
4:16 pm – D.P. – 11-29-5. – A.A-B.

4:16 pm





I kind of figured that the Birth Day Code would continue for 24 Hours since I have experienced this before, true, never to this level.
Yesterday night, a process began to take place inside my body- The muscles, like the String Theory, and the Harp Strings have been released of the Stress and Tension, and apart from some last, “locks and knots”- it feels ready to literally transform.

But after 20.8 years, and a riddle I solved in my “coma-sleep state: about the body as a Flower Feild- really extra-ordinary, actually. I see no point in recounting the progress of my Body and Being on Facebook, for people who are still asleep and slowly awakening.

Just I find that I am no longer willing to spell things out for you about the “Raison D’Etre” of what is really taking place in this world.

This play theater and script was never about me telling you everything, but rather, about making sure you understand a new Language, and thus by reading the script, make your own now informed decisions and conclusions, for yourselves.
The updates about my body were to inform you of the process of the interior transformation process, so you would know what to expect if the same process begins to happen to you, how not to panic, and understand what you can do, and that you will be able to get through it.

But, at this point in the script, especially pertaining to the Body and the way of being, I find serves no purpose, especially based on the response.
– I am aware that no one, understands it, at least not based on the Public and Private response.

This is fine, and disturbed me greatly, all these years that I had to post that intel, when as far as I could see and feel, people saw it as my personal experience and tragedy and not an Artists and Scientist experiencing Evolution and sharing the process with you.

Billy Hung, ( Bless him) did announce that to the public on Facebook in 2013, that he felt that I was the first human being going through this process.
But I saw that no one truly took my condition seriously and made it appear all about me.

That was very difficult, to know that one was experiencing such a process alone.

4:50 pm.

There were quiet moments of course when I just could not accept that it was happening to me in such a way and anger and frustration of my own person, at the impossibility of it happening this way, and even questions at the true intent of such a script.

All in all, its has been 17-18 years of dealing with this, and its consequences on my life here, such as not even being able to go for the funeral of my mother, as well as so many others, I cared for deeply.

But this is the way it is, just as this indescribable script, and its point, consistently being true and a fact.

So, it is actually with relief, that I am aware that I no longer have to make regular reports to you anymore.

This is my personal experience, and it is happening to me, and not to you, I am at last good with that.

4;58 pm.

4:59 pm.

It is all recorded here, so in hindsight, you will understand, same with the summary conclusion of what this Script has revealed.

Ah, there is so much going on, so much to this process taking place in me which I would share and love as an Artists and Scientist even undercover as a Human Being in this realm, but it must be shared with Equals or at least people who could appreciate the truth, but that I have accepted will take place only after the awakening, though I did appreciate Liberty C at least making a concentrated effort for a moment while I lived with her, to truly understand.

So with that all said and done, there is only one point where we are at now- Manifestation.
Not words, and definitely not explanation- there is 9 years and 11 months of that recorded on my page, recordings by Liberty and John Mack, you have all the intelligence required to make your own conclusions, and if this is the End Play of this world, discussed, talked about, thousands of claims made by people, religious groups, cults, philosophers, individuals through out time.

5:09 pm.

I was aware of all these claims, and even when a youth in London when this mission was made known to me, that why would anyone listen to me, I said to Father as Spirit E-Aware.

5:11 pm.

Obviously, he-she made it clear, by using the Empirical Method of this reality and mentality- presenting Facts, through a long arduous process and from a sampling of all Humanity since 1989.

It is not my problem or my responsibility any more.

The Choice is yours, and Eternal Nnamdi- Father Lord-“God” placed it in your hands- Democracy in which you decide your own fate.
And so in a way it became the Alpha Bet.
You have no control of the outcome, or it being true or not.
That has already been decided, the answer and fact.

And the equation solved.

5:17 pm.

Which is what I was used to do and present to you all.

It is you who have been given a choice and chance to decide your fate.

True or False.

I am now at 2863 Facebook Friends- =19.
B.H ( MAN) F.C- Full Circle creates First Contact with the line of I.

It was never about you saying “I believe it” but rather based on your actions, expression and response.
You, of course, are not the Judges, the Eternal Truth, The Watchers assessment of where we are, right now, I would suggest looking at the sacred portals 28 and 63, 91 and 19.
28+63= 91.
If you wish a quick fact check and then check what your own personal reality responds to you in your current personal Lives.

5:29 pm.

Cody C.

Meredith M.

Tracy T.

Theresa T

Uchenna Okonkwo U.O.

Debbie D.

Barbara B.

Reyna R.

Sharon S.

Very easy to read.

C.M. T.T U. O. D.B. R.S

C.M.TT O. D. B.R.S.

C.M.T T U. D.B. R.S.

C is the speed of Light, Consciousness- Creation
Mass, Manifestation, Man
T is 20, note of Te.Ti

TT is Pi and Gateway.

U is Understanding, Universe, Universal.

O is Full Circle.

D is Doing, Delta- 4

B Beauty, Being, Body.

R is Response, Rainbow, Respect.

S. Spectrum, Sovereign, Supreme 19/16.

5:44 pm.

5 1
5 8.
5 9.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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