
11:47 a.m. – 1 -E=A. – S.P. 11 &

11:47 a.m.

1 -E=A.
S.P. 11 & 47- 28- 39.
C.I. 12=3. -27-9. 39 C.I. 9 -14. (I.N)
9+14= 23. W. Sacred Portal 23
Arden Gemino- 2003, 203, 23.
23 is 5 and x=6.
30.C.O Sacred Portal 30 “Battle in the Woods -Transformation.
30= 3.
Sacred Portal 3.C, 3rd floor 219 South Whitney.
3 3rd planet from the sun.-sum.
3O. C-Full circle in Symmetry- Perfection. 111 numeric equation for Perfection.
O is 15th letter A-E. = 1+5=6.
Nadee Nakandala
9 9= 1 18.
Intel from Liberty C
Response from Alicia Norris resolved to Caution. C.
1 18. Alexander -Arden,
18 Alexander Grove London England.
Anastasia Hart
27 is A-A.O A.
19. S. Stephen- rep Stephen Johnson
1+9= A.I. Arden is I.
1+9-10. Letter J.
Jay, June, J.A, H.
Julie – new Landlord.
Sent David yesterday, Thermostat- Heat On.
See Sacred Portal 3-2
total 5.

56 =11 and 30= 41 D.A.
Sacred Portal 41.
4 in One “Umeano” Four Divine Breaths.D.B Doing is Being, Being is Doing.24 /42.
5, 56 -11. ( 56+11= 67 Me)
E. E.K
Emeka Kolo
E.E.K- A.
E.A- A.E/
A-E= F.

12:10 pm.
22 V.

* I.B + A.T.E. code on the black foundation square box, gift from Liberty C from 900 South Road, now the past and out of the play, but still on my Altar-Art Science display exhibited in the guest room with the slogan written on the wall “Slum Lord.” S.L= 31.
29 Lincoln Street.
B.I + is 2-9 +


A=1, MAN = 28.
Me, D.O.B8 pm 11 28.
Stephen Johnson at 28 Mutual Facebook Friends.
Add Stephen Popiotek 15 Facebook Friends 15 is Letter O.
Symmetry Perfection.
C.E H.
C E I.
Sacred Portal 43, Door of Life.


Red Cannister of the representative of Non-Existence, not of Live- but a Simulation-Jae Sherman “I’m Sorry Lydia.

The Source full circle.
19+20+19.= 58.
E.H.= M Manifested.
A Man did that.
Created Manifested Man and Wu-Man.

I am now at 3370 Facebook Friends.

33 = 1. 70. A.G.O.
Play is about C.
3370 thus is
C- 37O.
See Sacred Portal 37.
Sacred Portal 37 and 37 Full Circle S.P C-E=H.and C.E.I.
See Sacred Portals 58 “Going Home with Lord Father, and sacred portal 59 “End of the Story- End of this World via Death, Destruction and Devastation.
I go home first, at 58. Sir Puis, Stephen Popiotek. P.O.P. I O. T. E.K.
In Symmetrical Perfection C.E. I.H.
And then the Death. Destruction and Devastation of this world E.M.F and the Human Species.

C 37.
Liberty C was born in 1976, as was Erik Eclass Mateo 5 mutual Facebook friend.
She February 76.
He, Jan 76
Erek E.R. E.K.
Liberty C.
E L.
E Class and C.
E.C. C.

4 +41 Mutual Facebook Friend
45-45=1 ( 9:9- 9. 20 20 Perfect Vision 2020 Hindsight. I T.920/ 29O)-I. I.
10 10.
24 24= 1 48= 49.
John Mack
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr/
10 11.
Galaxy 1O11 C.I.
=21=3 C
3rd Planet from the Sun.
Planet Earth.
Perry Ellis.Wallet and Suit Case. Gift from Jonn and Donna, from Billy Hung, and the last wallet, a gift to myself, I bought.
Ellis Island.
Statue of Liberty. E.I.
Sacred Portal 59.
Both Suit Case and Wallet are Brown like the Earth Soil.
Not Red.
Brown & Brown was the name of the Architectural firm owned by a man in Enugu Nigeria who looked like Teddy Pendergrass and who was on the cover of my album. I very handsome elegant man who invited me into his portal, his home, and office, so beautiful and natural like paradise with water fountains, that I knew him as my Father Lord line and he knew me too.

