
10:33 pm – I am going to let go

10:33 pm

I am going to let go now, and retire, I am at 3833 Facebook Friends and the last play of my Mother & Father, irrotated me, as I watched my computer screem register the numbers 13 & 6. M.F on a 54 Coded post, S,P 54, Mother and Father -Father and Mother at last dancing in Universal Harmony Infinity etc… Super.Nova. S.N. 1- 369 Nikolai Teslas EQ Solved.

Do you know that I went outside to walk or buy some sugar, I left my wallet so when I went for the second time to Burger King for Fries, I realized that I did not bring my wallet, but I already knew it was a setup, I asked the girl who had my sisters distant energy, she said 24 minutes left before they would close the Floor, my last post, EMF or L.L.

I had already got the request and accepted it from

Lana Phillips. L.P.

Lottie Bonnie. L.B.

So, I had no intention to rush back for a silly game of the End of this Script, E.M.F, and End of The World, but I did go and come back at a quicker pace- I wanted a snack, Fries and some nuggets,
to be honest I was still taking how I linked perfectly Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine and new it Linked Connected to Stephen Johnson and then to Liberty C, just the codes and why I always had a thing for her…

L.P. L.B.



Love Light

Prides Being.

L.L= 25 Evidence AY. A.Y.

P.B- 18. Ardens Age and 18 Alexander Grove.

Then 7.9.

The Blue Print of Existence S.P to 97.

16 16. 1 32- 33
19 19. 1. 38. 39.
Is Full active in me, and at 33 who came first?

16 or 19?

10:51 pm

P.19 as Perfection 8 pm before I even had a name

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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