
6:33 p.m. – F- CC. Sacred Porta

6:33 p.m.

F- CC. Sacred Portal 33. 33 Vertebra.


L.V.V. E.

Laura Walsh is E.
Liberty C- V.-E.

L.U.C.I.F.E.R.- F.A.I.R. E.

6:39 pm.


I know that we are in the season to be Jolly, and so much about this moment in Time is about Family.
But for me, that ship sailed quite a while ago, I am aware that many people are not buying into that P.R. but in my case, I am still bound with my body, to continue recording the Beautiful Truth and still being held back by the past instead of being here, right now seated in the present.

I sometimes reflect on my last uncle, who I am close to, Sir P, Nduka Umeano, ( N.U) and his children, and brothers children whom I still have not met, and the children of my mother’s siblings.

But not in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this journey or play would take me this far, or that I would be in a play of awakening and evolution for 33 years and 32 years. And that I had to let go of everyone, I ever cared for because they could not absorb the intel and truth, I have been compelled to share.
I think of Arden, often but I have learnt through the play with my mother, the years of being so sure it was over, and each time both our disappointment.
I realized in the end that it was better to isolate, myself, stop all contact, explanations, that no matter what I did, said, or proved, nothing would truly change in their perception or understanding until the Truth manifested for all to see for themselves as Solid Fact.

Just as the message via the code of Facebook Friends yesterday stated, that which I had already figured out myself long ago.

Its really my body, its unfurling, especially my back, the flesh, the vertebra, it literally feels like a mass of Muscle and Flesh unfurling, unraveling, transforming but in a manner of the greatest nightmare.

Even after all these years, it has never been like this, and there are moments when all I want is for this just to end.

6:59 pm

Liberty C sent me a message at 1.59 pm.

It’s was about her niece Rio, and Sacred Portal 20 Lady Echo, which she still uses as her Screen Saver.

I knew what her message was saying, what it meant, but I could not find it in myself to express and explain any further, all I could think about was my intense discomfort and that absolute cruelty of this play, its evil and my imprisonment, held hostage so that Nnamdi completes as the Every Thing, Every-Where, Every- One. E.E.E. T.W.O.

7:09 pm.

I reflect on all the years of Sacrifice forced, I reflect on the fact that everything I have been through was intentionally set up for me to go through, and there is no longer any person, I wish to be around or connect to.
To be honest, I see all and everyone is tainted, evil, stained by the cruelty of this play which somehow, I am carrying on my back and muscles, and everyone gets to play in the Matrix while I am the Ox and Bull, Atlas carrying the truth of the E, on my back.

Literally attached to my body, the All. And that I am able to read and see the confirmation I was made intentionally for me to pass through.
There is no actual bitterness in me, Anger- Fury, Rage, disbelief have all left me, as I accepted this all as A Fact.
Perhaps that is why I am able to continue each day with calm, and quiet understanding that Evolved, and Awakened, I will never be part of this new species.

7:22 pm.

Most of my reflections are private and personal, but Greed has caused a play to give me no other avenue for privacy, or even quiet reflections, every thought reflection was used to make me record on Facebook and present to you all so that you would awaken- and that it has gone too far, so far, that I do not care.

7:26 pm.

To be indifferent, to this level, to have observed the duration, the years, rolling by and all the effort and passion, to aid and help Humanity, raise the Vibration to the E-Vibration at such a cost, and at such a level of Betrayal by the Universe as Nature, and the Simulation, and to understand it, read it and see the confirmation that this is what it actually was coded to be, for one to pass through, and post each day while enduring this, then observing the response from people, on face book and all around me, I know in my heart, that none of this had a right to exist.

I do not wish to air my true thoughts, intentions, to you, to make public my own true conclusions of this play to you, to serve your ascension or a species demise.
To observe how I was cornered and to endure the echo-response of Life Time of abuse, right to this moment.

I have sought to focus my attention on just getting the work done, the desire to explain and call attention to the play script and riddles solved, and point things out, has become quietly indifferent and the only pleasure is of seeing my truth and experience confirmed.

