
2:56 pm – B: E.F. / F.E.B. – 3-1

2:56 pm

B: E.F. / F.E.B.


I-We, are at 4118 Facebook Friends.

The microwave is at 18.

I read Arinze Umeano post- He is at 41 Mutual Facebook Friends.

One thing that he said that stood out for me is his statement why hide the Truth?

I am looking over at Jae Sherman who just came out as I began posting.

Murder I write, now with surety after understanding that I was charged with providing the Sum Total of the Burden of Truth, Proof, Evidence Facts- a Choice to Hide the Truth.

A play set up by the Being of the Energy Family, a family who aligned to the story of the TEN, and 10, whom I no longer Trust.

The Lie has no shame and has the balls to show its face to me, after the conclusion of a 15-month play of investigation.

I represent the Truth, Satya, Eziokwu, Vertitas.
I am right here, and have been right her for almost 21 years and 12-13 months on Facebook calling out the Truth Day and Night.

I did not Hide, I revealed myself, was made to myself Nu- “Naked” before the entire world, I was made to reveal my Naturalness, S.P 123, Transparency Supremacy, Rocket Fuel
I watched the Liar, the Pathological liar, I was made to examine Evil Personified and I observed how she came and, she put the Kettle on and then acted as though she was cleaning, but I know it so well, this evil abomination, that it came out to simply make a statement and then went back in.
More like to say, I am still here, and in your face.

That is how it plays, I have been observing it for 15 months, this is its mentality.
This is a script in which it is the summation.

The Liar rejoices I am still here, look at my big balls and audacity.

I am here present, here and the liar who agreed to be a tool of Murder, a murder whose play was so subtle It thought it would never be caught in its play, set up actually to see how far it would go, a mirror of the Liars and Serial Killers who thought they could never be caught because how well they had mastered the art of Lies and War.

I am Truth, but what is truth without action?
When the liar has the balls to intentionally appear before the Truth Satya, and boast, “I am still here, and I come out to your Face, to mock your Truth, your Evidence, your Proof.
I am the Lie, and your Truth expressed before the entire world who witnessed my arrival with Donna when it came and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was present when they went to the room I was staying in labeled “Magical Portal” and a Blue Jay came out.
Ink Death.
Mortimer, Jae S. is not of the 5th Dimension, not of the color Blue, Kim is and has been so when he told me of the Blue Jae which appeared at the Ahususca ceremony Esteban M.F organized in late 2018 before we both moved here.

The Truth, even proof, the body of proof, evidence, Facts, setups which were so far to help the lie to give it a chance to clean up and come clean to have the information to make an informed decision, and to know what is at stake.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was present when I was incredulous, ( but not so much) as she with an unprecedented arrogance beyond even the most extreme narcissists was provided with the intel and codes as I fought for her, and watched her reject all the facts, which she never said were not true, and which many it agreed with, but decided it was too much work to change and do that which was required so it would not be used by the force of Non-Existence, The Lie.
It had grown too comfortable in the role that the last ray of light in her, faded, and that Brilliant mind she was once given, instead turned completely into the abomination of Control and deception.
The celebration of the liar, Evils Spawn, spying on my page and in real-time, acting, always acting, always seeking ways to set itself above the Truth.
Enjoying the evidence that not only was it as most of humanity was being used.
It saw no power, response, only its continued presence and the laughter and mockery at my presence. Truth.

And Avatar for the Lie of everything, now ruled by Spite Anger Nothing Else any more except the evidence of watching me, my body twisting, the suffering and misery, I was surmounting every day.
The gifts she had given, all contaminated with her lies, and that one note of sincerity in its gestures, already being contaminated by the Lie and self-interest and her history that it would not let go of until all light in it was gone, leaving just the Vide, the emptiness and the desire for revenge at not being seen and given the credit it was due.

I had given her-It credit, I had fought for so well, that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had even asked me, why did I care, why do so much work in my state, when he knew how tired I was.
I felt all the beings I met and was led to manipulated into having interaction deserved a fair chance, a choice to decide on their own once the evidence was presented that in them and outside of them was the truth.
Recall E Street Band- Bruce Sprigsteen, her moment of awakening in which she stated she had no iota of doubt, do you recall the bike ride and the spell of Spring, Flowers- a world awakening?

I fought for everyone to have the evidence and choice, but once they decide to stay resting on the lie and bad habits, putting others in jepoardy, just as its names sake Jenifer, who she saw as one she could be with called her out as so many had including Laura, Donna’s girlfriend and the hatred she has for her real mother… Ad when I first called her out as a Liar, over and over again and in the Presence of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr. then I knew what she was, it represented, in the world, I already knew, told her, it, and proved it, “They’re using you!” Fight back!”

