
4:44 pm. – Yes, yet again, do y

4:44 pm.

Yes, yet again, do you know why?

And do you know why this species can never exist?
Take for example this venue, where someone is always coming here with sound- music blaring fully aware of what I am coding here, to provocative, provoke.
War Mongers.

That desire to provoke and see the response.
So they Dare.
And dare to say, “That they do not care, until they get the response they so asked for when they tempted Fate.

There is no doubt, not an iota, that these species deserve their Fate and Destiny. To F.A.D.E.

Each line, each representative, hiding in cars, homes, companies so sure that this Frequency will not search them out where ever they are and deliver consequences Justice.

There is no one seen or unseen who will not escape their Challenge and Fate.

5:08 pm.

Meanwhile, I wait until I can call the Police and start that ball rolling here, right now until the Frequency Light of the Darkest Knight bringer of the Darkest Night can respond to such unbridled conceit of that I am just a man alone in a room coding that very Destiny & Fate.

5:11 pm.

I am Perfectly aware that I was set up to see experience and get the evidence while I completed this script.

And that they have no idea of the true meaning of rage intended for those who dared take advantage of my state. E State.
And how terrible death with manifest in mind body and soul and that illusion of Heart.
Hearts Of Darkness.
And long after they have forgotten how they tempted the Blue Satan. Devil.
Boom E Rang.
They may forget.
I Do not, nor do the I & I.

That you are the provokers of War, Rivers of Blood,
True Terrible Death of this world- It seed.
That is why I was sent here, it has come.
One D.A.I and D.A.Y. H.A.S. Come.
In Harford Connecticut.
And this world.

Perhaps that is why I was Fair and tried to alert and warn you, them because of the fate in store…
There is no such thing as a regret because you- they declared war on the Source of War, Death Devastation Destruction Annihilation, and I – I & I responds in kind, nothing held back.
Mal War-E.

And I have seen witnessed how you enjoyed the reprieve.
Right here.

These boys and girls have never been to war, much less of the spirit kind.

They have no idea or what Terrible Deaths War can bring and believe that because of their age that they will have an excuse, but even in this realm where 18 year old could not escape the draft, endured wars up until Vietnam to Iraq =Iran, they have to do idea what Death declaring War on their entire unnatural species is truly capable of.
After observing to this very portal the true arrogance and indifference of the B.RATS of the brood-litter of the Rat Race, and the chance grace is given by sending me here as a man alone, to code you End but in Rage in the Heart of Darkness while being attacked for 16 months day and night from next door, downstairs, above and even from within this very space.
All set up to see just how far they would go, to attack a man alone who was made to prove he is the source Satya.

The true nature of Cowardice is revealed in the Unnatural Human Rat race.

So what is happening in the world you live in and the earth which sustains you is not your concern?

That you can do as you please?
While others fight for you, are made to sacrifice their lives for you…


We shall see.

What can understand the Wrath of the Veteran and the truth experienced of when the Soldier, Soldiers came home and your response to their experience.

P.T. S.D.

No, an iota of Respect.
For serving you, protecting you.
Same with the Police.
And why corruption infiltered the Ranks to such a Stench of Hatred and bitterness.

But then. I have already seen all that I required I see, this is all now simply repetition and Evidence AY of Why.

This is not the time for Fun, it is the time for inner reflection, quiet at the true fate and destiny of yourselves and this world.

Common Sense.

6:04 pm.


66. Delta Green.

Princess ReginaDaniel Ugonmiri. P.R.D.U. P.U.

Herbert Peter. H.P.

Noreen Smith. N.S.

Maryann April. M.A.

Vivian Genevieve. V.G.

Kathryn Una. K.U.

Marian Stephanie. M.S.

Wilma Glenda. W.G.

Amanda Anci A.A.

The Message.

P.R: D.U.- P.U.H.P. N.S. M.A. V.G.K. U. M.S. W.G. A.A.

First Letter.

P.H.N.M. V.K. M.W. A.

6:07 pm


Sacred Portal 66 & 7.

First Letter Last Name.

6:12 pm F.L. 27th State.


U.U. P..S. A.G. U.S. A.

6:17 pm

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