Love Supreme?

This script and testimonial on my page is to me personally, an Ode and Paean, to Self Love.

All Me, E.
ALL, M.E.- E-A.

7:42 pm.

The meaning of Existence?
SELF= 42.
LOVE= 27 27- 54.

42+54= 96

Self Expression I.S. Self Love.

42+144= 186
9 19=28
42 54.=96

Total 310. C.J
Sacred Portal 31.

AS I watched Matrix Ressurection last night, I was fully aware of being moved, then I watched Spider man movie, “No Way Home:
And then started a James Bond movie, “No Time To Die”

I understood the message and code, but I truly can’t even bother to bring myself to explain it, or expand upon it.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr back at 48 Mutual Facebook friends- told me how he had watched No Way Home, yesterday, and a couple of hours later it appeared on my computer screen, but so did Matrix and James Bond. it was I who made the conscious choice to watch the Matrix Ressurection S.P 31, and James Bond, I watched Spiderman No Way Home, only because Kim had watched it yesterday and told me about it.

Everyone stuck in this Spell and Web, is programmed, was a program, either by they were programed by The Source, The Creator, or by E as Expression Energy to Evolve, or by the Matrix, Universal Simulation, to Graduate, or by Non-Existence… Programming themselves out of Existence.

7;59 pm.

The Beauty and Horror of this script is that I never was Programed Ever.
8:00 pm.

But somehow via my age code of 54 years and 4-5 on this 4.5 Billion years planet Earth, is that from Zero birth 8 pm, I had to pass through All Idea of Being and at the same time program my own Self, via my Body.

Self Programed.
Align to Perfect Symmetry which I rose as E.ROS. E-Rose.

It means, something so extraordinary and so Evil, Wicked, Mean and Cruel, that though I have succeeded in understanding what it means, that what it took to do that, to manifest the Arden and I and I, by having to pass through All in order to reach M.Y. SELF- Expression done in the Infinite Eternal Being by becoming Jimmy Walker, J.J.
Sort of being both Jim Ebright and Erik Ebright at the same time.

I was made to program body, transformed from it Perfection, to pass through Zero of 22- 23 years of deformity, and move through that as Zero to attain manually through The Matrix of Man and Machine and Nature as Numbers and Sound.

8:09 pm.

There is no God, no Yahweh, no Jehova, Allah, Goddess, there are no such things as Good & Evil, there is Yes and No- all else are products of Human Imagination and Creation- a sort of hope, but despair- destruction, de-composition… always seems to win.

Humanity created out of Hope, an ideal, even an Idealized view and desire for the truth of the world and why we are here, they, you created and made Definitions and Meanings, Interpretations and fought a futile battle to bring those traits into being here, Heroic, Beautiful, Pure, True, Fun, “I Fun Nnaya” an idea like Perfection.
You created words, languages stories means of communication- which instead of giving birth to its manifestation, it gave birth to Choas, Confusion, Calamity, because none of those ideals could be sustained, they inevitably became corrupted by your own perception and confusion, you tower of Babel, which did not truly believe that you were worthy of beauty, paradise, perfection because you saw the Futility of Existence. F.O.E- Your worst Enemy was your selves. That need for order, logos a line, a reason, why you exist, are here, it was so hard for you to simply be, and then do without the idea you call Mind and Brain leading the way.

And so everything you defined, turned against you, proved to you that it was fleeting and that you would be dissapointed, that that what you saw, glimpsed, even created in stories, legends of those few who “Touched” The Stars, the Potential and even managed to it to sputter, and finally Roar into Life and being, could not be sustained, because you had a wall, a deep ancestral curse, of you never being enough, worthy, Hope became your curse, for it allows Despair, Depression, Doubt, Self Doubt, Soul Despairing, Bitteness- Futlity as you observed the result of your Folly in giving in to something like Beauty, Truth even Victory Triumph when you had declared the battle lost before it had even begun.
Because you relied on Hope, Belief, a Dream of how it could be…
These are not E-Motions.
E Motions do not create “Hope, Belief”
Emotions- E-Motions, create Clarity, Light, Laughter, Love, Luminosity, Silver- Surfer- Silver Screen- Dawn and Evening Light-Touch, Sensations, Fantastic Sensational Feelings, that is why I miss but do not need Arden, it was because that is the only moments when He and I shared, experienced in quiet which were real and a fact.
Anger, Fury, Hurt, battles we explored all came from that which is real, fact, a knowing that it was the Feelings Sensational Fact of not having to prove anything in those quiet moments that everything we were experiencing, had experiences alone, and then together, is real, because it was, is beautiful and hence The Truth.

