
2:16 pm – B.P. – 2:19 pm – B.S. So

2:16 pm


2:19 pm
B.S. South Whitney.


Consciousness Created Ti Victorious.

And your version-
*”CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television. It is a video system that consists of strategically placed video cameras around an area that records footage, and is then transmitted to a display monitor(s) for real-time viewing as well as footage playback.”

2:22 p.m.

My Bio Father and my Brother, Nnamdi of the past are not here physically present,

I am.

And I am the one who was impulsed, and has been, and called it out and proved it that he passed was influencing the Present as well as you all.
And that and your past stories, your ancestors to your present lives and mentalities, language were affecting you all and holding back your awakening.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is back, from Alabama, and in I smiled as he told me about his adventure, it was not easy, but relations with Mother and Fathers, which one ever is.
I would have liked Kim to tell you his journey story and insights, they were brilliant, articulate, transparent and it would be a great benefit to you all.

As you know, one part of me, as well as him, was not sure that I would see him again, here and certainly not still in this state and end game.
But the only thing relevant I wish to post about our interaction last night when he arrived just after I completed the last riddle- really a question from the past to present was the Vie, Vet, Veteran-Vie Vietnam War and the audacity and impertinence of making me answer that question, and then 20 minutes later, Kim was at the door.
He spoke to me about his mother questioning him about me and my presence, he explained to her in what I understood was a way she could understand it, using the example of a Scholar and Scientist, and that he and others should be supportive.

I was aware of that conversation and what she would ask him, and from which level of awareness, which of course was more the vie of the 3D illusion, the rat race, Greed, Gas, God,
He was away for 21 days, 3-7.

He had answered briefly, but as he answered all I could say, was as I read all of his Story. Thoughts Heart – Truth Satya and hers was to say a quiet No, in my Quietened Thoughts Mind and Heart.

No, I said quietly, I am The Source.
There are no more plays of Omission, I pay and paid my way, his way her way, his father’s way, I paved and Paid all ways home back to the way to true clarity of all.

Tell the truth, the whole truth, even if it requires a struggle to explain.
His expression was so Honest and True Natural, Spontaneous, it was Transparent, so it was easy to see where it was coming from and so to the double VV in him and his mother, I simply said quietly to my heart, the answer is No.

I am The Source of all this creation as well as all of you, proven through a hellish play of 20.11 years, I will not be reduced or undermined to some convenient truth after providing Evidence AY hence that expression and use of language in that Small, tiny brief-expression was just a conclusion summary of what I already knew, and told Kim when I first met him and was played out here for 15 months.
I was not surprised, just a bit saddened, all this testing, all these challenges,
The Little Dog with the Cake and the name Daisey which means Day’s Eye.
D.E. 4-5
4.5 Billion-year-old planet.

15 written on the Cake is Letter O.

*”The flower name comes from the Old English word dægeseage, meaning “day’s eye”. The name Daisy is therefore ultimately derived from this source. Daisy is also a nickname for Margaret, used because Marguerite, the French version of that name, is also a French name for the oxeye daisy.”


2:54 pm.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was aware of the setup of using him as K, to challenge me, not test, but challenge my Truth Satya- even resorting to cheating and lying using the law of omission, even to the truly evil play of the very last moment- Nature, Earth.

Burger King, 6.74 USD, I bought it 2 or 3 hours before he arrived.
I was already tired of how this script and most of you wished I succeed, and another part of you wished me to fail and fall.

It is the nature of man as the Beast- duality.
No one in one, it would be understandable if I had not provided evidence facts, proof as well as a publicly transparent narrative which the response came from outside, in this very E.M.F, A 2-Dimensional story, but at this point with even your hearts and souls and even your mind and memories confirming my Identity as well as through mine, yours…
It is No.

3:03 pm

I will not be denied my True Expression and Identity after having earned it, merited, and earned all over again from the Oh to 0 origins Ground Zero, A Shelter tice, 3 times4! hardly any upper teeth, to Oh, and have my worth diminished by any person, using language which reveals everything, while I manifested as Fact in your presence, right down to the Little dog Kim Arthur Hinds Jr posted yesterday and shared.
Why did he not share it before, you may ask him, but in truth, I really do not care, he posted it his choice of perfect timing and it worked out fine, though the damage is already done.
But he shared it on his return after 21 days, 7-3, thus he was used to setting me up, to see if I would fail that final test of Nature- Animals and 6th sense, when at what was perceived as my most vulnerable, most exhausted E-State, after the battle which was going here right under his nose, and then intensified for the last 21 days.
I saw the code U.U. A.G.etc.. I coded it, here on my page, right before all of you yesterday in what appears to be random Facebook friends arriving and my taking it, their names and simply coding each name, without even trying to arrange them, and from that seemingly chaos, comes Clarity Harmony.

I moved immediately from 3699 Facebook friends where it had paused, after speaking with Kim, and then it moved through you to 3703. (C 7-63)
I am currently at 3716 Facebook Friends.

