
3:47 a.m – 3:48 p.m. – So, I am

3:47 a.m – 3:48 p.m. – So, I am
3:47 a.m – 3:48 p.m. – So, I am

3:47 a.m

3:48 p.m.

So, I am at my last height which I sought to attain today.

3493 Facebook Friend.

C. Delta-I.C

C-David. I.Chukwuemeka.

C.D.I C… E

Damien Carlisle. D.C.

Damien- means *”Damian is a historic name that means “to tame” or “subdue.” It is derived from the Greek word “Damianos” which can mean “master,” “overcome,” or “conquer.” The name Damian has also been linked to the Greek goddess of fertility, Damia. … Damian is also a popular name in literary works and other works of art.Aug 6, 2021″

To Tame, To Subdue.
To Master.
To Overcome, To Conquer.

*”Carlise as a girl’s name is of Old German origin meaning “free man”. On This Page: Popularity Trend Chart …”

Free Man.

To Tame, To Subdue, To Master,
To overcome, To conquer the Freedom of Man.

4:01 pm

41 D.A.

461 D.F.A

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