
8:42 p.m. – 8:43 pm – I noted it

8:42 p.m.

8:43 pm

I noted it, when I went out, not only once again, an even more increase in my body’s ease, release, but not with any excitement after all these “snap back-elastic responses.

But it was the first time and as I observed how I had 43 USD in my wallet.
3 +40= 43.
Note, 3 +40
Creation came before “Africa and Pangea.

C- Do.

8:46 pm

Sacred Portal 46. “First Drop” with Lucifer, the elder twin.
Front Door.

But I bought what was required from the Pegasus Gas, Fuel Station, my thoughts -reflections could not help to go back to this all being a play, literally of the lessons of Life via Light.
That all this. all this. even the microscopic study of Evil- The Nothing.

The things I was made to say and post… to get my Sister Line Home, not my Sister Self, but retrive from the Empriness- Vide, and bring into Existence, from the 5th dimension by passing through 0 and Zero, then via a play of your concept of time, meet her line at my 64th move, recognize her via her children, as the story of matter flesh, as being of the 5th, E, and the 3 of the E.K.

It is such a thought,
The K as was represented for the first time, an added continuation of the truth of Out Of Africa with Meryl Streep, to Out of Africa, Story and then out of the Void, Vide Emptiness- Black Hole and back to the 5th, which I already knew S.H.E had never even left.

I thought reflected on the years of my life, wasted, and the last 10 years.

I steeled myself and walked back to the house, staring as I had done when I came down, of the word “Misery” written on the incline of the stairs.

My teeth started hurting because my body was releasing, I have not seen a dentist, since 1989.
I had noted how my body’s condition by constantly typing, and how I sit and hold my arms.

9:00 pm.

Because of it being tired.
I noticed it in my stride, my knees, not be able able to feel the connections, knees up, buttocks, hips.. armpits- my posture.

All this, 29-26 years, was theater, Noni Promise- The Weaver of Life Lessons- Words.
Laura Walsh

She had recruited me as her Example to demonstrate and my Mother as Jessica Smith J.S, in Dune, Elaine Bethany, E.B “Knight in Shining Armor of Amour.

And I had been made to Travel all the way down to Ethel Barry…

How does one’s heart bear the intimate private truth of what you personally know is a fact?
Harmony Little Sister, studying with fascination Evil, what is Evil until allowing it to go so far that Evil became an Embodied Fact.

At one Evil was done to you, me.

I who drew Sacred Portal 56.
Energy Fact. Light. Nothing and Something.
All one has to do is see beyond sight.

Bliss out,
Enter the Zone and everything appears.

How were They the family of 10 rising from never having existed except the Two as Mother Father? Feminine Masculine, able to allow Harmony to go this far while seeing observing what it was doing to Truth?
Leaving me without Justice so, so long?

It boggled the mind but has long since ceased to hurt my heart.
I had learned to read their play by myself as a man, a “Human-Hue-man”

I had Fought, I had experienced, I had read, so much that even on space as nothing, the alley, the John Thomas had responded with John Taylor and Evidence AY and still the play had continued, J.T= 30.

And now Stephen Johnson is at 31 Facebook friends.

I do not explain anymore, but what I have understood and understand moves through me in a Flash and the Blink ( B-Link) of an eye.

9:17 pm.

And then they ask me where is the source of evil, selfishness to the extreme. beyond…its world story definition, undefinable, and made me define it by going to a place of its completion.

9:19 pm.


I am now at 4127 Facebook Friends.
41 27.
D.A. A-A.

Delta Sacred Portal 127 “Thor Arden, Thor-Thoth, Skiing down the gradient from the Snow Capped peak of the highest point and from his Third Eye, First I… Eye is spreading the Royal Universal Epiphanies.
R. U.E.

Russia Ukraine Europe.

To All Epiphanies.
Collected in the One and sent back out to All.
27 is not B.G.
It is A-A.
Sacred Portal 31 is A-Z +5.E.
Z.E. U.S. A.

9:27 pm

Here are the names of my 3 latest Facebook Friends

Mary Lucas M.L.

Tanisha Kay. T.K. O.

Niki Amber. N.A.

M.L. T.K. O. N.A.

M.T. “O” N.A.


9:35 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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