They used you all, but Kim at least was observing and saw it all, especially the play of Woman Mother -Witches- the pain and frustration of their using old habits of Deception and manipulation, while not seeing, or caring the pain it causes, to others and especially children of their own womb.
Of course, this is so much like the ancestral play, which still influences modern thought and mentalities, and that arrogance, of they who believe that they know best, without looking in the mirror and seeing the truth, that they too are under a spell.
Kim had his work cut out for him and came back with great clarity of seeing the habits he had picked up from his mother, and the truth he had to exercise patience for to see her point which was often in clarity but required so much work and clarity that when he mentioned Kamora Herrington, who has 22 Mutual Facebook Friends, I had to mention to him that where his mother had chosen to set here home is in the 22nd state. He Paused to take that, because he mentioned his mother and then Kamora in the space of one breath.

No, there was no double Victory there, I was the one here present as The Source, a man, Artist Scientist Scholar, still, I made to seen-perceived as an Ass, instead of The Source A.S.S. A
A C.I…A.

This play of Woman, to Goddess and Mother Nature, Woman Supreme, is the reason that though I love Women, I could never find peace or tranquility with them, and was privately horrified at what they have de-evolved to and become, even when they had originally good intentions, but they got caught on that ego trip of birthing, and Mother Knows Best…Girlfriend- “I am a Woman!” Power Trap-
Bull Shit.

The only Victory I witnessed was the private and personal one in Kim, via the way I watched him arrive in so much physical pain, especially his back and spine, yet see clearly the adventure he had with his mother and the Clarity of articulation of that experience, with no blaming or faulting, but rather as a son discovering and realizing that he had been under his mother’s spell, set up from childhood and his battle to release himself from it with love and not anger and resentment which he had felt as a boy.

I know this story so well, not of men being Victorious as Kim had, but of the distrust and even quiet simmering hatred of woman and that betrayal of trust, same with daughters, I saw it so well, the rage of that discovery and hurt on discovering the spell and having been caught in a mother web of words, emotions and gestures and what it creates as a cause and effect in their lives, and the hell of finding a way out, a way to still love them while breaking that spell. so binding.
War & Peace.
Constantly, but I simply call it war. War of the heart and Mind- Emotions.

Ink Heart. I.H
Ink Death. I.D.

Ink Spell.

Which do you think came first?
And why is that which came first is the last?

Ink Spell began when the two men went into the Heart of Darkness via the womb of a Woman as an illusion not yet complete, she was the original spell Caster, she hypnotized herself and then all who entered her womb, her spell was all about Death,
And yet it was all about the chaos and confusion in her heart, her feelings, and emotions- all the colors of the Spectrum, the Primary Colors, add them all together do you know based on how you combine them they can create Black- Blackness, but if aligned like a Rainbow and Trinity +the G-Spot, as St Theresa of Aviles of Ecstacy once pierced by the “Sword and Supreme Word. S-W.O.R.D” it creates Light, Lightness to see in Clarity- Orgasms Explosion Streams Creeks, Brooks of Body and Minds- all aligned to the Heart and Hearth.
That is why it is all about the Y.Chromsome Masculine Principle I.Y.
The Y is a V with a Tail.
I am the Penis Phallus
So I.is also I.V.
The Penis does not hide like the Clitoris- G-Spot.
It Points out obviously the Intent and Direction it wishes to explore and makes that intention abundantly clear, for anyone to see, and have no confusion or chaos as to the True Clarity of its Intent, Desire to Explore and Penetrate.

Its Emotions are not scattered, it is saying as if with a literal mind of its own ( males, adolescent, youth, and virile men will stand by my assertion that it is like an aware beautiful animal in harmony with a mind of its own)
It can and will ignore and override” the Atlantean Mind of reason, and allow Desire Animal Harmony to take over, and it has no embarrassment or shame.
“Feed me and we all willingly have to obey.
( have you ever heard of Blue Balls?)
Until we Cum and Come, wish to know a Universal Sensei?
it’s the Y. I.Y. I. Vie Te! Na-me.

Lord Father, Father Lord, The Guide in the exploration of the Darkest Night.
The True Knight in Shinning Armour- Amour.
Touch and Cee.
Shining Light Tip.
It’s Conscious and knows exactly what it wants and will Harden Stiffen. point it out and if you ignore it, it may decide not to harden anymore.
Hence Viagra is so popular “A God-Send”.

4:03 pm.

Sex Education..?

Start there, at the very beginning of Erection and Rhythmic- Rite- Writ- To Passage… Massage Waves… Feelings Sensational, Y B E, The First & Second Come. Coming- COM. -Not really Cum, the code is C.O.M… E-Ecstacy. Explode. Ohhh! Ahhh! Breathe- Relax… S.P 96.

Sigh, I had no intention of writing all this.

Hence No Trust.

No one Came, I want to go.

4:08 pm.


Realm of Liars- Deniars

4:09 pm


Sacred Portal 49.

I am 51.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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