
3:10 a.m. – C.J. – 2905 Facebook

3:10 a.m.


2905 Facebook Friends with the Reflections as O.R.E
The Ore of The E Family, bot really Primordial Soup- P.S.

But Perfect Symmetrical- Response.

29 B.I.- O 5. O.E.

Sochimazuruihenile Chimamangham Igboo
S.C. I.
“So C-Him azu-ru.I.He- Nile
Chi’m a. man-G-H.A.M. -He- Nile- I.G. B.O.O!

Mary Absher M.A.

Uba Glad Glad U.G.G.

S.C.I. M.A. U. G.G.

Matter, Mother Alpha Universe.
M.A. Universe.
Mau Rice,
Have you ever heard of the Mau Mau of Kenya.


Who Legend states that they would transform into Leopard and attack the Colonies of Kenya.

S.C.I. M.A. U… G G.= A.

S.I. M. A. U.G. G.

Sim Card.
Naomi Simms
August 7th 8-7

First Letters –

S M. U.

Last Letters-

I. A.G.

Yes, I. A.G.

S.M.U.- S I C. I.

3:26 pm.

C-Z. Guest

And in Fairy Tail Lore-
Smaug. at G-A

*”Smaug is a dragon and the main antagonist in J. R. R. Tolkien’s 1937 novel The Hobbit, his treasure and the mountain he lives in being the goal of the quest. Powerful and fearsome, he invaded the Dwarf kingdom of Erebor 150 years prior to the events described in the novel. Wikipedia
Title: King Under the Mountain, Lord Smaug
Weapon: Fire, Gust, natural body weapons and body mass
Creator: J. R. R. Tolkien
Portrayed by: Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Boone
Books: The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth”

Middle Earth.

Enter the Dragon.
Enter the Core of the Mountain.
Hall of Reflection- Illusion and reach the Twin Peaks, of Life, and Death.


Only to discover the Mystery Riddle, that the two are Illusions and give birth to Two really One.

3:32 am.

Okay, enough of that play of the Mystical Magical Fantastic realms- still based on Truth.

3:33 a.m,

Insane- Surreal, my Body wow…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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