Brown is the University which Chris Gemino and Liberty C met in 1994.

I began the play aligned to my bio father’s death a few months, with Erek E Class in 2002. and was completed with Liberty C and Stephen Johnson full Circle.
Scott, that most of you were present with that play which now completes with Julie the new landlord.
Scott was not the landlord, but as David who I met. * David Rose 4 mutual Facebook Friends, and Will I am who I have not met, just as I have not met Julie, ( David Darling C.D Rom).
I met Scott when I was living on the 3rd Floor ( lost and I found his Sunglasses and wallet)
Scott and David. S.D. S.P 89.
S A D.
Santana Dharma.
Eternal Law.
23 and 17.
23 is Double VV.
22 22= 1. 44=
Planet Earth 4.5 Billion years old.
* 454 billion years old. I am age code 54 and 35 and 25, Arden at 16 me at 35_16- 51 Gap was 16.
*”4.543 billion years
Image result for how old is planet earth
Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old, plus or minus about 50 million years. Scientists have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date. In northwestern Canada, they discovered rocks about 4.03 billion years old.
Liberty’s current age code and who turns 46 in 10 days.

12:58 pm.

4.543 Billion

That is what I have been quietly contemplating, as I coded all this today.

12:59 pm.

I was meant to have gone from here and this play long ago and my body released, and I have nothing to say, but my body is still being controlled manipulated, meddled with and I am still forced, compelled to post even now.

1:04 pm.
Sacred Portal 104 aka 4.00. Terrible Death.
I am Nnamdi and he was born on 4-5-1969.
5-4-69 as written here.
4-5/ 5 4
D E E D.
99 See sacred portal 99.
99 is I & I.
1 in numeric code and letter A.

I have 2 New Facebook Friends.

I have been on Facebook now for 10 years.
January February.
J.F. K.= 11.

Erek Liberty.
76/76 is 1.
1- 13 13=1.8.
A.M.M. A.H.
A. M.M. A.I.

1:11 pm right now.

I have two new Facebook Friends.


1:14 pm

A-A.D. Delta Green Color Frequency.

1:15 pm

1:16 pm.

Attained Perfection.
=17 Q.
In this play as expressed by the observer as Man, Stephen Johnson when I first moved to my 64th portal.

1:18 pm.
That was in 2019 that is Two years ago +

I really have nothing more to say to this world people or this play, but here I am, is that not the definition of a Prisoner. a Prisoner of War?
To keep a being and The Source as a man who proved and rose to the challenge and proved alls is Beautiful Truth?
Is it not the most evil and vile sado-masochism and cruelty, torture, ever perpetuated in creation existence, all so that others could gain to that which they were too arrogant and conceited and superior acting to pay attention to the person used against his will to be the Post office of the World People, whom he came to this realm to destroy. Lucifer E and Santan – Santana Dharma.

It is so much like that Douglas Adams Book and Film, Opening Scene of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy I identified in 2015 and at Donna and Jonns portal.
D.J/ J.D.

Julia and David.

Jay and David.
David means The Beloved.
and J.D. 10 4 Terrible Death.

Pritchard Gabrielle

Ah, that is Florence Pritchard code, who I met first in Paris when my Job at Paco Rabanne.R was stolen from me by a german called Fritz. I moved to Bellville where she lived with Didier, who came on my page a few years ago to say Hi.
That was 1991.


Paul Alichi


P.G. P. A.
O A.

P.P. G A.


P.G.P. A.
P.P. G.A.
P/P – 1- A

A G A.

And in your world story…

*”Aga Khan is a title held by the Im?m of the Nizari Ism???li Shias. Since 1957, the holder of the title has been the 49th Im?m, Prince Shah Karim al-Husseini, Aga Khan IV. All Aga Khans claim descent from Muhammad, last prophet of Islam. Wikipedia
Formation: 1817
Past holders: Aga Khan IV, Aga Khan III, Aga Khan I, Aga Khan II

1:37 pm
Evolution of Woman Female to Wu-Man. The 5th Element is now aligned to E Man Y.
E.Y E.

1:39 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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