
7;31 p.m – See Azure L.F L = 31

7;31 p.m

See Azure L.F L = 31.

See Stephen Johnson 31 Mutual Facebook Friends

See A-Z
1-26 + 5.

See Sacred Portal 31.

Egyptian and Pale Viking

I just came back from 144 In-Town Supermarket.
That I even had to go there made it clear that I was…and Evolution Awakening was still being challenged and contesred.
And I knew why.

I had 40 ISD
Sacred Portal 40.

Liberty C has 40 Mutual Facebook Friends

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 49. D I. NN A M D I.

I spent 39.76 U S D

39. C I. 74 11 28 ..39.


Sacred Portal 76.

Erik Eclass Mateo 76.
Liberty Liscomb…. 76.

See Sacred Portal 76.

First 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening.

76. G F. Gods Father Guide


42. Add =6.

×= 8.

M =13 +42.

=10. 24.

Stephen Popiotek S P.
Symmetry =Perfect. 111.

I left 4976 Facebook Book Friends yesterday

Minus Two today.

49. 74.

See Sacred Portal

I spoke to Kim before I went out. Angry and Indignant & Indifferent

I spoke about Osiris and She Sheknow Crow who had drawn him in Green and Blue

I had already written this, spoke about it, told him,
Freemann Osiris Kimmwarsah
Isis Osiris I.O

And yet here, I was reminding him, again just as I went through with Liberty but even worse.

Just pay attention and do your own homework

Osiris was the God of the Underworld

My post of my photograph of a brown and red Dishrag and face towel with to eyes.
Brown Red Read Earth.

Earth is Awakened.
Both a 3rd..First Eye as I.

O.S I.R. I.S.

Anubis Maat.

39 76.
67 93.

36 O. 79.

See Sacred Portal.

I told Kim, that the court of the 42 Judges in the Egyptian Story of The Black.
Was in deliberations in a Court Case Trial with A Jury, deciding his fate and Truth by holding against any words he had said in his life time, against his family, Mother Father, ex wife Daughter, me…
And theough out his life which was a lie or not Pure Transparent Supremacy especially after he was sent me, to train him at the cost of all no longer being eligible for Eternal Life for the outrage done to me and Nnamdis Truth.Azure.

9;00 pm

I had gone out of my way after now 17 almost….18 months left Arden Gemino- to endure this Endurance Eze of abuse of all the laws of the End Ganme, Nature Everything
E T.
5 20.

Evidence AY

I have not heard from neither my Bio Brother or Sister, nor do I care what happens to their bodies in this story…I have their Spirit’s and Souls…Personaliries and Eternal Truth rescued, as well as his children and have been publicly posting on Facebook and given surrogates to replace them.

I do not give a damned that they are being sent out of Existence
They should and they deserve it at this point holding on to a filthy sense of Pride and Self worth so astonishing that they belive that I should come to them or call them.

Garbage Rubbish


Send that lie of them I have coded to hell of incineration Anhilation with all the other trash who resisted the Beautiful Truth.

Only my mother’s frequency kept me here as Creation.

But I am C.R E.AT I.O.N. E.

And even a she as as a Cabon Copy, a Channel Coco, Copycat C C went way too far.

I cut the connection to Blood to Family and to all up to Infinity

For this play?

Holding my body in this filthy pestilence Disease world play after all I have done to get your attention?

Begone, I will never see any of you or those replicas ever again, I have the Original Blue Print
Arden Aurelia Azure.
Jerome Jay John. Jon
Are all present here.

So toss the trash out.

9:18 p.m.

18% Battery
Earth Universal Simulation 3

9;19 pm


9:20 pm

Later late.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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