
1:10.a.m – Sacred Portal 1.10. –


Sacred Portal 1.10.


Liberty C informed me that Jeron is coming home today to his new home.
He was at C.T. and now Virginia.

1:11 am.

I have new Facebook friends.

Janita Mcadory J.M.

Rillette Senderling R.S.

Doc Thompson D.T.

Xylo Fone X.F.

Ayesiga Moses A.M.

Ezenwayi Ogoo Ajagu E.A ( E.O.A)

Vivian Alesya V.A.

Yadi Nackall Y.N.

Fauzi F.

Rahayu Rahayu R R.

Mizanur Rahman Mizan.M.M. (.M.R.M).

1:20 a.m.

Mia Danielle M.D.

Yer Rey Y.R.

You may have noted that instead of the usual 9, I have added 4.
9.4= 13.
I.D… M Manifestation

Keith Grant. Knox Gemino

I.M.D. Sanitizer.



J.M. R.S. D.T. X.F. A.M. E.A. (E.O.A.) V.A. Y.N. F. R.R. M.M. ( M.R.M) M.D. Y.R.

Jump Man, John Mack- R.S. ( 900 South Road S.R/ R.S.
Rainbow Spectrum. D.T. “4-20”
X-Factor, A.M. ( Arden Morgan-Merlin. A Manifests E.O.A-Alexander. Victorious Arden as Y.N.( New York 11th State= 11 -1 ( Perfection) Naturalness, is a Fact. R R. Reflection- Resurrected- Read/ Red Full Circle 1 360 degrees. Manifested -MM Man Below and Above, Inside Outside. M.R.M.Manifested the Room full circle. M.D. Medical Doctor- Manifest Destiny ( A Healer) Y.R. Y chromosome response. Y= 25. Evidence AY in the year 2003-4.
2021 as 5 and 2022 T.V at 6.

First Letter, First Name.

J. R.D. X. A.E. V. Y. F. R.M. M.Y.

Last Name First Letter.

M.S.T.F. M.A.A.N. F.R.M.D.R.

It means that Man was manifested from the Myst ( Mist and Mystery as a Fact by The Source and evolved M.A.-A.N From a River RIOS to Manifest Destination M.D. R- Response.

I am now at 3304 Facebook Friends. C.C.O.D

33- 904. 94. and O as 9-64.

2:02 a,m


2:03 am.
23. W. VV.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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