
2:26 pm – Being Z. The End of A

2:26 pm

Being Z. The End of A.B.-C-Z.




Being is EAR.
Brown Bear.
L. I. S.T. E.N.

Being Supreme Love.

And the Sacred Portal is E-A.R.

It was already represented and completed at my 64th Portal, when I went to Arden Gemino’s room and then Ardens Friend Robert, appeared.

So we were 3 in his room which with our initials formed E-A.R.

And a few weeks later a Brown Bear appeared on the Tree right beside the Holo-Deck at 900 South Road.

I am Arden-Alexander.
18 Alexander Grove.
I am Robert- Robert O Sullivan,
Doona )’ Sullivans Bio Father who was born 4-19- 19… and left 18 Mountain view after exactly 9 months, and left the day he was born.
Then Robert Coffee, who I met and then “replaced” when I spent 2 months at Little Haiti, in Miami chez Erik Ebright with his father Jim Ebright.

S.P. Sacred Portal 5-1 and 18.
Symmetry Perfection. ( 19+16=35 C.E= 8-9.

S.P. E.A.R. E. H.S.

H- E-A.R.

H:E-A.R.D. South Road.

I H.E-A.R.

I H.E-A. R.D.

Sacred Portal 51.
18. 5.4.

I spent most of the morning today, contemplating this entire play right to this moment.
And all the effort, to get you to Listen, to Hear what I was being used and abused to bring to your attention.
All the years, all these years, waisted, because I knew that you all Heard me.
And most chose to ignore me, the message because you each had decided by yourselves what was worth listening to.

H.L. Hear, Listen.
8-12= 20 +96. T.96= 15.Letter O and E-A

B.E.A.R. I.

That this was completed in 1996 as I had stated, since 1996, Paris France, and London England, that is 26 years ago code Z.
Zero, Zoo.
And Best Friend Harmony I.
Which I was made to post explain and demonstrate for 29 years, and 26 years.

22 96
22 15.
22 O.
If you all recall that was the last money code Esteban E.M.F handed to me- what moved him to the correct code?
1992./ 29 91. First-Light. F.L.
A.I.I.B/ B.I.I.A.


And what force could implement such a denial of the Eternal Truth confirmed for 29 and 26 years.

22 O.
22 54

V. Victor Emeka Kolo age code 54- 39-38.
I was at 3454 Facebook Friends yesterday in this Evil Twisted Script of Negation of the Truth Heard, and ignored.

L.H is the code of the last time I saw and spoke with my brother Nnamdi Okolo. N.O.
Nnamdi Kolo. N.K.
Listen, Heard.
Oh, I know he listened and Heard me.
I am He,
Being E.A.R. D.
Harmony Expresses Awareness, Response David-Delta.

What manner of Evil so vicious that it is from Beyond could, delay Manifestation of that which had been completed the moment I was born 8 pm 11-28, to ignore the Infinite Truth and delay Manifestation.
Manifest= 87.
A.T.I.O. N- E.

What could ignore The Source, The Creator, and challenge that Infinite Eternal Truth of his, my manifestation of Elegant Imagery manifested which even now fills the world setting with Beauty?

To contest and challenge Absolute Truth. I. O. I Full Circle in Perfect Symetry- Natural Expression by taking advantage of my coming as a man, incarnating as a man.
8-29-2020= 2020 is 1.

Is it this idea of power- Woman? evolving to the 5th dimension embodiment of WU-Man as a 5th Dimensional Being of Beauty and Love.

Everything has been manifesting, everyone has been proven to be moved. But not with awareness or expression, apart from the few like Stephen Johnson and only after this I had to correct his Human expression to align it back to his Natural Expression.

I have often contemplated this question through the last decades, alone, forced to fight.

3:22 pm.

I knew the answer, but it was simply impossible for a long time for me to process the answer.

