
6:01 a.m. – 61. F.A 4th Note Fa

6:01 a.m.

61. F.A 4th Note Fa!


Fact Arden Gemino.

Liberty C messaged me about her Garden in Virginia, ‘She had one in Connecticut, which All her Kids worked on, including Arden and I.
G=7. ARDEN-Gemino.
Emeka Kolo
Liberty C

I.. We are now at 4674 Facebook Friends, in this Demented Script created To End The Story of this World.

At times, I can wrap my head around this, that it was constructed designed, and turned out this way so far from the Original Plan, I could weep, but instead, I have hardened to Diamon Cut Clarity. E.I

At this Joke for the Play of Total Knock Out Extinction.

KAlisat Usman. K.U.

KA.Lis At means *”The name Kalista is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Most Beautiful One.”

Most Beautiful One. M.B.O.

U.S.MAN means *”The name Usman typically means “The Chosen One” . In Arabic it is also sometimes used to.

The Chosen One.

Usman. *”Understood to be the Urdu variation of the Arabic name Uthman, Usman means a ‘baby bustard’, which is a breed of bird, or alternatively, it can mean ‘the chosen one amongst a tribe of noble and brave people’.”

Baby Bustard – A Breed of Bird.

The Chosen One, amongst a Tribe of Noble and Brave People?

6:18 pm

F A.H.
F A.I. R. I.E.

46 74
S.P 46 ( 10, 24= 34 C.D)
74= 11 28- 39. C.I.

6:23 p.m Edit.

6:24 p.m

6th Sense to Fact, E.M.F.

66-1 A

6:25 pm



And Oh, I Built and worked in a Garden in Pille Sur Vergre near Le Mann in France with Christian in 1996.

Edit 6:45 pm
Now I am done.

So much detail and linking to origins, I want to say “Fuck You! You have gone too, too far”

But it the awakening and I am still limbs bound and Impulsed Stimulated by Electric Shock Therapy ( The Rape- Rap is Y)

To further Link and connect the Garden, The first time I worked on a Garden and Farm was with my Grandmother, when I was still in High School, the Harvest was Corn, Maize.
Thus this links and connects to my time with Fritz Venneiq in Pelham Bay Park in July 2010 and then my going into the outlying Forest where I wrote about the presence of my Grandmother in August after Fritz had gone home to see his Grandmother in Jamaica, Port Royal.

It was in that extension in August all alone, I stayed and slept, where I saw two Coyotes, a Horse, Badger who kept watching and following me.

Liberty C told me Ferril was given the Anima code in Wilderness School of the Badger, but I said no, it was the Lion Tamer.

He, like my sister, is they are both First-born children as my sister is a Leo and Ferrill is a Leo-Virgo cusp.
My Bio Father was a Virgo.

7:43 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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