
3:11 a.m. – C.K. – C A-A. – Ar 441

3:11 a.m.

C A-A.

Ar 4414 Facebook Friends.

Delta – D.A.D.

Death And Destruction.

Yes, and D-D.N, I understand.

Allison Allison A.A.

Addison Addison A.A.

Tracey Perez T.P.

The Message.

A-A. A.A.T.P.


A. A. P;

2:17 a.m.


Awat too long winded play, created by the Ancestor meddling either by acting as Parents, or because they simply could not accept the truth that they were wrong, about the correct direction, and of influencing there descendants from the 4th Dimension on the 3rd, only to discover that both dimensions are not real, nor were any of the perspectives not matter how close some cane such as Stephen Johnson, it was always backward, 3301 for exanmple is really 10 33.= 43…

And the result was my having to prove it, because they were ser in their ways, that they were of good intentions, even if they used Power and Control.

PAC.. P.C… Mind and Body Being, lost control when it is C.P.

Who thry Cap fits, let them where it,

and Black Panther.
In the DC, Marvel Comics, The Black Panther defeats Xaptain America,

I came to Connecticut after the fim Black Panther came out, I was in the Delta Nanor Shelter and a few weeks later, 27 months later, E.M.F, insisted I come here to Connecticut, my shadow formed as a A Black Panther truck, when I was standing front of Oanera restaraunt, while staying at 114 Grant Moore Motel.

My intention on landing here never wavered, despite doing all I could to be released and set free.

3:33 a.m.

And the Ancestors, Arrogance conceit and self entitlent to use abuse and steer their descendants, even leading then to a black hole…

3:35 am/

C. C.E.

336 a.m.

C.C,F. was even worse than thier descendants.

3:37 am


That they could use me, use me as a portal for their and your dead, and expect me to take, because I came as a man, to celebrate the awakening and they used me instead to steer you the rigt way after spiriting me away, and to the incoorect script.

And that out of some Human sense of duty, I would be placated and forgive their deception for the common good.

3:41 pm

That is how stupid they are, instead of just cmming clean.


3:42 a.m.

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