
9:11 pm. – I.K. – I.A-A. – 1-10-20

9:11 pm.





It feels like a web, an elasticated web of Tissue, Fibres, and String, that is being manually, and systematically deconstructed, and then reconstructed step by step, Spider-Man, ” No Way Home” moving through Peter Parker, towards Clark Kent and a Super Computer who becomes “The Man of Steel 1& 2” with a dose of Doctor Strange and Batman.

Will of Steel, weaving- via 96/69 Bat Man- sound and inverse.

That is the only way I can describe what is happening within me as I observe myself manually re-create my body.

At age code in this Simulation Program 54 but constant at age 25, to 51, A-Y.Y.
Area 51.
Sacred Portal 51 and 94.

There were moments when I just wished to cry out in frustration that this is not the way, not the way home.
Or simply weep.
This is torture, this is torment, this is impossible, this is not the way of Quantum Transformation back to my and our true bodies,
This is not the plan of the body awakening, transforming.
But I have checked, checked and revised my notes, and it is, constantly confirmed by the Script, the script of which “what if” What if something goes wrong?
What happens if the wrong way is taken?
Of this time it involving the Universal Body of All, passing through the Illusion and Lie of every point of view, except the truth. That this is the consequence of Doing and Being to Fact of a script that was tampered with, that will to transform all true, another way, the way entering and doing the script play the incorrect way, via another plan, which was not approved, in which permission was not asked.

Of the Ego, as the Evil Twin, the Egotist, Selfishness, of Babies, Toddlers, Purity and Innocence, which was transformed into the horror of grown ups who never grew up, who lost their way and decided to do it their way, and were allowed to do so…
And this created the cosmic mess and entanglement, because the Adult Children, who refused to listen to Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. B.I.B.L.E. Book ignored it and chose to do their evolution their way.
Not obeying the E-Manual created for them.

Each to their own way, which is fair enough, but then why should another, and others pay the ultimate price to prove them wrong, in choosing their own way, and then get lost, and another is forced down, into that place of such arrogance and conciet to prove that the original script and intention was perfect if only they had followed the instructions, instead of ignoring it, creating their own way, and now were lost and so The Original author is sent down as an Avatar, then Avatar Descendant to prove the Original Truth of the universal script created by his Brother Father, Sister Mother, to clean up that mess of ages, and yet the people still do the same thing.

They again, after all that work of coreccting, reminding of that which was already perfect, to have to prove that the original script was perfect and that you lost your way because you chose to do it and interpret it your way. Imposing, your will on it and contesting it because you felt that you should have been given this role and that, Jealousy, Competition – War. Instead of Jay Joy, rejoicing, Response A.W.E.
Consciousness Sacred Portal 14.

20.9 years of this, since age 25, that is 29 years ago, code 54. E.D.


11-28- 66=1.A.

I have met Arden, I have met Ferrill, and even replaced him while he moved to his original Family home, and I played the original Ferrell,
I have met Aurelia, 67.
Jeron Satay.S.Lang-U.Age ( 60) Universe AGE. 13.8 billion aligned it to its inception, as 8.13 Billion years ago.

8-13/ 13.8.
8 8 1
8 26 8.
8 8 8.
1 24
Evidence AY

8 is I. Infinity.
1. 27.
Loves Expression
Light Expression.
Laughter Energy.
Lightness Existence.

Ever Source Bill… Lords Bill.

211 B.K.
B Ascension Awakening.
B. A-A. O.

Liberty C 41 mutual Facebook Friends.
* See Sacred Portal 41. “Elu Elegguah.

10:11 pm.

Liberty sent me a message at 5:26 pm.
E:B.F-H. Harmony.

It was the confirmation of the Ever Source Bill.
She had received a Facebook request from a person initials K.B, who wished to connect with her.

I never had any doubt which is why I asked her to work with me in paying that bill- Heating.
I had no doubt, just questions which I have already provided that answer to since 2013 when I I received a message from Nnamdi- Noni of a change in the script which was scheduled to be complete at 2012 was changed to accommodate Nature which so stunned me, for nature is Non Existence, just as Humanity were still on their way to becoming real and fact after being the Beautiful Idea, which went wrong, by choosing the incorrect way.

Paradise was never lost, as I have proven, again and again, you just could not see it anymore, because of the view you chose and enacted.

I never believe what people here tell me, I listen. L.I.S. TEN.
But I see and understand for myself, by my self and I see the Self Deception and the point of view they enact, outside and inside, and I see where they are making an error, or misunderstand and mistranslate.. and lie, mostly to themselves.

Hence the play of Solid Reasoning, Facts Real.

