
2:24 a.m. – So Predictable… – B

2:24 a.m.

So Predictable…
Because it has been solved.

I am at 3248 Facebook Friends.

C.Being Sacred Portal 48.

Imagine making one code Universal Manifestation, and One’s own manifestation to this point.
Do you know what this script was designed to make me code now?
The Beautiful Transformation of Binary as a Computer Simulation Black Hole- and Crossing to Numbers- Letters through Nature back to naturalness to solid Fact Sensations Sensational after 20.9 years in this playscript alone.

2:29 a.m.

Hence my response, Go To Hell and Fuck Off, Literally, so literal that I made it a Fact Solid.
No “Fucking” way.

Blanca Curtis. B.C.

This was about a kid named Curtis, I kicked in the butt, in 1976, he had been selected to be part of a team, to go for a large track and field event, which could lead to the Junior Olympics Training at Jr High, but at the last moment, after all those months of boasting, he pretended to have a cramp in the middle of the team race. I saw it, his play and intention and was so infuriated, I ran to the middle of the race track, and without thinking, gave him a swift lick in the ass roaring “Get your ass into Gear” My Intention being at least you must finish the race.
I was so in the moment, I was startled when most of the crowds in the stance started to cheer and roar their approval to me.

I realized later that they too agreed with my point of view. I thought about it later, and bow Curtis might feel, which I instantly brushed aside.

It was not that I was proud of what I did, but rather the only thing that made sense, which I felt I could.
And do you know what?

He had finished the race.

He never spoke to me after that, which did not bother in the slightest, in fact, it was a release and relief, I did like him ever by instinct, and now at least, I knew why.

I know who the Pale, Blanco Curtis is anyway. Code Curtis Mitchell C.M

C.M.e 4/3.

Curtis means *”polite, courteous
Curtis or Curtiss is a common English given name and surname of Anglo-Norman origin from the Old French curteis (Modern French courtois) which ultimately derived from the Spanish Cortés (of which Cortez is a variation) and the Portuguese and Galician Cardoso. The name means “polite, courteous, or well-bred”.

Polite, Courteous, Well Bred.

P.C. W.B.

2:46 a.m.

After tasking my patience, provoking my anger, my temper to such a point…

I should be stark raving violent, not able to post, and with this constant provocation and distraction of my body and this script.

2:48 a,m,

But I have not given into or become overtaken by my justified feelings, I am still Fair and an aligned version of my essential core self.

That is what it mean by being Well Bred.

And Well Read.

2:51 a.m.

B: E.A.

Being Area 51.

C.P. B.W. E.I

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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