to me, and then me to you, came from her settlement and sponsorship from Chris Gemino.
Whom I know as Eric in France 1994, with Julie.

So yes Chris. align it to Chris Filgueira who I lived with here, and knew from Oldham- Manchester where Nnamdi was born, and who lived with me, us on the 3rd Floor.
I took the tiny room, ( for a reason, though I was given by E.M.F, first choice) Chris took the Large room and painted it Gold.

So you see, as I stated, it Completes at C.
C Speed of Light.
Sol 5th Note.

C. E.

Its is now 8:41 pm.
I am now at 2741 Facebook Friends, there was a play at the 527 Amigo Market- Bodega of 4 and 1.
I ignored it and after spending 4.U.S.D.

I had already gone to 1544 C.Town and already it was closed.
I smiled and went to the C.V.S.

8:44 pm.

And spent 4.66 USD.

I heard Cecilia Nnamdi as clear as day as I decoded it.
Don’t “Ever” Forgive, or Forget.”

I had heard that call, in the most private place in my heart where I stored their transmission all these years. 1981- 1982- 1988.
1967, to even the illusion as 1965.

Obumeme is 48 years in the old code.

8:48 pm.

John Mack has 48 Mutal Facebook Friends.
My Mother was really born in 1948 but 1947 and 1944 had to be proven and so the Line of Laura Walsh, who just tagged me, line of the Universal Sacred Feminine. A.L.L/ E. Y. E S.E.E could prove themselves Equals to the Y. and hence evolve to Harmony E.

8:51 pm.

There is not 4 as One, there is only 1 who is 5 and who became 2 Two and 22. V. 2+2= 4.

But no, I assured them. I will never Forgive and Forget.

Especially when it was allowed to go this far, so I added something extra, for the welcome sustained at my being born at 8pm in this realm and this lie, Emilie Ana
Emi Lie? Ana?
E.M. O.E is actually the correct application and reading translation.
There is no E.M.I in this script except you realm of Ascended Master Bull Shit and Ancestors speaking through the illusions of you.

I got the 4.66 USD code.

8:58 pm.

And I am back here sitting infront of the door of the way out and my eternal departure from this realm about to vanish, implode.

8:59 pm.

Because I will no longer sustain it, gaze at it, place attention cohesion on it any longer.
It does not exist.

9:00 pm.

So yes, I am furious with the author, of this script and consequences will come when we are at home, but that is private and not for the public, for He, and She are still Beloved, no matter how pissed off I am.

466 USD.
D.F.F.-D That was the 4.00 USD I spent at 527.Amigo Market.

46 6 4.
Full Circle Fifth Dimension

9:04 pm.

Yes, they made me earn the Ever Source Electric bill to even here, this point.
127. 94 U.S.D.
the 27. 94 USD.
A.A. I.D.

9:08 pm.

So you call him Chris Gemino.
And I know him as Eric Gracious.

C.E. G G= 8 1.
I.A. G.
Arden Gemini Gemino.

Same Thing.
Meme Chose.
M.E. M.E C.H. O.S.E?
Ose means “Dare and Dared”
I Dared.
And it means “Pepper” in O.I.Nri Igbo.
It’s on my Desk Top right behind the Mug from The Gemino’s Liberty and the Terracota Handprint of J.S.S.L. Pink on the right and to the extreme left of the Tall Woman as Mba Afor Ocha in Terracotta outfit with 3 Stars, or Suns with the Cats card from Jae Sherman.
Super Novas. S P 54.

That is the code right now on my screen.

So who are there New Facebook Friends who arrived when I went out, body as far as I could feel, still giving me the impression and feeling that I am still being attacked, sneakily?

9:19 pm



Goldie Kathleen G.K.

Manuela Brown M.B.

Knox Gemino?
Mackayla Burgos?

But that is all in the past- repeating.
And one, in particular, is G.K instead of K.G. Logos Order Sequence.

9:26 pm.

So I am perfectly aware of what Jae Sherman was, and is saying to me, and I am fully aware of her response as well as her being aware of it too.

So there was no “Misunderstanding”

I am civilized.

I do not require to enact this idea of Divine Intervention.

When each has the right to make the yes-no, decision on their own.
And there is no May Be… If’s But’s.

It is Fair, it is Just it is E.
Free will and Choice
No control by me.

9:30 pm.

9:31 pm.

I C.O.


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