
3:16 p.m. – C.P. Computer Progr

3:16 p.m.

C.P. Computer Program.

Consciousness Perfection.

Any person aware can see and read that this whole world simulation is a Computer Program.
All world events are created, to move people, especially through using the emotions and ego projections of The People, moved like sheep to an End Game.
Distraction, Greed -Need and a non existence 3D reality programmed to a never-ending cycle of war and Conflict.

And Example right now is Russia Ukraine- Europe. America.
R.U.E. A.

A Street Car named Desire.

H.Q. Head Quarters.
I.Q. Intelligence Quotientnt.
Right here.

The play of Rue A is really the Street-to Awakening.
To what?
Awakening to the Truth- Self Destruction of this cycle at last.
War. Death Devastation-Destruction – Anhilliation.

When has this cycle ever not been, this cycle of War, but there has never been peace, not even in your homes and personal lives.

The other Awakening from the Spell created by your own Selves being Conditioned and Programmed is the Awakening of the Beautiful Truth and breaking out of the Spell to see the True Picture of not only how you “The People, are simply C.G.I Animations, not even real, but used to create non stop dischord, and rising above Terrible Death in your Lives and in the outside world, which you see is and was created to End The Story of Unnatural Man.
And wake up to the truth that you are being Manipulated and deceived, and that the Beautiful Truth of this species, is moving to Extinction and that Evolution is the Key to Awakening from this Universal Simulation and Landing on the True Planet Earth, which you call Paradise, Eden.

I have been watching this planets Peoples and reading the News since I was 7 -8 years and came to the obvious conclusion of this cycle had to End and be replaced by the Beautiful Truth. And destruction of this Rat- Greed based system.

This is why I am here in this house with that representative of the Rat Race called Non-Existence.
For there is no such thing.

Humans created this Unnatural Idea and sense of being.
Anger, Temper, Rage, Race.

I am sitting at H.Q at the portal of The Beautiful Truth and the sum source and cause of War- The Rat Race.
48 years later since my observations of war.
There is no Jennifer, Jae-S.
Just a figment of unresolved conflict created in its own mind which in itself does not exist.

You and it, does not exist, not as male-female, name or Being and Doing, just a program and conditioning which has been given the illusion of power and that it existence matters.

It never did, it has no Idenity, just as all the conflict it sought to create, just as the events and its movers- the sheep as people have no Identity, not recognized by anything real, fact or of True Existence Life.

I am here at H.Q. I.Q, completing the program I understood at age 8-7/ 7-8 of the total annihilation of this Rat Race of War, in themselves, Family, Mother… which is the infection and Virus of Nothing at all.
The greatest play of the Eternity at H.Q was planting me here, and coding this realm out of Existence Publicly Privately, with the full awareness that this true end script resolved would not be taken seriously until the end.
They used your Ego’s, arrogance and conceit and self-entitlement and the idea of Free Will and Freedom of Speech- All Ilusions people have created,
It is a play script and what ever situation you face, do not look to other countries, to other people, to this silly world play and stage, or this system which was created to damn you, as well as your ancestors moving through you, playing with your heart, emotions, desires.
Look to your own Inner Truth and walk within in Trust & Confidence, for that is the way.

There is nothing to do, no one to help or Aid.
Just Be.
And from that seat and anchor you will truly begin to Cee, become Conscious, that you were in a play, a web caught in a web, like Fairy Tale you read your children and from which this world reality had never grown up to see through the Play Theater of this world is a stage.
And like all stages, there is a time when the play ends, the curtains come down, and the only thing asked of you, was what was your experience like while playing the character your Life gave you and what did you do with its Cause Effect and what was your summation?
Which reality affected you, the illusion outside, or the truth in you which then allowed you to see the truth full circle Outside.
I.O. is the code not 01. Inner Calm no matter what you had to endure, is the only truth which allows you to see clearly the Pan Orama of the truth of what is really happening in the world, or you will be sucked into the greatest black hole and Vacum.

I just was in contact with Alicia Norris. Dakota is doing well, and Tahoma is turning 16 on Friday.
Making her the same age as Aurelia.
That was the only intel that interested me.

Alicia means “Noble.”
Dakota means “Ally”
And Tahoma means *”By definition, Tahoma can mean mother of waters or that frozen water both recognizing the glaciated peak as the significant source that it is. The word is also understood to mean large snowy mountain, a trait it certainly exemplifies.”

Mother of the Waters, M.O.T.W. O
Frozen Waters, F.W.
Snowy Mountain Peak, and just like that I know who Tahoma really is and the character she represented on the stage theater.

A.D.T. in this reality means *”ADT Inc., formerly The ADT Corporation, is an American company that provides residential, small and large business electronic security, fire protection, and other related alarm monitoring services throughout the United States. The corporate head office is located in Boca Raton, Florida. Wikipedia
Customer service: 1 (800) 716-3640
Sales: 1 (800) 587-4198
Headquarters: Boca Raton, FL
Founder: Edward A. Calahan
Founded: August 14, 1874, Baltimore, MD.


*”It all started on April 5, 1874, with a nighttime break-in. American District Telegraph (ADT) Founder Edward Callahan created a telegraph-based “call-box” to signal for assistance to a central office. He quickly connected 50 other homes in the neighborhood, creating the first residential security system network.”

April 5th was the year my brother self Nnamdi was born. 18 74 is A.H. A.I. G.D. 7 4 11 28 39 C.I.

Telegraph. Tele Graph.
Tele Vision.
Morse Code.

Awakening Divine Truth. A.D.T.
I ended my communication with Alicia at 4.00 pm. Code Laura Walsh 4 Mutal Facebook Friends.
& Alicia Norris has 8.

Sacred Portal 4.00 is also Terrible Death as well as Raine.

You have been taught a different language not of this world and yet of its Inner Truth, and this Play Script has used me and made me create a Lang-U.AGE.

Universe- Understanding age as A.G.E.
Sacred Portal 22.

It is a different way to see- become Conscious by truly understanding how to see and understand LA N. G.U. ( 7-21-2020) A.G… ( Arden -Aurelia Gemino -Gemini. E- Expression

Language C.E. H. C.E.I.

Hence Strangers Foreigners I am, and when you awaken, you realize that too.

I have Quantum Jumped from 3666 Facebook friends last night to 3687 Facebook friends today which is + 21.
U or B.A. C.K. E Blue.

I will code 9 of the 21 New arrivals in a moment.

4:35 pm


Don’t be lazy anymore, Or it will be something you will bitterly regret.
I promise.

4:37 pm.

Delta Sacred Portal 37.
C.G. I.A. E T E.
or C.G.I. Animation.

4:38 pm

Sacred Portal 43 at 8.
A.N… E.

Alicia as you all saw is linked to Nnamdi- Lord Father.
She 10-31-69.
He 5-4-69/ 4-5-69.

4:40 pm

1544 C-Town Supermarket.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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