
7:34 pm. – G.C.D. – GOD. is The

7:34 pm.


GOD. is The C.D.
Compact Disc.

7-34= 7.

G-C.D.-G… E.

7:37 pm.

I will relay what just took place before I went out.

It was a private play with my Awareness- Awakeneded and Embodied, ( I personally am not in the mood and find it irksome, but I suppose after going to all that trouble, to create the play today, I will indulge him ( him Her) and share it with you.

God does not Play Dice, & God does not rely on Chance?

Well, I found myself placed in a situation that answers the question why.

When did Einstein say God doesn’t play dice?

Albert Einstien-
‘The theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One,’ wrote Albert Einstein in December 1926.”

And then you have seen where I posted his 1945 Contradiction in his Personal Letters of his qualms expressed of the Quantum Theory.
20 17.
And * See Down Stairs Whitney Veterans Memorial
And 317 Freeman Avenue with Jesse Macias Orejuela& Zion, and Tuan.

And oh, by the way, there is a very good reason why I have not called the Police,
Ken- Carter and his Partner, again.
Or simply called the Police, 911, and 311.

Linked to here and that Michelle Carter play.

7:56 pm.

But I will explain why through this post

And yes, I am hearing the Music blaring from downstairs and everywhere, as was to be expected without manifestation.

7:58 pm.

But, though not happy about it, I know that I.T – I.B was waiting for this, me as a man, I expected this, after all, I have lived here for 15+ months, and observed the pattern of behavior, from to them and others as they, this seems nothing but a bluff.

Most of you have observed my anger at such a play by the E.F line as 10, giving you more time, and delaying the Journals you can see one of them handling as they knock on the door of the 5th Dimension.

It was expected.

Hence my being on high alert.

Anyway, let me tell you what was set up.

So you may recall, that I had 6 USD left?
Well, I added a 20 at the last minute, noting to myself that it was now 26.

G.O.D.= numerically comes to 26.

Which is 2 +6=8. 268. Generation X, East 4th Street where I first met Alien Father as Absolute Fury and Absolute Death.

*I just went out to the cooridor, the music is blasting loudly in my room.

I heard the Guffaw from the creatures on the 2nd Floor- I did not what I was looking for in the storage, but I found myself responding to his Guffaw and snort, and so with rage and roar, which was not really mine- but I let it R.I.P. Rip.
I acknowledge to his and their response.

I am sick of them still so being ballsy and arrogant, so sure of no consequences, but I digress.

I found a thing called Tatoo Goo.
I placed it on my altar art science and was content at least that I got the Creatures response- heard clearly and loudly.

So I took the money and prepared to go out, noting that I am dressed in head to toe in black except by a Tartan Scarf.

The Tatoo Goo..,
Need I elaborate?

8:17 pm.

Then I realized I had in my pocket, two large Bic Lighters,
I had already left my room and brought my computer to the Kitchen as if I had already anticipated the invasion of my room with Sound Inasion- yes Attempting premediated Murder…

It has been 15+ Months and He, they are perfectly aware.

They took the Risk, but GOD does not play dice. D.ICE.

You will recall the play and meaning of the Black versus Blue Lighter?

Its sigifies the Black- that which will never awaken, and moves to Existential Death.
The Z. Zzzzz P.J’s.

And the latter- that which passed through awakening the Code of Blue as Jeron S S Lang gave the intel to Liberty C via all Good to go,
I received that confirmation early this morning via the Internat code C-225.
C 2-25-2019 was when Jeron Satya Supreme Lang was born.

I am now finally at 3-4- 56 Facebook Friends.

8:26 pm right now.


So, I realized I had two lighters in my pocket I could not tell which was which, then I felt the whisper, a bet, which Lighter you will draw out will determine the conclusion of this play.
I do not know why I indulged it, but I did.
– And by the way, Connecticut is the 5th State.
Fith Color is blue.

So, I played along and withdrew from my pocket the Black Lighter…
Despite my Temper, I smiled.

Perfect Harmony with me, now as I am and feel.

And so I went to the 527 A.M Bodega and spent 10.75 USD.

10 is J. J.B.
75 in 7 Colors in the Rainbow Spectrum and 5 is Blue all in 1.

It comes out of the Blue from GOD.

I never played GOD or God, but my younger self N.G, & A.G- is or was.

8:33 pm.

And this is more his script and Body as Truth than mine- but I carried it.
One Two.
/TO Its END.

Death Devastation Destruction.

D D D.

Did I tell you that 444 is also written on the wall here, right beside- the two pink-white birds in mid-flight Hagar- Sarah Abraham, and the code: 9-19-20.

That is the message I was charged to share.

9;38 pm

Hartford Connecticut.
8 3.= 11. Particle and Wave.

5th State.

Blue brings the Blackest Night.

8:39 pm.

I C I. Here.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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