
1:18 p.m. – I got up early, wit

1:18 p.m.

I got up early, with the carrying with me the Number 14, which I resolved in my Resting Sleep- Dream State.
I cleaned up as I usually do when I get up, it gives me a moment to pause, Contemplate and Mediate on preparing to Transition into the Script, by Hips and back are healing, I can feel it all moving in my body step by step, despite it being 18 years.

I wondered what time I would eventually reach Facebook,
1:22 am.

Alexa Vertefeuille and her line had been on my Awareness Radar after I solved, coded, and aligned the V.I. King equation on my other Sacred Portal 19- Vahalla Mead, and Valkyrie which aligns Liberty C with Alexa V.

I was aware that I did not code yesterday’s date, 1-22-2022, and instead did it today.
A-V.V.-T.V- F.

But now on seeing the time 1:18 pm. A.A.H. and A.R… T.

Ref. Anastasia Hart.

I realized that I am still completing the code intel and riddle which Liberty C link to Aurelia and Alexa- Alicia Norris had coded that equation after I asked to on 1-18 2022.
After pausing before posting to move to see Stephen Johnson intel who is since yesterday been at 28 Mutual Facebook Friends, and is post od V.Gina The Cat and the two Siamese mix Cats, and the intel on the Attorney General. G.A.T. – K-G…
I am tired in the sense of I feel Vertigo, dizziness, from the exhaustion of my body, from all the Stress and Tension of Mind and Mental expression explanation long after this play of Manifestation right under people noses who are still sleeping, and have now only an idea of what is going on.
I found myself watching Emre, Emrys- “Merlin” Last Night, and after a brief pause, I understood why.

There is so much happening manifesting, coded, but I just no longer have the Desire or Will to explain, except where I am being moved to complete the final Lines Thread.
Laura Walsh play which aligned to her Mother- Mother Father, had to be completed, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr play has been resolved and completed as well as 217-219 South Whitney..

!:40 pm.

Rainer Ostendorf, play was competed, now it was all about my statement to Stephen Johnson as representing in the New Evolved True world, after the Awakening, now that the sacred portal 14.” Evolution of Consciousness” is aligned.

Supreme Justice, Justice Supreme.

1:43 pm.
A- D.C. Door of Life Sacred Portal 43.

14.3 N.C. sum 17 Q.

I suppose I should feel resentful and bitter, that I am still being moved to set up the final “Mis En Scene” before the Curtain Rises, – meaning that the public Open your eyes and wake up from the Nightmare Sacred Portal 33 to align to the Dream made Real and Alive in Sacred Portal 1 A.


1:47 pm.
Sacred Portal 147, A.B. 17 17.

Ah, there we are, 1:48 pm.
That is the code number I saw when I opened my eyes today, 10:48 pm.
Beautiful Death as Transformation, but the truth is I have never been one to carry Bitterness, resentfulness or bitterness, I d something about it, express it, the code it, and that releases me from carrying another’s or this plays scripts shit.

But it very tiring after 54 years, and 20.10 years, to be made to repeat that which I coded in 2010 and then all the way back to my arrival in London back to 11-22/23-1988 when I returned to London to my sister apartment in Queens Park London after she had left Nigeria in 1986.

It is not that easy to continue to post and code long after ones own body and saying “No more” and ones internal organs are re-arranging themselves right before your eyes, creating such discomfort, and straining ones own disbelief ( This is not happening, this is not happening, It can be!) while watching your self code Extinction and Evolution in front of the world aligned to perfect timing.
2:06 pm.

It’s true, in one sense, I am very, very sick, ill, but not in the way of how you understand Illness and Sickness here.
“But what can I do?” I say to myself, it is manifesting, that is why I am compelled by my own will to check and inspect each moment I have, to quietly follow the Fil, The Thread, observing the Cosmic Entanglement of the E Lines being resolved to C.E.

Last night, after months, I found myself moved to buy myself some Brandy. E.J. Blue, it was an impulse which came out of the Blue. By the time I finished up and made myself dinner, and finally was able to sit down- with this body always the most forefront in my awareness, after all, if it wasn’t for what is going on in my body, and the lack of sleep- which yes, is a form of true torture, used in places all over the world. long before Guantanamo Bay ( G.B- Y. B.A.Y) which I was to train myself, for years when I was moved and trained on the streets and the play of living in a shelter, where to sleep, and endure such a condition, for 27 months, and 2 months at Assessment Shelter, Green Point, Brooklyn ( and yes I am coding right now- G.P.B)

2:16 p.m.