Why did I care, I don’t, not really but there must be Truth but as well as Justice. Fair play, that all have the right to know and decide for themselves.
For the consequences of the End Play this time is beyond even my description posted, while still inside this Script of Awakening Process and Extinction.
And though Jae -formerly called Jennifer before she decided that she was a he, had met her her mirror who had rejected her and called her out as a… you can read what she herself told me she would be Lover had called her and accused her of doing, nothing I said or posted or what he herself saw manifest could change what she had programmed to be, False and Lie who is so convinced of the lie she told herself, how she sees herself, itself, could move her.
She was set, it is set.

And though I am fully aware of the true nature of her intent when she came out on hearing I was in the Kitchen working, I knew it was the play which had moved her.

4:00 pm.
4.00 Sacred Portal 104.
Terrible Death 10 4, J.D.
14 N.
Sacred Portal 49 and 59.
Gap 10. J. Jay, Jeron

I read it,
I knew it was all set up to make me post this.

Liberty C has 41 Mutual Facebook Friends
Jeron Satya Supreme Light= Language, and that is what I was forced to decipher, its language and way and use of words,
Sacred Portal 75.
She was born in 19 75.

That is how I saw and observed the true horror of her expression and it being with full intent, butt to me personally so used and abused. A.U. Arinze Umeano. Au -Gold. Kim meaning Gold, I despise how I have been treated, Manipulation Deception, Lies of Omission that I did not wish anyone to be treated that way, so unfairly.
I am the body of truth twisted in pain every single day…
So I fought for her, and all that lies, because I understood why people lie.
I recalled Arden Gemino and what he said about those who use the power of words and intent to dominate.
I recalled the play with Liberty C and the mastery she had with words and language and the damage it caused that Thomas Lang told me how he was afraid of her.

I understood, and recalled why I had called her Evil Bitch, and yet also saw the Beauty in her, and the conflict pain and hurt when people with so much light in them chose to embrace the power of the lies, and are indifferent to the pain and destruction it causes as long as they have Power, Control to dominate and get their way.

Even to the power of Death Destruction and Devastation Annihilation of an entire species, and in this case, still be selfish to that extreme, to hold onto their own idea of Self to not give a damn.

Until they become One and merge with the lie, and will do anything to have their way.

No, Arinze Umeano. the truth is not hiding, I am not Hidden, I have been coerced by that 56 Sacred Portal to prove that 56 is Eternal Fact, and not a number but words transformed into Facts, Prove Numbers to Letters.
Hence Chris Filgueira 12-14-1987.
14-12 is N.L. Nature to Letters.
Naturalness Love. N+L= 26 GOD. Z.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 11-04-87.
15 Letter O. Sacred Portal 87.

8+7= 15 Letter O.
66 The Number on Kim;s door.
8 x7= 56.

56: 56 mins secs the Telephone Conversation I had with Liberty C at Jesse Macias Orejuela +Zions Portal.

The day I moved, escorted by Leander and his friend Noah.
L.N.= Z. 26.
and Liberty and Jeron. L.J.
=22 V.

No, I have been here present posting day & Night, since Dec-Jan 2011-2012.
10 years.

Posting with Echo Confirmations from this world.

Only to see Jae Sherman waltz in here with its in-your-face defiance, “you have no power” you can not be Violent with me, or you will mess up the entire thesis of the E.Family Script moving from Numbers to Letters. Naturalness to Light.

What is Truth, and having it without Justice?
Without Power?
Without Force?

The Lie will mock you, taunt you and plot your doom, in secret and its Avatar once and Avatar Descendant, A.D/ D.A ( 41) will see that Tuth has no Power, despite having attained its point, and move to become only an Avatar, and Finally an Avatar of the destruction of Everything, even set you up to Kill yourself, to murder you, and smile.

No, I am here, and the people chose to leave me here, in this play. That code appearing over and over, again and again now of 56. In the last week and so many times today, even as I write this post.

You have all witnessed the Truth I had to prove and embody, and how it left me here to rot with the rat race, no rest, no relaxation, body twisted in true pain of the body to demand and force more poting, proving on me.

What of all the people, who trusted the Truth and were left to die in unmarked graves, mostly forgotten, their struggle, their beauty, their faith, and trust.

And so the people chose and trust that which they can rely on, that which they see, and experience every day, people getting away with Murder, and getting all they want.

I am here Arinze Umeano and like Liberty C you both have 41 mutual Facebook friends.
41 41 1. 82. 83.

But what do you really care about the Truth?
Words posted on a Facebook Page, and a challenge to the Truth, for the truth is right here, you challenged it, me, GOD, The Messenger.
And then was corrected by my response to your words and your friends.

What is truth then without Power, Force, Response?

4:43 pm.

Nothing, except whatever any Tom Dick and Harry- Harriet can say it is.
And even with a Body of Truth, posting it day and day out, who is the truth.

See the Response.

4:45 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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