
7:00 pm. – I would like to clea

7:00 pm.

I would like to clear up, any misconceptions today in the meaning of the play script today, and why I see why I was so insistently brought to the U.S.A.
New York the 11th State and Connecticut the 5th State.

11-5/ 5-11.

7:04 pm.
7 O 4. G.O.D.

3- 511 Facebook Friends.
C- E.K.

That this was a play not of Love or Beauty, but of Power and Control.

And that no one was going to recognize me, or the truth of Eternal Harmony as one one true governing for moving everything in creation and existence, and beyond.

It was already known by the I who sent me here, and went to such Extremes to bring me here and to this playing Field, was that the only way to take over Power and Control and show Power =Harmony, was that I would have to Merit and Earned, that which I had already Earned, all over again, and by seizing the play and the power by doing it myself and taking over via Harmony the Bodies and Beings aligned to E Harmony.

I was even told that I would be fought by all other ideas and creatures who claimed to be The Source.

And that even to this current setting where I am sitting under the noise sound of the person living above me, that they Lie and Ilusion would fight, seek to distract and demean the truth until the very last moment.
And that by bringing the play script to your awareness that these so-called Unseen Powers would they themselves be exposed as meddling creatures who would use humans as their vehicles to find any means necessary to discredit and demean the Truth until I reached the End of the Script they had designed.

They used people, people not in harmony- Unnaturals by feeding on their Self Projections, their Ego, Anger all their thoughts and senses of inadequacies, they set the stage which is why I attained despite all their plans the 64th portal and this last portal of the Hearts of Darkness.

But you can see and read it is a script, which you yourselves have within you.
As I listen to the intentional sound above where I sleep and recall how Keith- whose name means Wood-Forest, and how he had immediately stated about the person and people living above me, as the first thing, I already was aware and understood.

I knew what his E-Spirit was saying to me, as well as the man.
And I am aware why the one and ones above & downstairs have the effrontery and audacity to act as though they are fearless.

7:21 pm.

I am aware of how they are all being sacrificed by that power that has lured them in that idea that they are untouchable.


A.R. T.
But they are not.

7:23 pm.

Their mission was to find ways to distract me, to frustrate me, do anything to prevent me from completing the script and posting, they failed, as all other forces of destruction, devastation and Decay through these last 10-11 years.

I attained the End of the Script.
Beginning & End with Stephen Johnson 30 Mutual Facebook Friends.
See Sacred Portal 30.
See Sacred Portal
30 +15 Stephen Popiotek,
and Nadja Hope
See Sacred Portal 155 which is the completion of all the Sacred Portals, 155 of them, and the one Drew made in 11-28- 2010.
Turned 43 aka 26.

7:28 pm.

With that attained last night and then 3 511
Chukwu Emeka Kolo, and the play with Myself and Kieth, E.K.

1385 Metropolitain Woods.
Yes, Woods.

13 13= 1-A and 26 Z. GOD =26 Z.

I am aware of what this means, and why I Attention Focus could not be veered off its A.F. Because I had to get to the end, prove the truth in me, and through each of you to the end.

I am writing this now, for the immediate future and not really…

In Fact, I just addressed them by responding to thier noise, by stomping my foot Bear Cult Boots from E.M.F on the Floor 3 Times, loudly STOMP, that Jae Sherman came out to ask what was happening, I simply pointed to the people upstairs, and since they are reading my posts as I post them, I dispensed with te Facade and addressed them directly, stating that this was not just about the little Dog and the Police, and the play of this reality consequence but about my coding them and what they represented in this Simulation of Existence, while they, in turn, sought to distract me, using these Trash Garbage.

It did not succeed, but I have.
And so it is done.

7:43 pm.

I let the World People be my Witness how far they went and how they were so profoundly alerted, all things explained to them and that they had been warned again and again.

So now, that glorious arrogance and conceit that they could do as they pleased because nothing had manifested to give them the response that they had so merited and earned.

Jae Sherman is a character playing non Existence in a play which she was meant to not exist- rep the World People in the D non-existent realm.

But you above and below but especially above…

7:47 pm.

I Laugh.

7:48 pm.

Ha… Transformation.


Sacred Portal 49.

Shall experience Facts Solid of the Truth of this Script.

It was scheduled for you and your line anyway.

7:50 pm.

It just took so long to get to the completion of this Playscript.

7:51 pm.

G- E.A


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