Marina Burini once told me in 2010-2011 that my Mother’s Frequency did this, said that I must prove it as a man.
I spoke often to my mother, and she said no such thing.
She did though keep speaking about the cause of the evil done to me body was the ink of the Tatoo on my right shoulder.
When she told me this, I knew deep inside she was right, it made sense, I was living at Tom Trumans Loft, with a life-size image of a crotching Black Panther statue.
The Tatoo is of the Eagle merged with a Phoenix, and words written in Japanese and Chinese characters.

My Brother Obumneme which means *”According to a user from Nigeria, the name Obumneme means “am I the doer,maker or creator refering to God as the doer”. A user from Michigan, U.S. says the name …”

Am I the Doer, The Creator, C, God The Doer.


I returned yesterday with exactly 5 and 1 USD in my wallet.
6 USD.

Ego Oge Play Script was over months ago and yet, it has persisted right to this moment.

Sacred Portal 50. 5O.

Emeka Odiamma

But see the recent acknowledgment of Emeka Odeh.
Emeka Odeh
Emeka Odeh
Emeka Odeh
Emeka Odeh.

Meaning that the Forest People.
Ibo. contested and challenged still, using the notion of Blood Ancestry to use my body and overturn the script of Universe Supreme to thier own Intentions.

Ibo versus I.B.O.
/ OBI. Obi in Ibo and O.I.Bri Igbo means Heart-
I watched quietly when Kim Arthur Hinds Jr friend Obi Etuka O.E came here invited by Kim, and I watched once again, as that proof even in the language of the Ibo and OInri Igbo was once again ignored.

I.B.O. Ibo.
O.B.I. Obi
2-9-O. 2 9 6. 2.O.
O 9 2.

2 USD was what I spent at the C.V.S where a moment later that woman from above my room appeared behind me, and when I my body went crazy and thus alerted me to her presence, and I gazed at her, and then she vanished and I later saw her walking with her little dog across the church away from me.

Curriculm Vitae Supreme.

I B.6. I 2.6.
O.B.I. O=26- 2.9. 11.. 1.11=2.

I realized by some miraculous abomination, beyond belief that I was still in the play and that is confirmed by the PHOENIX bird rising inside me, so clearly two days ago, then to find my Right Arm, yanked and twisted so severely, I paused in my room in absolute shock.

Treachery – Betrayal…

3;50 pm.

I did not care about such things, I am already aware, but what has astounded me is, its power to endure and continue to interfere with the Manifestation into your awareness, to my body completing its transformation and what it has done to Sex, S.E.X and my Sex, and Penis and Body.

My Right arm, my torso, The Truth, and Area 51, as 6 sense now a fact.

Sex is Sixth Sense, it is natural to have Sex, to penetrate and celebrate.
I have not been allowed to have sex in 21 years, since I arived in New York for this play, and it is not from lack of trying but by what happens to my body, it convulses and goes insane,

I am very aware of Sex magic. used in nearly every culture in the world, especially Africa and the Jewish cults and secret societies.

I know why this was done to me, to my body, my Semen, C Men.
The trap laid in the challenge of taking away my Power and Force, muting the volume -AMP so that people would not be aware of what has been manifesting and thus able to claim that they did not see it or hear it and that its source is not me, can not be, and if they do know, they are allowed to deny it saying that they are not sure, and thus the play requiring the empirical evidence facts and proof that no one can deny who is the Source of manifestation.
Then make it in the language of this reality of Insanity until Order – Logos and Reason, proof, are made clear. But first, you have got to get their attention, and of course do it as an ordinary man in which they had laid a trap, a playing field of which every portal is the negation of the truth except a youth called Arden Gemino and a Maiden called Aurelia and Jeron Satya S.Lang.

This setting the stage for the impossible, that not even the creator, the source, and especially as a man- tethered to the People and to a Script that there was no way he could traverse, to its end.

Using the People, Humans and their laziness, Ego’s warped and self-entitlement and supreme, selfishness, dipping in and out of Naturalness and Unnatural creatures.

4:07 pm.

4 O7.

4- 67.

D. David- Delta. F.G.

Delta 13 M.

4:08 pm.

Rebecca Esther. R.E.
is my second 3.455 Facebook Friend. C- D.EE. C.D-A.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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