(See what I mean?)
I died so many times, from that use of Sleep deprivation and mastering my Body’s Internal Organs, so twisted and displaced…You have no idea.

So when I drank of the Bue E.J Brandy, I was transparted not only to the past 900 South Road where Liberty, in m last days made sure I always had Brandy made from Apples, and would go to the Orchard ( John Scot, rep of Love and lover was Kirsten Dunst, of “Interview with a Vampire” and Spider-Man, whom he introduced me to in the lower Eastside and prompted me “Bastard” to do the work with her.

2:22 pm.
Now 2-23 pm.

Link Connect Liberty C and Alexa V line,

I was suddenly transported to the frequency of Dionysus and Midas, I wanted to tell someone, even simply to record it on Facebook what happened as I conversed with their true original characters.

I wanted to comment on Kim Arthur Hinds Jr post of Zito, who passed away at age 25, from a condition that plagued him all his life, which I noted Stephen Johnson had commented on.

But it is no longer my responsibility, ( never really was) to code and point things out any since all have graduated and all can read the E. language Codes and understand Lyrical Conversation and Plain Spoken Simple Truth.
And yet, there are certain people, who I have to complete their Lines codes, like Laura Walsh line.

And how by taking this Long, Long prolonged, and unnecessary play script, to prove the equation of E Manifestation as 96 as the Opening to the Sunshine State 27… 28.

And the state of sacred Portal 49, as sacred Portal 69.
49+ 20.= 69.
49+10= 59.
Nature as the Past Present and as Naturalness being N, not Nature as Numbers- the Matrix Ressurection of you all wakening from a Terrible Dream, of Terrible Death, and those who awaken either 27.. 28.
or sacred portal 49. 59 via 69.

It’s like being asked, demanded to express more, despite this supremely uncomfortable physical state.

I made it clear, “Fuck This play” and that I am and will be elated now to leave my body, that I do not care about the Evolution Awakening anymore, because the cost- price and bill paid, is just too much and especially with this view I am afforded of every detail of the play and its transgressions.

But I am still here, not even Death as Rest and parting has come, even that one truth has betrayed me for agreeing that I move through such a script.

Ink Spell I.S.
Ink Heart. I.H
Ink Death. I.D.
All done, I keep seeing.

I.S. I.H. I.D.
1, 1 1- S. H D.

I I I H.S.D.
Perfection H S D,
I C…8 19 4
8 23
I C-C.A.

/ A C E.
Alicia. Ali, Kamil Ali A.L.I. -C.I.A.

It is difficult to sustain Attention Focus ad Concentration after doing so for 54 years, 25 years= 79 Blue Print of Existence without anyone supplying the Energy, least of all Expression Harmony after all this work, and all this Hatred, Selfishness, and Destruction moving through it as Nature for 20.10 years. J.T.
John Thomas. Private Detective.

Nothing in this play interests me and is difficult to wish to respond to the cues, Impulse Stimuli “Ink Spell” when you have already left the the play and are still being kept here, knowing that you have been held hostage ones entire life, and facing that evidence of what you already lived, experienced and had to figure it out on your own, and then watch it being confirmed day and night, and its use of Omissions was all intentional.

*”Errors of omission are also sometimes called “false negatives.” They refer to instances in which someone or something is erroneously excluded from consideration when they or it should have been included. In survey research, this error typically occurs when the eligibility of a unit is determined.Jan 1, 2011″

2:59 pm,

Tell me, how long have I been coding and manifesting the Sacred Portal 59?
How long have I been doing it here?
You all saw the urgency of the Impulse Stimuli created in my body and mirrored, reflected in this Script. How long have I been kept waiting?
Why would I be prompted if it was not the moment of Manifestation? Like my finding, my Self, stuck here without intel of how long it would be, despite everything having been coded in 2004?

Why has it been this way since the very beginning of the 64 portals and the last two?

Is that not Manipulation, Control and Deception using error of omission, “E.O.M.”/ M.O.E. ‘Meaning of Existence.
False Negatives. F.N.
Father Nature, F.N= 20.T. A.K.A, B.O./ O.B. 152, O B.

