
950 p.m. – This post is for my

950 p.m. – This post is for my

950 p.m.

This post is for my Grandmother, Lucy Ojugo.

And Red, 305 Peugeot car in the late eighties

And her Perfect Serenity in her truth.

The True Red Chocolate Symhony Bar.

We really do require Serenity as Stephen Johnson commented,and I require Tranquility

It is also for the line of Keith.
K.E.I. T.H. E ART H.
W O.O.D.S. F.O.R.ED T.

And K.E.V I.N.

Arden & Jeron Aurelia too.

I often used to recount the tale my Aunt Azuka Julie her 8th Child told me of my Grandmothers childhood.

How one day as a young maiden she went walking in the forest or woods with a close group of friends.
They walked much further than they had intended and came to what seemed as a frontier. Or border.

They heard singing
And a song accompanied by voices, stamping of feet. Capping of hands.
A joyous sound.

But they could not see a anyone
Any body.

Just the sound..they could hear everything.
Entrallled and frightened they listened to the Beautiful catchy rhythmic song.
Then ran back to the village to tell the Elders of the Town.
Cha Town .C.T.

Sacred Portal 20.
Lady Echo
True Clarity
The Sacred Portal Liberty C chose as her phone Screen Saver.

Anyway. The Elders summoned a Council, and decided to investigate.
They asked the young maidens to show where they heard the soinds.
Which they did.

That is when the Elders had exclaimed that they had found the Edge of this world
The Physical Msterial realm and that was the Spirit realm.

With that the Elder told the girls that they could play there

The young maidens did. Seizing the opportunity to learn the words and dance steps and sounds.

Soon it became a national sensation after my Grandmother and her age group presented it as their new dance at the Egu Onwa.
“Dance of the Full Moon.
Full Circle.

Chukwunnaemeka Ezeufonna

Meaning “The creators father’s way of Praise, was never Lost.”

Ezeufonna and many older Facebook Friends will recall that play with him and his travelling to the Village from the Netherlands for the Egwu Onwa in his ancestral Home Town in Nigrria.

And Albert Santana testifying that he saw me from his minds eye. In a vision of my taking a stick.while I was actually in Pelham Bay Park in the Wilderness
Where I met Raccoons.two racing prancing coyotes and a Horse.

Orien Laplante will recal.
He grew up as a boy around the Bronx on the fringes which would later become Peham bay Park.
Waring me about Elves and Fairies as real spirit creatures…

Do you know in London in my eaerly twenties I reguarily used to preform in the thrn famous Cafe de Paris Night Spot, Shadow Dancing, which had becone the rage.

And Mime…even to a show I put on in the village I was staying near Le Mann.

Christian. Gerald Pierro.

Mime is also called “Piero” in Franxe.

Frontier wss the name of the Internet Provider. Jae Sherman uses to use.

Cardarius Sherman C.S.

This is about C.C
3 3
Carbon Copies
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
9 Planets.
9 Months.

Corn Maize
Jae Sherman left behind.

To Imitate
To Emulate

I only have one condition if you copy.
Rehearse and rehearse.
Until you present it.
To make sure you got it right and improve on it by adding something to it of your own.

According to the legend and story, they dance became known as “Egu Torch ”
It became famous in Southern Nigria.
But soon another headline began to appear
The girls as the Original dancers who heard its Source

The Chorus
The Choir
Began dying.one by one. mysteriously
Two of the Original Singers and Dancers survived
One went Insane and the other was my Grandmother.
Ojugo O.
Lucy L

O.W. L.

Liberty Liscomb
Lisa Levine

Motion Mot in Action
Creation Creates. Expression-Energy
Awakening Aware.

Done in Purity
And just right

Woods are the Z L.A.B.
Labyrinth Maze.

Children of the C.O- R.N.

M A I Z E.

/ E.Z. I.A.M

10:56 p.m.


My body was going crazy.I even began to Dance.


The Eternal Dancer Book 3.written to completion at the Cafe Beauborg.

3 months later from Sept to December
I was summoned via suddenly being drained of Everyday Energy. To Death as the Light Fantastic Love

Feelings Sensational Fact.See.

11:02 pm

K.O B.
A-A F.B. 62
Face Book.

Wow, I did it..
Wrote this post…

I am too exhausted knackered

But its done.

11:04 pm

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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