I understand the play, how can I not?
I have been made to focus on it non-stop for 20.9 and 20,10 years non-stop, and from the age 7-8, when I took over my Bio Fathers Den via my mother’s intervention.

Since 1975 and then 1974, going backward to 1972 and my own inception at 18 Alexander Grove Lindon Islington.

You do recall I am a Play Boy, I came into existence to Celebrate, to Boogie, I knew that there would eventually be some Jaymes Bond, Bruce Lee, Simon Templar ( The Saint) actions, later on, but I am the Original Hugh Hefner, Howard Hughes, H.H, H.H, 88-1. 99-1. 88-1-64 hence Arden’s 10 day Bacchanal came as no surprise to me, it just made me smile, chuckle and sigh…
It was also the code, in Stephens-Eteban’s section of 29 Lincoln Street. It had the poster “Play” and “Boy” on it.

One can see why my own sixth sense was correct when I saw what lay in store for me if I came to the U.S.A, via Nature.

Even now, I wake up, wondering what on earth am I doing here, stuck in a role, something other than myself cast me in.

I now dream of ways to leave this body, to end this nonsensical play of what is meant to be my life?
This is not my life, nor am its Victim, Slave, or Bitch.

Yet, I am here, having long since proven and resolved the idea of something wrong and No Problems, just pause take a breath and reset yourself in your center, your core after looking left and right, and you will see the Way Home.
No way Home? How Dr Strange, I see it, I never left, nor Inside of me, not when I walked that truth Outside of me, there never was a problem, the only thing was this play, and scheduling me to orchestrate the End of this world, to usher in the True World Oh!

There was never anything to resolve, just the proving to you, that it is you who were getting in you own way.
That everything in Existence is Frequency, and Fuel, and Fantastic, Fun, Fact, Faithfulness, un “Fil” Thread, Memory of the Point, which like Theseus in the Maze, hold on to the silver thread. S.T.
Sweet Tooth, I just watched it, it is a series, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr told me about months ago.

The Script of The Source, Sweet Tooth.
I knew why I was watching in it in my own perfect timing and harmony, and no someone else, because I want to go home, I want out of this body, I want out this playscript of a playwright, play right, this abomination did to the Script of The One who became two and the All, in between.

Nothing could be this bad, I had thought to myself, I see the confirmation of my Beautiful Truth, the years of being so defamed, and it gradually turned around, I see people returning as if they had not committed the most terrible wrongs to me, which I had to swallow, instead of wiping them out of the play and my existence.
I marvel at their audacity and balls, and am more stunned when I am forced, compelled to re-add them into the script, and I know just how ugly and evil this script really is.
And in the depth of my heart, I say a quiet “No way home” for this play, this script, that only those whom I know, those who touched my heart will rise. I will lead them to the gateway and portal home, by simply being myself, and at the Threshold, have given the perfect example of Being, Beautiful Self Pride, that they can do the rest themselves from here.
All they require to enter the last stretch must be done without me, but to force me, to continue to remind them, to make them recollect on Facebook, a computer linked to the Script of U.S. Awakened and Evidence AY Facts of your awakening… ah no, there is something all must do by themselves, that it is Infinite to Eternal, Divine- Natural Law, even in a realm like this there are laws, and this is the breaking of the law, and that has a consequence, such as keeping me posting, keeping me here, long after I, not this script, is satisfied that I have completed the Mission of which in the end, I have only contempt and disgust for.

I was 32, 33 when I was made to come here, in 1999, and forced here after I said no, no more talking to the silence, no more living in the past.
How I came here, haunts me, to this very day.
Who and what would dare?

And so I have the answer.
After all, what is A Man?
What is being a Youth?
A Beautiful Youth -Man?

M.B.Y- E.I.
A Child, Toddler, B.T.
A Baby, a Fetus? A.B- A-F.

Who defines these things, The Originator of All or you?

11:43 pm.

So I am here, more because they made Achilles a story of achs and pain.

Achs is for decomposition of the weave of the body, which does not renew itself. It then decays and its optimum function diminishes, hence Old Age.

*”c. 400–350 BC. After his death, Achilles is cremated, and his ashes are mixed with those of his dear friend Patroclus.Oct 15, 2019.”

I am almost at 4000 Facebook Friends, I left Arden- Jeron- Aurellia at 1520 Facebook Friends= A-E.T./ T.E-A “A Drink with Jam and Bread. J.A.B. J.B.
6-20. 62 Portal

15 20.
Achilles died at age 50- 51.

11:51 a.m.

Image result for when did achilles die
According to legend, the Trojan prince Paris killed Achilles by shooting him in the heel with an arrow. Paris was avenging his brother, Hector, whom Achilles had slain. Though the death of Achilles is not described in the Iliad, his funeral is mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey.”