Is it not a form of Sado Masochistic – Science of Cruelty, Torture, Torment to leave one hanging in a play script one created, resolves and yet no manifest resolution. You can not leave because your body and bowels, muscles ( MUS. CLES. Music Keys and Notes, are purposely made to be missing when you can see them, and then you are forced to explain and prove them missing, despite the source of this play, being fully aware of what they are doing, using Silence as manipulation to get what they want and so the same with sound.

3:12 pm

Intentionally, ignoring the directive of The Source, The Creator, Alien, A-lien Father, Tell the Truth the whole Truth, Keep it simple. Simple Truth, Plain Truth. S.P. TT.

Its just a fancy way, and disguise for a lie with secret intention and motives, hence not the truth, because Truth is the whole truth, the whole story. Start with the point, and if asked to elaborate, by adding Explanation, Clarity, Expansion, E.C.E – Consciousness which was why I was placed in such situations, it becomes C.E.C. I.L.I…Two Full circles and A.

Do you see that?

Could I be informed exactly what was wanted from me, to prove 96 = 15 letter O.
69 = 15 is letter O.

CEC. I.L.I. O O, A.

Why make it so difficult, so complicated, why do you not say what you want, desire, why do you communicate this way, when everything is I.O.

Iyk Onuka

My Bio father went my the name Ike, my mother OnUu.
Iyke means “Power”
Onu means “Hearing, Mouth, Wed” Ka means “Greater” K.A.11 1.

/ E.K. Y.I.
A.K. U.N. O.

Do you see how simple it really is? Yet by using the play of Error, intentionally omitting whole truth.

*”To commit perjury, you have to be under oath, and you have to knowingly fib about something that’s relevant to the case at hand. (Your statement must also be literally false—lies of omission don’t count.) … § 1621, aka the perjury law.Mar 7, 2007″

*”Sep 17, 2018 — The statute states that “[i]t is unlawful for a person to wilfully give false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath in any court of …”

And in this play, you witnessed how it was Proven, so simply, by witnesses, even family members knowing the full story, and listening to the lie of omission, which we can see by understanding that the lie was intentional and not an act of forgetfulness, by observing the reason why the lie of omission was used by seeing the Gain the person is aiming for, not the resolution of conflict with manifest Clarity – The Truth.

3:33 pm.

So now I am discussing Supreme Law. Supreme Court Law.
See code Usman Lawal U.S. MAN, LAW.A.L?

Okay, that is enough.

I am now at 3358 Facebook Friends.

33= 1. 58 = 13.

1 13. A.M.

6+13= 19.
S. Supreme Justice.

See Liberty C intel from A.I/ I.A.

I studied law, while I was in University and read up on it on each country I lived or visited.
Criminal Law.
Civil law.
Tax Law.
Divorce Law.

And Lord, how complicated it has made to be, when it really boils down to common sense.
Wisdom and Discernment, Opening one’s eyes to see, sense, observe and prove the facts.

Evidence AY

Evidence J. Justice A.Y. 1 25.
26 God.

God Wins?
7-23- 2020.
G-22-22 O.

G.A./ A.G.
Attorney General.

A.G. K.P.

I have presented my Case, C.A.S.E. to the world.

Cecil.I.A. Arden Self, E
42 42 42 Meaning of Existence.
M.O.E. M.F.E. Mother Father= E.
E.S.A.C. K.
“Error of Omission”, E.O.O.
Errors O- Mission?

Another word for Lying with the intention to Manipulate, Deceive, and to get what they want by viewing, hiding the truth under the guise of Innocence, playing Dumb
to harness power for Egoistic reasons and not for Ego Oge, Energy Awakening.

Esperanza Goodwin E.G. 57

Anna Anna A.N/ N.A, A.N/ N.A.

I have proven my case and the code 42 x3= 126. A-Z.
From Arden Gemino A.F.K.G= 25 Y.

O.B..E.Y. E.S. P.

E.G. A-A


I rest my case.
126 + E.K.

126+16 / 19.

= 142.
A Being Doing.
A is the meaning of Existence
Arden- Alexander- Anthony, Aurelia, Alicia, Awareness,
Spirit E-Awakening -Awake.

That is the meaning, of existence life… Evolution Awakening.

4:18 pm
Delta A.H.

Alexander- Arden
Anastasia Hart.

4:19 pm

23 W. VV.

4:20 pm.

20 USD.

14 USD I just discovered is that which is left in my wallet.

4:21 pm.


4:22 pm.

Delta Victorious.
David Victorious.
Emeka Victor.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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