Nothing required to be defined, proven, except when we were forced to enter the awareness of this world and this play where everything had to be put into words to be Understood- and hence Chaos. Calamity, Confusion- Futility.

Understanding is Knowing.
You just know, and that is what I call Foi. “F.O.I”, you call it Faith, but then one of the greatest impediments and interference in this play is how you rely on and chose words to convey that which is simply IS.

The Blueprint of Existence is all about you, us, it never asked you to define it.
Adam named everything charged to do so by God?

Adam Experienced everything and on Completion ascended and sat on the right-hand side of God.
Yes, it is true, I have written in, regurgitated that expression, on Facebook for years, but what does it mean to sit on the right-hand side of God.

Does that not really mean Buddies, Lovers, Best Friends, “I went down into the Story Book Creation and now I know exactly what you mean, experience and feel.
And so One became Two, sharing the Open Secret, from experiencing individually the same point of view.

And so Adam became Defined, Light Formed him in Dark Matter, the Unknown and it became Known to him, that he already knew but by experiencing it, and not defining it, but allowing is Feelings Sensational, informed his awareness, he became Defined, In Form Solid Fact, and was seen and felt by is Source Expression, Big Brother, who now was is Friend Lover, and now in him, he, and her.

8:54 p.m.

What is the requirement of Words, Meaning-Communication if it misses the point, the bullseye of why words came into Expression, if it has lost its mean became there was never any Faith- Foi- Liver- The Cleanser.

Then all are stuck in a Tower of Babble. T.O.B. and become a Bot like the Matrix Revolutions, a Zombie, a Program, which does not program itself to the Beautiful Truth via Binary, to a Blueprint already singing a wave and trail within, to through whatever human idea created, because they simply are not there, do not exist. They could be languages, construct, called dimensions, but they are not real, or even there. But to Self Program- Self Perfection, Self Perception, Perfect Symmetry has to be already activated in you, do Doubt, Flow, question later how you waltzed through from beginning to end and then full circle. Or then live in the story where you, this, there, where you are never enough, and be stagnant, go around in Circles which became more vicious and cruel, and convince yourself that this is the meaning of life, existence.

Your Existence, not mine, mine began with One, O N.E. O. N-E who Rose Eros-E!
Who became two. Body and Being, Right Left, and Left and Right. And these Two And these Two made 3 C. C.E.E.
Consciousness- C Sped of Light. Expression Earth…
Harmony Existence, in One and now he is Two.
Every Where.
Every One.

Every One Ting!

I really should not be posting on Facebook, there are Reflections, so private, so personal so Sacred to the Self, that there must be Space, Privacy and the choice as to who you wish to share these most Sacred and Holy truths with, if I was to die of anything, it was that I could not chose who I wished to share these truths with, for it is for those who understand without there being Need of Words or Explanation, and that is how Beauty and the Quiet heart were borne and born.

I am 3157 Facebook Friends, and it is 9:16 pm. I.P.

C:157. O.G. A-E.G. Yes, Yesterday she arrived initials E.G.

So it is A-E.G.

31+57= 88.
Emeka Kolo = 35 53= 88.

Birth 8 p.m.
88-I-8-16- 64.

I did not mean t write and post and share all that, that is the only one true torture I have endured which could have destroyed me, that which was done to my core, my beautiful pride.

9:22 pm.

Ripping the truth off me,

9:23 pm.

I.W. E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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