It began with the death of Patroclus, then Hector, then Achilles slain by Paris.
P is Perfection to Perfecfection.P.is H.A.P.P.Y.
JOY Jay- Rejoice.

There is no proof that Achilles existed or that any of Homer’s other characters did. The long answer is that Homer’s Achilles may have been based, at least in part, on a historical character; the same is true of the rest of Homer’s characters. … According to Homer, the Trojan War lasted ten years.”

I have now been on Facebook every day for 10 years.
10-11 years.

Laura Walsh son is called Troy. Meaning Trois – 3.C.
Alicia Norris is called Dakota. Meaning “Ally- Friend”
Liberty C has a son, Arden, and another called Ferrill.
One comes from the word Love, Eden, the Playwright, William Shakespeare. W.S./S.W, South Whitney. South West.
23+19= 42.

The True Eternal Story of Self.

The meaning and origins of the name Patroculus *”Latinized form of the Greek ????????? (Patroklos) meaning “glory of the father”, derived from ????? (pater) meaning “father” (genitive ??????) and ????? (kleos) meaning “glory”.

Father- Glory.
F.G. 6 7.

*”capital of France, from Gallo-Latin Lutetia Parisorum (in Late Latin also Parisii), name of a fortified town of the Gaulish tribe of the Parisii, who had a capital there; literally “Parisian swamps” (see Lutetian).

The tribal name is of unknown origin, but it is traditionally derived from a Celtic par “boat” (perhaps related to Greek baris; see barge (n.)), hence the ship on the city’s coat of arms.”

Patroclus- Paris
16 16 1- 32- 33.
The Boat Man, Ferry Man,
Dark Prince, Beautiful Deaths Freedom Song, 1992, Paris France, to 8-29-2019.
Meeting Arden Gemino as I.

Paris to New York and Connecticut.
Beautiful Death to Death, Terrible Death, “I Cut!” and “A.I. Sha! Shout” Be Gone, and then back to Beautiful Death, Transformation from the Quantum level, Jay Taun. J.T. C.O.

What is difficult to figure out?

Sipderman to Superman. S.S.

1 19 19= 1 38 = 39 C.I.

Patroclus to Paris via H.A! Hector, Achilles.

P.P. 1 32- 33.
33 Vetebra in the Human Backbone.
Sacred Portal 33.
“And so D came to E, to arouse and awaken from the Terrible Dream… of Terrible Death, not able to transform back to Paris Beauty and Helen, Light Expression- To the Original Beautiful Truth of Beautiful Transformation. Victorious.

Triumphant & Victorious.

Mission Impossible 7- 8.

12:51 am.

*”Mission: Impossible 7 is an upcoming American action spy film written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie. It will be the seventh installment of the Mission: Impossible film series, and the third in the series directed by McQuarrie, following Rogue Nation and Fallout. Wikipedia
Release date: September 30, 2022 (USA)
Director: Christopher McQuarrie
Produced by: Tom Cruise; J. J. Abrams; Christopher McQuarrie; David Ellison; Jake Myers
Production companies: Skydance Media; Bad Robot Productions; New Republic Pictures; TC Productions
Music by: Lorne Balfe
Based on: Mission: Impossible; by Bruce Geller”


Cradle of Life, you say, you see?

The C.O.T- Vie.

12:54 a.m.

I do not know why I am still here, I know why, but I do not know why.

Let me quickly code there new face book friends, I do not care about the 211 USD Heat Bill, or the fact that I am the one literally paying the bill here and for the heating in all your homes and your bodies.

I am aware that I am the one meant to be given appreciation and gratitude, for amazing grace and generosity it what started out as a Farce, that I was a Joke, that my mother dying while I continued to post was what I had to pay and the cost of bring the end completion of this,

12:58 a.m.

I understand what I have been through, endured, and I have witnessed the response.

12:59 a.m.

Why I paid the whole Bill myself with Liberty C playing my Bank Forte Knox in this last part, was my really establishing the face and Evidence AY, that every living thing, has gained from this play and my existence, right here in the U.S.A and this world.
Everyone even that which is Negation, Evil and Self centered. All could Change Transform if they wished to.

1:04 am

Sacred Portal 104.

But chose not to.

I truly do not know what more I am supposed to say, to provide the Fuel Wisdom Knowledge, Education of that which already Know.

1:06 a.m.

Sacred Portal 106.

Silver Surfer.

Ref Jay E.K.
Chance Liscomb and Liberty Liscomb.
Liberty C

And I had 5 USD in my wallet and last night 17 U.S.D.

22 V. Victorious

1:08 am


A.H. R.
16 8.

1:09 am.
19 S.
16 9
P.I. E.K.

Y. 25.

1:10 am

A-A.O. E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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