
3:35 pm. – C.C.E. – 2-20-2022. –

3:35 pm.



B-T-T V.


I was just contemplating the journey, and all the work it took, in obeying this script directive to prove to the truth of Harmony, but also that you are in a Universal Simulation Awareness.

8:43 pm.

-Of Life.

I already wrote why it was created as a University School of life lessons, so that you could qualify in the Entrance Exams- and The Finals to be prepared for True Life, Harmony, which is so extraordinarily different from the version of life here, especially with its dramatic, shortened Life Span.

It would appear that I spent more time, having to prove that this reality is a simulation, and getting you to pay attention, listen and hear, rather than the intended Idea and Goal which was to prepare you for what is to come.

As many of you are aware, this is not my way, nor would anyone with common sense agree to such a play, much less the conditions.
I spent more time having to break down language sound, words, behavior and rebuilding and reminding you of true social interaction, basic Laws even to physics, and application of the law. and still, you did as you pleased.

I was just reflecting on this today, and who made this script ( you) and the impossible efforts, and difficulties you created and how that created the script, and the defiance and resistance.
And that power which insisted that I do it in your corrupted language because it needed an interpreter, translator, as well as my already being used as a Transmitter, all because the Extra Terrestrials and Natures Ancestors thought I was Human and one of you.

I insisted long before Facebook to them both E.T.N.A, that I was not, and to my incredulity. I found myself with yet another burden of not only proving to you that your reality, your existence is not real, but that I am the meaning of a man.
A Hue-Man Being.
A Natural.

Natural ancestors were Harmonious Beings.
That is what a Human Being originally was.
Everywhere, *see the origins of the OINri who could manifest from nothingness with the word.
This truth is in every single ancient to modern culture and society, throughout Time, though it became barely recognizable as the centuries rolled by.
It became known by other names such as Magic, wizardry, sorcery. and people became terrified of it and those who had that gift.
So persecution etc..
And that was how science was created, to bring reason and rationale to that which could not be explained.
Because the world people began to forget.
To grow dim.

In one month, to this day, I arrived in New York, U.S.A forced here against my will to prove E.T.-N.A.

That I was not of this idea called Man, and rise to the challenge of the Extra-Terrestrials and Natures Ancestors.

I am not Human, I am Hue-Man, the point in which all Animal Naturals were meant to evolve to, as well as the Extra-Terrestrials and Ancestors -Nature.

I am Alien and in me is A-Li-en- ( A. L.I.G.H.T. E.N-ME.NT), to this reality which was my Brother Self and now my sister self.

Hue-Man is Alien, he is not Extra-Terrestrial, nor is he Human,

Hence on the wall here is the word “Human?” with a question mark.
No. Is and has always been my response.

Alien Father and I.
Because there are only two of us, and we were once one.1.

Hue-mans are yet to exist, about to exist, the true intent and manifest destination of the New Origins Species. N.O.S. / R E A-SON. Robert Emeka-Arden- Stephan Oscar Nathaniel.

Through Numbers, – Letters then Facts- Fact Solid= Y.25 and then Be=-A.M.

I know. but can no longer be sure why I am writing all this now.
20.11 years to the day I arrived here.

Perhaps because I have aways known that it was Alien Father who takes me Home the Right way, the correct way, and not the E Family who are still awakening from within the cocoon you currently represent, and because I woke up from my sleep state where I was also awake- working, knowing that rather than their being something wrong, but something was missing.

But I never felt, nor was I required to recount and describe to you Alien Father to you.
The E.T and N.A were of course were more concerned with matters which concerned themselves ( your selves, a trait which you have inherited) and their own Self Interest, your Evolution Transformation Awakening, ( E.T.A) and that suited me, ( us) just fine.

I will never reveal the truth to you of the history of Alien Father to you and especially not this world people.

The fact that you are awakening is enough.

I am now at 3489 Facebook Friends.

As you know I began the journals Taking To The Silence in 1989.

Sacred Portal 89.

So that is a true full circle from Date Embodiment in this idea of a physical realm, walking to Cyber Space via Facebook Interface- 3rd Planet from the Sun 3-C.
D-4- Grren
Delta Operating System. D.O.S.
Donna O Sullivan and Robert O Sullivan. R.O.S.-E.
D.S to R.S

To 89. H.I & I.

Sacred Portal 89. Alien Father and I at the Peak, Mount Top.

Contd. 4:42 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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