
8:12 pm. – H.L. – I.L. *Serenity

8:12 pm.

I.L. *Serenity & Erabella’s birthdays.

8:13 pm.

H.M. I M. A Fact.

I was not surprised that I found myself having to make a trip to C-Town, I had thought of it sporadically all night.

The 5-5 code T.V, aligned to its sacred portal 55 “The long, prolonged wait and weight is over”

Liberty C asking about it.

So, when Kim Arthur Hinds Jr code 47 Mutal Facebook friends, and the surprise, ( yet no so surprising) arrival of Liberty’s 6th child, Azure- Nnamdi.
Link Alicia Norris A.N.
Arden Nnamdi, it did not take a genius in this play script, to figure out that I had to leave the End Point as the 64th portal to double back as Hindsight to recover Nnamdi’s Truth, the One God, as you like to call him, or Lord Father is really N.G. (Sacred Portal 147 “17, 17” A.B)
His Body of truth and his She aspect, A.LL E. ALL A.
C-A.LL. A.
Naturalness- Nature is One God of course, Naturalness moves everything to G and then to H.

I was aware that the “Long prolonged” part, but never to go sp far and be so intense, devious and negation of the E-truth taken to such a point of refuting the existence of anything, especially in this realms Art & Science- Wisdom & Intelligence, would go this far.

So when I learn that it was Kim’s father’s birthday, and that he was born on the 29, one day after me, and that he is 66, which means he was born in 1955.
55-inch T.V.

8:29 pm
Jeron Satya S Lang= 60.
Azure Lee Finch Lang= 31.

Sum 91. A.I.

You may have some idea, why I was not surprised that at the very last minute, that the last of that conversation I already had with first Nnamdi, unseen in this reality but seen, felt, and who bullied me and took possession of my body, something I stated over and over, only the One True God could do to me.

Recall, the last time I had to go there it was 27.42 USD, and I almost ignored it, if I did not see the bill, of my Birthday meal from Kim. I literally had to go back to the trash and fish out the code.
I was already beyond pissed that he too as the past was arriving and through such a play.

There was a comment Kim made which was from Nnamdi, flowing through his Father Self in completion, its was a note aligned to Kim’s father, “I knew that you would come back for me”

That was a very private message and conversation I had with Arden-Alexander as Nnamdi, which no one in this world knew about as well as with Noni Promise Life as Devi Devoted.

When Kim Arthur Hinds Jr showed me that, I could have crumpled in a heap, from the exertion and relief, but anger and exhaustion held me in check.

8:38 pm.

I have always been conversing with Nnamdi, which as I stated that is who The Silence I was addressing was. T T T S =79.
Azure was conceived on 9-7-2020.
John Mack
John Taylor Earth Heart.
John Karl- Karl is Arden’s Paternal Grandfather and his Paternal Grandmother… June.
Mother side Donald & June.

I had figured this all out, ad then coded it even as I was researching it and aligning it in front of you, but your attention span, skepticism, and superiority made it almost impossible for you to hear or take me seriously.

So, the Long Prolonged delay…
But never when I had told Nnamdi, who had told me just how bad it become down here, where his body had been buried in the Earth and he had ascended back to Cielo, Heaven, that the last part of him at Eden, I had told him that I was already here, and that I would never leave him, because though I had entered his realm and Graduation Story of All, He did not realize that he was evolving himself as All, to “I”, Infinite- Individual, Adam- I, not just E.

8:49 pm.

And after all this torment, where I am literally ready again in 3 months to leave my body, to end this non-stop invasion, and torment, of being a channel and portal in the Spirit real, after linking them to the E.

8:50 pm.

Not only was it forbidden in the E realm, which no one had heard of, despite having understood Ether and Energy.

And yet you know that everything is Expression and that Expression as even you Bible, Koran, * Qu’Ran, Tamuld, Book of the Dead, inform you is that which began all Creation, transforming it into Energy Light Creation- Emotions-color spectrum -( prism) Rainbow… 7-1 and 1-7. and yet the refusal to apply you knowledge to Arts and Science of that Order, Logic, Reason- Cosmos was utterly refused and refuted by you.

8:59 pm.

So even when that was applied to make first contact which would naturally be invisible, radio waves, sound waves, Electrical, Impulse, Stimuli, you were lost and called us the Insane and mad man…

Do you know how much, I spent at the 1544 C.Town Supermarket?

13.63 U.S.D.

Yes, I posted that when at 27 63 Facebook Friends, I am now at 2865.
Nnamdi and Nonyelum were the ones who age code, really position, I was guarding 65, and 66.

Of course, I was aware that Nnamdi was present, the hard part was having to prove it all to you, even in your language codes, and the mess you created and did with Language and Sound.

Nnamdi left age 13 Full Circle and a day to his birth, I did not see him after our last meeting when he was in my Bio Fathers Hometown called Amawbia, which actually means “The Visitor” T.V.
“The Welcome Vistors” T.W.V
as well as the ones, who come to cut you out Alien Predators.
Then there are the Illusions, as Viruses, Disease, all of whom invaded and almost took over this True Play, becoming the enemy, the adversaries, these foes, when I had to prove, and do it publicly through “Their Script” set up as an Alpha- Bet, to Destroy forever our Truth forever.

13.63 U.S.D.
A.C. F.C.

What was the name of my two most recent Facebook Friends?

Annie Christian and
Isabella Johnston

A.C. I. J.

Do you understand the message and who is talking to me.

“A, C.I. J”

9:16 pm

13.63 U.S.D. And you should have asked yourself why I use the code U.S.D.

M.F.C… Manifest Full Circle. First ( and Fist) Contact.
Masculine Feminine ( 19 MF) C at Consciousness attained by the Human Species Creation Planet Earth 3td from the Sun- Sum.
S is Serenity Era-Bella,
Bella Tang code.
S.E. E.


Annie Christian.
I, Jay.

Who was called Isabella in the Script?
It was Esteban Stephen, Chris Filgueira grandmother, where I stayed to Stephen Esteban’s surprise, in peace, for 3 months and 2 days.
Dragons of Existence.
Imagine Dragons, do you recall that is what Stephen mouthed to me as he talked with his mother on the Telephone because she was singing it to him. I.D.

Isabella -Esther.
I.E. 9.5
E.I. 5.9.

Which side of the play do you think she is on. S.P 95 will tell you that it is not S.P 59.
But to bring her line back from near extinction, well you have an idea of the cost to me personally.

I am actually quietly surprised that I was able to post this much today, the exhaustion, Tedium, boredom and strain of this play and carrying three lines of Existence, S.P. 86 align it to 89, has taken such a toll on my interst in all of this.
But I am reminded of the Umbrella Academy and Ben who was carried by number 4, for 17 years, until finally admitting he had not left all that time because he had been afraid to leave and not because of something number 4 had told him, that the door was always open, and that Ben could leave at any time.

Our case is different, it is going to the light fantastic, but incarnated in a being as a portal, two actually, who awaken your body to transformation right here back to Eden and I.

9:35 pm.


Yes, I am knackered, but you got the message right/

First Contact.
The Visitors.
Beautiful Truth Victorious.

9:36 pm.


I Cee Fact.

I am done, my body and being… it is …

9:37 pm

Something alien and extra terrestrial is happening inside and all over me.

9:38 pm.

I. C.H. Harmony?

That would make perfect sense, that First Contact with I.E, Examples End The Story of this Entire World.

9:39 pm.



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